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Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun can help you double your sales and income in just 30 days, using nothing but his email copywriting tips.
Email copywriter tips Tips and tactics from email copywriter Shawn Lebrun
Rating: 3 votes, 4.33 average.

Get the money, man!

Posted 18th February 2014 at 10:02 PM by shawnlebrun (Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun reveals his top email copywriting tips to double your income)

I critique a lot of emails from both clients as well as students I coach.

One of the biggest mistakes I see them both make... is not asking for the damn sale!

Don't be pamby mamby and tip toe around the sale... tell them to order now... and then drop the link in front of them.

Look, people need direction... they need to be led.

And the worse thing you can do is get them hot and bothered... and drop the ball at the end of the email and not...
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Rating: 4 votes, 4.00 average.

Why daily emails sell more...

Posted 17th February 2014 at 12:39 PM by shawnlebrun (Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun reveals his top email copywriting tips to double your income)

I've actually been using daily emails for several years now.

From almost the beginning, it's helped my sales double. In some markets, it has tripled sales for me.

Some marketers wouldn't even THINK about using daily email.

But why do I swear by them? Why do daily emails work when it comes to increasing sales?

Well, think about your list.

Who are the best customers? Who are the best people to sell to?

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Rating: 4 votes, 4.00 average.

Why email is more important than your sales letter

Posted 14th February 2014 at 10:29 AM by shawnlebrun (Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun reveals his top email copywriting tips to double your income)

So, people buy from those they know, like, and trust, right?


And it's a fact that around 98% of the people who visit your sales letter will leave without buying, right?


Well, over the last few years of writing copy and email for my clients and myself... I'm starting to realize that good email copy is SO much more important than a sales letter.

Look, if people buy from those they know, like, and trust... what has a better...
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Rating: 3 votes, 4.33 average.

If your emails bore... your prospects will snore...

Posted 6th February 2014 at 10:28 AM by shawnlebrun (Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun reveals his top email copywriting tips to double your income)

WAY too many marketers put all of their focus on their sales page.

Emails? An afterthought.

Sure... a kick ass sales page is important... or else you'll never get someone on your email list anyways.

But the truth is, 98% or so of all people who visit your sales page will not buy.

Just the way it is, bucko.

BUT.... if you get them on your email list and can stay in touch with them... that's where the REAL magic happens....
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Can email change your customers lives? You'd be surprised...

Posted 1st February 2014 at 12:12 PM by shawnlebrun (Email copywriter Shawn Lebrun reveals his top email copywriting tips to double your income)

I remember last year, I got a call from a marketer friend who had been trying to get into the copywriting field... but he was having a tough go at it.

He told me how he had been feeling down and out... and wasn't sure if he was gonna make it in the copy biz.

I could just tell in his voice that he was down
and depressed.

He was going on about how his bills were piling up, how his wife was on his case about making money, he said he wasn't sure if...
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