A Copywriting Love Story... Mr Right or Mr Right Now?
The road to writing great copy…
I get it.
You want the BEST headline, the BEST sales copy, the BEST conversions so you can grab ALL THE CASH… failure, embarrassment, shame, sitting on your ass weeping into your bowl of cornflakes is not an option… blah, blah
So you sit there, read all the books, slog through big courses, hours of video, hours of audio…
You study all the swipes.
Then you discover another “magical” formula.
Buy. Get. Study some more.
Looking for THE MAGIC FORMULA that delivers it all on a silver platter…
The ULTIMATE conversion piece…
The ONE…. to rule them all.
Your Mr/Ms “Copy” Right.
Great intention.
Unfortunately often the worst possible approach.
Here’s why…
By seeking the formula, Mr./Ms. Right, you’re delaying the most important part of copywriting… the writing.
Want to learn how to write high converting copy fast?
Go for Mr./Ms. Right Now.
Start writing lots of copy NOW no matter how bad you are.
Sure, study good stuff, test good stuff.
But don’t delay the writing.
This is how you get good.
Pick 3-5 headline go-to formulas. Use them all to write a headline for your offer.
Test which works best for the situation.
Same thing with body copy, subheads, offer copy, closing copy etc.
Besides as with many things, as much as some might want you to believe, there is no perfect formula.
There is no one-size fits all.
If there was, don’t you think Google or Amazon would have figured it out and made copywriting an automatic process?
Along the way. Much will stink. Some really badly.
The trick? Keep going.
At worst. None convert.
At best. Some convert. Make some money.
But consider… you get practical experience WRITING copy (ie. the skill not just knowledge).
Skill builds with action.
Knowledge pays.
Skill pays SO MUCH MORE.
Ask any teacher. Look at any seminar, sold at $500-$5000 a customer, maybe a little more. Top consultants sold at 6-figures, 7-figures per client.
Skill over knowledge.
Action over meditation.
Sure, look for Mr. Right, but take Mr. Right Now.
If that’s “slutty”
Be slutty.
If "slutty" makes you cringe, then reframe, re-label to what works for you.
In any case, it will make you MUCH, MUCH more in the long term.
Because it gets you “there” faster than focusing purely on Mr./Ms. Right.
Much love
The Slutty One.
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