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Response to an offline marketing question

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Posted 13th March 2009 at 07:01 PM by TimCastleman

congrats on the check ....wonder, as I mentioned in our conversation , how you sold the first one with no product to show to the customers. maybe your people dont ask the same question as the ones I have contacted, but I have good fact finding with them, get right to the close, adn they want to see my site ...which is minimal .

so tell us Tim, how did you handle that problem ? or did you have a site up and running ?



First thanks so much for the question. I have never shown a sample of the website I am selling to a potential client. Why - cause they don't care about it.

When I talk with them I talk about the benefits of having a website, autoresponder, etc - not the mechanics of it.

Now what should you do if they want to see an example. Well then show them an example. It doesn't have to be yours. Have a few websites that different things you are selling them.

Have one that shows what an autoresponder is. So if they want to see one live show it to them. Sign up for a free email service and subscribe to their autoresponder and show them in real time.

My point is - it doesn't have to be your website. Find one you like, bookmark it etc and if they want see an example show them.

But if you talk about the benefits and not the mechanics of a site, you'll find your request for examples goes way down.

One more quick tip - take a couple of articles (not written by you) with the you to the meeting. You know ones that show that TV watching is down, newspapers are crashing, email is king, etc. You can show them the facts that aren't coming from you but creditable sources.

Hope that helps.

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  1. New Comment
    Awesome advice bro. And it's so true that expressing the benefits will go way far than trying to educate them on the mechanics of a site, seo, autoresponder, or whatever.
    Posted 13th March 2009 at 09:09 PM by prestige00 prestige00 is offline

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