Can a Tech Communication Degree and Copywriting mesh?

2 replies
Hey all,

Just curious to see if a degree in technical communication can be relevant at all to copywriting. As far as investment with money, it doesn't matter. All I am looking at is if the subject matter may help.

I haven't dabbled at all in copywriting, but I'm interested in it. From what I've read, you have to know your clients, and the target audience. I am interested in technology, and I have a small inkling towards tech writing.

Can copywriting and technical writing mesh in any way?

Thanks for any responses!
#communication #copywriting #degree #mesh #tech
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by mjsca07 View Post

    Can copywriting and technical writing mesh in any way?
    Not really.

    Technical writing's goal is to inform. Copywriting's goal is to persuade.

    (Yes, part of copywriting is to inform, but it's done using mental imagery and other persuasion devices.)

    If you learn technical writing thinking that you'll be able to persuade, you'll be disappointed.

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  • Profile picture of the author splitTest
    Originally Posted by mjsca07 View Post

    Can copywriting and technical writing mesh in any way?

    Thanks for any responses!
    Hell to the yeah. Just ask Bob Bly. You might even want to shoot him an email directly...
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