Having trouble with headlines and the story?

by The Copy Nazi Banned
14 replies
This will help you enormously. Grab it before Vin comes to his senses and takes it down.


... thank you players... thank you ball-boys and thank you Vin Montello.
#headlines #story #trouble
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

    This will help you enormously. Grab it before Vin comes to his senses and takes it down.
    LOL, yeah, maybe he should add a countdown timer!

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  • Profile picture of the author thwoo
    Thanks for sharing!
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    • Profile picture of the author joavjolub
      There are some great tips over there. I read it about a year ago..

      Thanks, I'll be sure to have another look
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Lots of good info here. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    Thanks so much!

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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by elmo033057 View Post

      Thanks so much!

      Hey Mark... does it help? This is one of those posts that I like to go back and read again - bit like a golfer practising his swing. Doesn't work for every gig of course. Suits Clickbank-style stuff best. Or WSOs come to think of it. (and God isn't there some crap there lately? Along with the straight-out scams being promoted here on the banner-ads.)
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      • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
        Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

        Hey Mark... does it help? This is one of those posts that I like to go back and read again - bit like a golfer practising his swing. Doesn't work for every gig of course. Suits Clickbank-style stuff best. Or WSOs come to think of it. (and God isn't there some crap there lately? Along with the straight-out scams being promoted here on the banner-ads.)
        Yes Sir, it is a big help! Thank you! I will also keep in mind your recommendation to use this type of writing on Clickbank and WSO types of products. Believe it or not, when one of you real experienced writers divulge information like that, it is an enormous help.

        Thanks again, my friend!

        God Bless!

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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

        Hey Mark... does it help? This is one of those posts that I like to go back and read again - bit like a golfer practising his swing. Doesn't work for every gig of course. Suits Clickbank-style stuff best. Or WSOs come to think of it. (and God isn't there some crap there lately? Along with the straight-out scams being promoted here on the banner-ads.)
        You're so right....the WSO section has plunged to new depths of low-quality crap.

        I sort of saw it coming, just like so many here had warned.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9682373].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
          Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

          You're so right....the WSO section has plunged to new depths of low-quality crap.

          I sort of saw it coming, just like so many here had warned.
          And to think it's Aussies behind it too. [Facepalm] I just saw a banner add flogging PBNs- Private Blog Networks. The very thing that Google has in its sights. Not a good look is it?
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  • Profile picture of the author OUTFOXED
    Hi Mal,

    Thank you for this post. I've always believed in and tried to emulate the copy greats, such as Carlton by using the "story approach" as best as I can.

    As you already know, writing is a never ending endeavor to be better. Hell, on some occasions I've written between 70-100 different heads for a project I'm involved with! I never get it right the first time. The storytelling aspect is to some people, including myself very difficult to get a good grasp of, let alone mastering!

    The report link you shared, is priceless! Breaks down the proper structure in which the message is to be delivered. I had an "ok" handle on storytelling, but this resource will sharpen my abilities immensely...and for that I thank you again for sharing this!

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Talking of headlines... Vin Montello also has a free ebook on writing headlines - "Headlibs". Opt-in to his list to get it - Marketing... copywriting... and all things related to making your business more profitable.

    Note: I'm not associated/affiliated with Vin. Never met the man. But he puts out some great stuff.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9680905].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OUTFOXED
      Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

      Talking of headlines... Vin Montello also has a free ebook on writing headlines - "Headlibs". Opt-in to his list to get it - Marketing... copywriting... and all things related to making your business more profitable.

      Note: I'm not associated/affiliated with Vin. Never met the man. But he puts out some great stuff.
      Thank you again, Mal! I signed up for Vin's e-letter and DL'D his headlib...wonder if I should also get Angie's "madlib" Lol! I like her, she's smart and funny!
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  • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
    I've got Seven Story Secrets in my binder. This magical binder is how I collect the myriad awesome reports I read over the years that I think contain valuable info.

    PUT IT IN YOUR BINDER. Or bookmark it. Something.

    Also, headlibs - I do what I do with mad libs and make it dirty LOL. But still a very useful tool.

    Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

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  • Profile picture of the author MontelloMarketing
    Aaah... dirty Headlibs. Maybe that's the follow up.
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