[Critique request] Please give me your expert and BRUTALLY HONEST opinion.

24 replies
Thanks for all the help - I appreciate it!
#brutally #critique #expert #give #honest #opinion #request
  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    If your site is boring, you are throwing money down the toilet.
    By the time a person gets to this point they're already thinking how boring your story is and will wonder how much money you're flushing.

    So you had some shitty jobs and now you're magically rich... that was a long drawn out story and didn't really relate to anything that came after.

    Next-generation WordPress plugin transforms your dead niche sites...
    This makes more sense as a headline than the generic thing you have currently.

    I think at one point I was about $35,000+ in debt
    You think? Because at the start you told me you actually were. Trust gone.

    Then again, I have to wonder why I would trust someone who goes $35k into debt. That screams "wishful thinking" which is no fun to work with.

    Sure, you could use the story, but the way it is written now doesn't connect the debtness to the "I'm rich now" like you think it does.

    You go from talking about making wrong choices > businesses need attention > grew a beard > Here's my product.

    You say your product brainwashes visitors. So all that explanation about why businesses need to grab attention, and yet you don't explain how your product brainwashes people.

    The points below may sound like a far-fetched dream
    Then they are. And they're obviously just plugged in and have nothing to do with the product directly. You didn't connect them. You spend more time talking about how nice it is to have money than you do about how exactly your product is great, needed, unique, etc.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    I agree with the above. Everything before introducing the product came across like, "I quit my job, was in-debt, didn't know how to make money online... and now for something completely unrelated, here's this product I just released - with zero proof it moves the needle on your conversions."

    If you want to talk about being an entrepreneur, that's fine. If you want to talk about how your new product helped you generate more sales in specific projects (which you didn't... but you should,) that's fine. But you better have proof... or do some sort of beta-test campaign and GET proof.

    I'd just start off about the product itself. Not your story.


    Immediately demonstrate the product - above the fold - and talk about attention stuff.

    What you have right now won't work.


    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057

    Don't focus on the story as much as the benefits. Take your product and list every benefit you can think of first; that is a super, important step. You can't override that or skimp on it.

    Then take the main benefit and see how you can make people curious enough to read about it. That will be your headline.

    However, before you do anything at all, you need to list and think about every benefit your product legitimately has. That will make your copy a lot easier to write, and if you hire someone to write for you, having that list to give to your writer will be very valuable to both of you.

    God Bless!

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks for the great feedback!

    I have reorganized the salesletter and rewrote the headline and subheadline.

    I still need to add more proof elements. While I'm doing that, I have uploaded the updated version (link in first post), in case you want to give further feedback.


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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      George, why should I buy your plugin when I can buy LeadPages proven split tested optin pages,
      hosted by them, fastest loading in the industry...not to mention continually split tested
      and new winners are added, webinar registration pages supplied...?

      Plus...I'm seeing the value of the optin bribe is far more important than the design...
      [example: friend gets 85% optin to cold traffic with ugly form.]

      You've got some very sophisticated products backed by teams
      who are dedicated to squeeze more opt-in's out of every bit of traffic.
      as competition.

      I don't know how you are going to handle that kind of burden.

      Doctor E. Vile
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      • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
        Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Ewen.

        I added a section that addresses this (to the best of my ability) - the one with the red subhead.

        Thanks again!

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        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Originally Posted by George Katsoudas View Post

          Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Ewen.

          I added a section that addresses this (to the best of my ability) - the one with the red subhead.

          Thanks again!

          Don't see how you have.

          Very light, as if you are scrambling to
          come up with anything to make do.

          LeadPages and LeadBoxes have set the benchmark
          for getting optins. I really don't know how you
          are going to beat them.

          Doctor E. Vile
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          • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
            Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

            Don't see how you have.

            Very light, as if you are scrambling to
            come up with anything to make do.

            LeadPages and LeadBoxes have set the benchmark
            for getting optins. I really don't know how you
            are going to beat them.

            Doctor E. Vile
            He's right. You have to do thorough home work first. Explore every benefit, write and rewrite subheads and headline until it's as close to perfect as possible. It should take you at least a week or so to write this copy.

            Then, since it's your product, you'll probably want to spend a lot more time with it, testing and rewriting.

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  • Profile picture of the author justinmahar
    Hey George, nice work on the landing page.

    After I read the headline, I was left wondering... What takes 1 minute? To install it? Set it up? Configure it?

    This benefit is in your product name... but not mentioned anywhere else. Maybe you could emphasize how quick and easy you will be up and running (I'd assume it only takes 1 minute to change a crappy, boring old site that would quickly be ignored and tossed into the gutter into a sexy-ass shiny attention grabbing website that leaves visitors impressed and builds trust.)
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  • Profile picture of the author justinmahar
    Also, your headline (at the time of this post) says "STRANGE WordPress plugin WOWs your visitors - and generates opt-ins and sales like crazy, in just 1 minute..."

    What's strange about it? I'm left wondering what is so strange... (and the word strange, weird, and odd are never mentioned again)

    But I see what you did there. It's an attention grabbing device.

    What about something like:

    "Here's how you can turn your ugly Wordpress site into a sexy, money making machine... and it only takes one minute to set up"

    "Is your WordPress site BUTT UGLY? Here's a way to turn it into a sexy conversion MACHINE in 60 seconds or less."

    Also, typo: ammateur -> amateur

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  • Profile picture of the author maximus242
    I think you lack a compelling headline to make people want to read your ad.

    A headline is like an advertisement for your advertisement. Why should they read your ad in the first place?

    If your ad does not get read, it might as well not exist at all.

    xResponsive Advertising Agency | Direct Marketing | Online Advertising | Create Breakthrough Campaigns for Your Business http://xresponsive.com

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!

