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Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun can help you double your sales and income in just 30 days, using nothing but his email copywriting tips.
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Why daily emails sell more...

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Posted 17th February 2014 at 12:39 PM by shawnlebrun

I've actually been using daily emails for several years now.

From almost the beginning, it's helped my sales double. In some markets, it has tripled sales for me.

Some marketers wouldn't even THINK about using daily email.

But why do I swear by them? Why do daily emails work when it comes to increasing sales?

Well, think about your list.

Who are the best customers? Who are the best people to sell to?

Bingo... those people who have ALREADY bought.

You'll never find a better customer than one who has already bought from you.

You've earned a certain level of trust from that person.

They know you, like you, and trust you because they've already bought from you.

And considering the process went well and they got value from their purchase... they're much more likely to buy from you again.

For example, let's say you sell golfing info products.

Someone buys a book from you that shows them how to hit 375 yard drives.

They read it, follow the advice, and then go out and start crushing 375 yard drives to the edge of the green... when before they were barely breaking 300 yards.

You just added 75 yards to their drives, the very first time they tried your advice.

Think that customer will come back to buy from you again?

Yep, me too.

That's why daily emails can work so well, if you use them right.

You can't send out a bunch of sales pitches every day, without having some valuable content.

But, if you keep giving your list valuable information or content... if your products continue to keep doing what they say they will... they'll buy from you again and again.

So remember, the people who are most likely to buy from you, already have.

That's why you want to contact them... and do it right... because if you help them out... they're so much more likely to buy from you, again and again.

I'm running a special promo on emails, but only for Warrior forum members... check it out here...

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