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Who'd you get into bed with?

Posted 19th December 2016 at 11:12 AM by Jouvan Johnson

You a one night stander or a long term'er?

I aint judging...

I was pondering why they describe a business partnership
as getting into bed with someone

I think it's 'coz when you perform "adult wrestling" with a someone
it cannot be undone and depending on the terms of the "deal" you
may be stuck with that someone for some time

A business deal is a lot like a relationship and vice versa
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Is this dude a complete failure?

Posted 5th December 2016 at 12:08 PM by Jouvan Johnson

If you failed at your job over 9000 times what would happen?

You would get the boot and kicked to the curb real quick...

No body wants a chronic failure like that on the team. They
would drag everyone down into their pit of dismal no hope

well that's what you would think right?

I thought the same thing at one point until I read this quote...

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost...
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One Of The Best Ways To Build Your Business Is Using Niche Based Magazines

Posted 16th December 2013 at 09:18 PM by Neromancer

So here you are working your butt off trying everything, doing handstands, placing ads, doing social media until you turn blue in the face. You know things could change but you are not exactly sure how - so you continue to sweat it out and hope it will be alright.

I know because i was like you. I was there. Trying everything to promote my business but I just kept missing the mark no matter how hard I tried.

Failure after failure. All the while others around me seemed...
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Staying Active & Taking Action In Your Business!

Posted 12th May 2013 at 08:49 PM by themichaelcook

Hey there Michael Cook back again, Today’s Blog post is not going to be a very long one but it is the most important thing I have ever applied in my business and the main one that made me from going to struggling Internet Marketer to a full time Internet Marketer.

I want to set the tone right now before i get asked… NO I am not a Millionaire, No I do not have Any Special Skills, I don’t even make Six Figures Online, YET!!! I will though, you can bank on that. But I do make my...
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