    I have reworded the headline, and added a demo of the effect above the fold. Hopefully, this will make the message clearer.

    Ewen: I don't have to beat anyone - there's space for many different solutions. That said, I will work on the ad copy more. Thanks again! :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks Elmo...

    I have modified the salesletter even more. I have also changed the design so it's slightly more "modern" and so it doesn't look as "salesy."

    What do you guys think now?


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  • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
    Quick impression:

    Didn't even realize the headline was a headline. Didn't look at the big green bar until my internal voice asked why on earth you lead in with a video.

    I'm looking purely above the fold, because frankly you've done nothing to catch my interest at this point.

    So in those few precious seconds you have to catch my attention, you've got two videos competing with each other (demo, then the other video). In between that, some mediocre copy that really just reads as BS claims.

    I don't even scroll down to see what the rest of your story is.


    Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Hi, Angie!

    Ok, I have edited the page, based on your feedback.

    Feel free to check again, if you want.


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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Hi George,

    Don't start your letter with a question. You lost me immediately.

    Because you are needing to show immediately what makes your product any different than the tons of others out there here is a little flow you could use.

    Use a strong headline that is completely buyer focused. E.g

    Finally A Software Solution Anyone Can Use

    This Super Simple Software will skyrocket your conversions, engage your audience and do it in seconds flat.
    Create your own _ _ _ and look like a professional in record time, with no learning curve. so, any one can use it.
    Demo Video- Buy Button. Start your letter.

    Edit" Under the demo video show a page created with the plugin then go into the letter. Remember that your product is the solution you want them to go for so hammer on the pain points. using costly designers or outdated software, turnaround times, low conversion rates, all the things people struggle with.

    When I went through the letter I had a hard time doing so.

    Check out some other sites that have similar things for sale plugins etc.. research is always good when writing
    You are going to have to use more than words and do it immediately so use a demo

    One of the best ways to sell is to use a story, a lot of people struggle with technical stuff, so one hammer point would be there is no learning curve. Then, to ensure that is true, you have step by step user videos.

    Just a thought.
    I wish you all the best with it man

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author justinmahar
    George, have a look at these two videos by Eben Pagan.

    ... and take notes.

    Then apply them.

    Doing this will fix 80-90% of your sales letter.

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I have restructured the above-the-fold section, based on the new feedback.

    Since I have received feedback from people who tell me different things, I obviously can't follow all advice at the same time.

    However, you all give me food for thought and I THINK the page looks better now.

    Feel free to take another look.

    Question: Do you think the below-the-fold area "works"? Or do I need to change something specific?


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    • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
      Originally Posted by George Katsoudas View Post

      Since I have received feedback from people who tell me different things, I obviously can't follow all advice at the same time.
      I think you're starting to get it.

      The best way to get this page in shape? Find someone whose opinions you value/trust, and try to work out an arrangement where they help you get it into the best shape.

      All we can do in a place like this is try to shout louder/use better logic than the people who pop in and don't know shit.

      Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

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      • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
        You have some real issues with the pre-headline, headline and subhead. First the font sizes need to be restructured.

        And what I mean is the pre head should be smaller than the headline. Also,subhead font size structurally a smaller size as well.

        You're really not capturing the "big benefit" in the headline that's going to make your prospect want to keep reading to see what else they're going to get. Remember you have about 6 seconds from the time your prospect first hits your page for them to say "Yes" I may want this or to click the page closed and the sale is dead.

        Through out the sales page there needs to be more subheads to break up the flow of paragraphs. You do have some good bold sentences through out so that does break up your copy.


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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks for the feedback, Bill!

    I feel the below-the-fold copy is pretty well "broken up", with subheads that stand out, changing between gray and white backgrounds, and using pictures where appropriate. But I'll keep your comment in mind.

    Regarding the above-the-fold part: I have simplified it by now having only a headline and subheadline, took the most "benefit-laden" parts and put them together as the headline, and then included the rest as a subheadline with smaller font.

    Thanks again!

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi

    Where's the "Big Idea" - the "hook"?

    It's not this lame head - "Simple WordPress plugin attracts more traffic, optins and sales, in a NEW way - even if you're a complete beginner..."

    For starters, who are you talking to? Who is your target audience?

    WHY should internet marketers use your product? Know how many WP Plugins there are? Thousands and thousands. If you Google " Wordpress plugins for internet marketing" you'll get some clues on how to present your offer. Like this one - http://optinskin.com (no affiliation/nothing to do with me)

    You'll see his head is "Add gorgeous opt-in forms and social share boxes to your blog in seconds"

    Scroll down and you get
    "8 Reasons This is the Most Important Plugin Your Blog is Missing"

    More Traffic + Higher Conversions = More $

    and then -
    "How OptinSkin Can Pay for Itself in the Next 15 Minutes"

    Our Plugin was Built to Convert

    George, that whole page of yours is a trainwreck. Get yourself a decent writer. Stick with what you do best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Listen to Angie and Mal.

    This exercise isn't working.

    If you believe in your product... and you think it's better than some of the other WP plugins out there, hire a writer that can hit you a potential home run. At this rate, you're just going from crappy offer to the next - with no end in sight. Mal's right, you've got NO hook. The whole thing needs to be redone.

    Let me put it like this...

    If I posted something here for everyone to critique, I wouldn't be rushing to make changes. You have to sift through everything and see what resonates the most. You have to discern what advice you think will actually convert. But you've been following lots of different advice. And it's not helping your cause of crafting a potential control. Far from it.

    Get off the carousel.


    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author George Katsoudas
    Thanks everyone for the advice - I appreciate it!

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