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Challenges Facing Southern Home Business Moms

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Posted 28th December 2008 at 11:04 AM by ShayB

The national trend is that moms are looking to make the move to work from home.

There are numerous reasons why this is so:
  • Skyrocketing child care costs
  • Gas costs
  • Other vehicle expenses
  • Clothing (you can spend a fortune in pantyhose!)
  • Desire to have more time with family
  • Being able to work when kids are sick
There are other reasons, but those are the main ones.

But there are some special challenges that face some Southern moms who want to make the change to work from home.

Weather - many Southern Moms (myself included) live in areas where hurricanes and tropical storms are a way of life. Your home (and income) can be destroyed if you do not plan ahead.

Culture - many, many women in the South are taught to work for a company and not to work for yourself - or work at all. (The idea of a woman working to support the family can be distasteful to some men.) Some preachers even say that a woman working to support the family is un - Biblical.

Time - if a mom is trying to raise kids, time can be an issue.

Money - moms may not have the money to start a business.

All of these issues can be overcome, of course - it just takes time, support and effort.

Southern Home Business Moms is a group of over 400 Southern women that work together to help each other overcome the obstacles that are faced by other women.

Join us today.
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    Posted 28th December 2008 at 09:15 PM by ryan2008 ryan2008 is offline

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