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The Power of a Press Release

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Posted 21st April 2011 at 02:34 PM by ShayB

I have dealt with both the local and national media with press releases, interviews, and news stories.

You can never truly understand the power of a well-written press release and how it can impact your business until you have experienced the results of having your story picked up by the media.

Advertising can get results. There is no question about that.

But publicity? From a trusted news source? That is worth far more than any paid advertising you can do.

People view advertising with a jaded eye. They are always going to have some level of skepticism when they see advertising.

This doesn't mean that they won't buy from you. It just means that you have some kind of initial resistance that you have to overcome in order to make the sale.

A news story is a completely different animal. People willingly watch the news every single night, read newspapers every single morning, and visit the news websites during the day to find out what is happening in their world.

It's a captive audience, and they are watching and reading so that they can learn about different events and resources.

So when your story is featured on a trusted media venue - people welcome that information.

It's like having someone introduce you as a referral. The trusted source (the media rep, reporter, etc.) is introducing you to his or her audience as someone they should know, like, and trust.

A good press release is not an expense. It's an investment.

Press releases are an important part of any advertising and or publicity campaign for any business (or individual).

Need help with a press release? Visit my website in my profile.
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