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Educate then sell

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Posted 6th March 2009 at 09:00 AM by TimCastleman

When you sell you break rapport but when you educate you build it

If you are just trying to sell to your customers you are missing out on a ton of money. At any given time there is:

- Less than 5% of the market that is in buying mode - meaning they are in the market for your product at this time. (buy no matter what)

- Another 5% that are open to the idea of your product (might buy)

- 30% not thinking about it but might be convinced (could buy)

- 30% who don't think they are interested (doubtful to buy)

- 30% who know they aren't interested (no way, no how)

So if you took the typical approach and just tried to sell these guys your product you would most likely reach only about 10% of the market, and truthfully it is less than that.

But if you took a different approach and tried to use education based marketing instead you can go from 10% to 40% plus.

Education Based Marketing: You will attract way more buyers if you are offering to teach them something of value to them than you will ever attract by simply trying to sell them your product or service.

Said another way - educate and interact first, then sale.

One more way to look at it - market first, product second.

So how do you do this.

Well lets talk about offline marketing for a second. The cost to get in front of new clients keeps going up. Not to mention technology is now helping consumers skip commercials, get out of local radio, throw away yellow page books, and from the news it sounds like very few people read the newspaper anymore.

You can use those facts (and they should be provable facts) to your advantage.

If you were selling websites or internet services to local businesses you could put together a special report or booklet to educate the clients.

Don't make it about it - if I got an offer that said "Find out the 10 things we do best" I am going to throw it away.

But if I got an offer for a report that said "The 5 Reasons Businesses Fail" you better believe I am interested and going to get it. I want to know what those 5 things are and more importantly if I am doing any of them.

But the point is this. I didn't walk into your store and ask you to buy something. First I gave you something of value, that you can use in your business, and in doing so I am sure I pointed out a problem and just happen to offer a solution.

But I've established myself as an authority or an expert already, someone who is trying to look out for the little guy and the best part - as an advisory, not a sales person.

You can do the same thing - offline or not - share with your potential clients some common mistakes or pitfalls they need to avoid and then showcase your product as the solution to a few of those. Back it up with facts that lends credibility to you.

How can you use Education Based Marketing in your business?
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  1. New Comment
    ProfitFu's Avatar
    I completely agree. Value and emotion even trumps branding.
    Posted 6th March 2009 at 11:48 AM by ProfitFu ProfitFu is offline
  2. New Comment
    Thanks for the great insight boss!
    Posted 9th March 2009 at 12:52 AM by browncharm browncharm is offline

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