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Life Changing video, The Next Ten min could…

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Posted 9th June 2010 at 08:26 AM by Tim Franklin

I am about to introduce you to a video, that could change your life…

but probably will not, unless you really read what comes next...

I just Watched one of the most amazing video presentations I have seen in more than a year, it asks question about human behavior that as I watched it I realized that this is the missing link in internet marketing.

This is what the Gurus fail to include in every single product they produce.

If they knew about this video, they would never again sell the same product ever again, because they would realize what they have missed in their attempts to make money.

the Gurus will never be the same.

Just the same way that, if you take the few minuets to watch this video, you will never look at what you are doing right now the same way.

Creative potential, it just one of the topics covered in this video.

This is Video, explains some really impressive concepts, that frankly you may have to go find a dictionary, to fully understand what they are saying and that in turn reveals some of the most interesting and motivational information you have ever seen, as an internet marketer, yet, some may not even see what is right in front of them, in this presentation.

The ability of people to perform based not on the reward but on the need to participate in something beyond their own life experience.

In fact someone on this forum will watch this video and they will create a product that will meet goals they have set for them selves for years…

After you watch the video…

Take a few min, about 5 to let it sink into your mind…

Then watch the video a second time…

And take notes….

about what the video speaks to you about, how it effects your life, your understanding of how the world and human behavior works…

Then,.. And only then...

come back and share your notes, your thoughts…

Ok, so here you go,

The video…
YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

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