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Why Your Image SEO Strategy Is Obsolete

Posted 16th September 2011 at 05:21 PM by mhastings

Search Engine Optimization For Images Is Now Vital

Image SEO (search engine optimization), or ISO (image search optimization), is the process of
organizing the images on a website to reflect the specific keywords which the content of the site is targeting. Considered a subset of SEO, the goal is higher organic
search engine rank positions (SERPs) for your website's listing, which increases traffic.

“If I knew then what I know now…”
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[WARRIOR GUIDE] 3 Crucial Steps to Begin "Successful" Facebook Marketing

Posted 17th January 2011 at 06:47 AM by contactscape

Hey Everyone,

Every now and then, a newcomer to Online Marketing needs a solid "one-stop" place to start. That can be Article Marketing, Social Media Marketing, among many others. But rarely ever is there a way for a newbie (or even an experienced marketer at times) to step into a new market using a new method or technology, without having to search and rummage through a tonne of free resources scattered all over the web, or pay for a "course" – slight hint of...
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Facebook Is Gonna Get Ya!

Posted 13th December 2010 at 08:23 AM by whoismarktaylor

The Facebook Slap, it's only a matter of time...

The Facebook Slap - Is it on it's way?

I'm going out on a limb here, but I can imagine that many Facebook users ( thats 500 Million+) are probably getting 'friend' requests from internet marketers like you and I.

In the rush to add friends it's oh so easy to accept the request and continue on your Facebook marketing...
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My New Facebook Page – Internet Marketing Page

Posted 18th October 2010 at 07:29 PM by addykho

My New Internet Marketing Facebook Page

I always wanted to set up my very own facebook page but I seemed to be ‘busy’ all the time.

Somehow I managed to get a freelancer from Philippine to help setting one up for me: Addy Kho Internet Marketing Page | Facebook

You know I am not IT saviour nor am I a graphic designer. I therefore have to engage...
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Custom Facebook ‘Reveal Banners’ - Next Best Pull Since the Old Spice Guy?

Posted 15th October 2010 at 12:55 PM by rcalabro

We all need creative ways to add new fans to our Facebook page. So unless we have the ‘Old Spice Guy’, we need to come up with other ideas.

Ok, we don’t have ‘The Old Spice Guy’ so let’s look at an alternative.

Enter the Facebook Page ‘Reveal Banner.’

Custom ‘Reveal’ banners are used on Facebook as an effective way to build your fan base faster and qualify for your...
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