Portal Feeder Bonus
Posted 2nd April 2009 at 12:44 PM by Rosie Cottis
Tags bonus, plr, portal feeder, portal feeder bonus, portalfeeder
Portal Feeder is due to reopen very soon ...
I have thought long and hard about what to offer, and since buyers are writing to me all the time about how much they appreciate my PLR articles (and how much money they are making with them), it had to be PLR!
So here is my Portal Feeder bonus offer:
You get any 10 items from my PLR articles site absolutely free.
You can pick from:
- Packs of 10 top quality PLR articles on a huge range of subjects including dog training, dating, weddings, gardening, stress, golf, acne and many more (numbers are limited so any of these could sell out at any time - visit to see what's available right now)
- Newsletter packs of 52 articles that you can send to your list or use as blog posts - subjects include weight loss, fitness, gardening, dating, credit repair, debt management and many more
- Ebooks on seduction, diet, stress, quitting smoking, making money online
The cost of these would be between $100 and $150 depending which 10 you pick.
Note: this is the actual cost - not some dreamed up “value” that you will see in many other bonuses. People are really coming to my site and paying these prices for these packs and ebooks every day.
You can see everything that’s available here: Flamillion PLR
Then join Portal Feeder here: Join Portal Feeder
If it’s not open when you visit, get on the notification list and you will have a chance to join next time around.
The bonus is available after the refund period is past and only for those who sign up through my link. They track by email so use a new one if you want to be sure.
Send me a PM through the Portal Feeder forum to claim your bonus. My username is Rosie.
See you inside!
I have thought long and hard about what to offer, and since buyers are writing to me all the time about how much they appreciate my PLR articles (and how much money they are making with them), it had to be PLR!
So here is my Portal Feeder bonus offer:
You get any 10 items from my PLR articles site absolutely free.
You can pick from:
- Packs of 10 top quality PLR articles on a huge range of subjects including dog training, dating, weddings, gardening, stress, golf, acne and many more (numbers are limited so any of these could sell out at any time - visit to see what's available right now)
- Newsletter packs of 52 articles that you can send to your list or use as blog posts - subjects include weight loss, fitness, gardening, dating, credit repair, debt management and many more
- Ebooks on seduction, diet, stress, quitting smoking, making money online
The cost of these would be between $100 and $150 depending which 10 you pick.
Note: this is the actual cost - not some dreamed up “value” that you will see in many other bonuses. People are really coming to my site and paying these prices for these packs and ebooks every day.
You can see everything that’s available here: Flamillion PLR
Then join Portal Feeder here: Join Portal Feeder
If it’s not open when you visit, get on the notification list and you will have a chance to join next time around.
The bonus is available after the refund period is past and only for those who sign up through my link. They track by email so use a new one if you want to be sure.
Send me a PM through the Portal Feeder forum to claim your bonus. My username is Rosie.
See you inside!
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