by The Copy Nazi Banned
6 replies
#otos #wazoo
  • Profile picture of the author chillheart
    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Step 2

    Step 2


    THERE IS NO STEP 3! (*cackles*)

    Holy pixy sticks. Twelve upsells. F**k me, I'm done.
    Chillin' hard...
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Those were just the downsells. Imagine what would happen if someone hit the add-to-cart button and said "yes, I'll have another." And another. And another.

    What marketers don't realize is when one marketer does stupid sh!t like this, it affects us all.
    It's why strategies like continuity programs are difficult to sell without trust.

    This guy deserves whatever he gets coming to him X 1000.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Saw this all over Facebook... good for Ryan for calling boneheads like this out.

    This is just another case where... if the marketer thought like the market... and put themselves in their prospects/customers shoes... shit like this would never be done.

    I love the guy walking us through the video... he's awesome.

    Like Gary B. says... think like a fish, not the person fishing. Think like your customer/prospect and NOT like a marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
    It was the same couple of offers over and over... I have to wonder if it was actually some kind of glitch. lol

    Imagine that. A glitch that makes him look like the biggest moron in marketing history.
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  • Profile picture of the author joe golfer
    Interesting how these crazy funnels are changing how some affiliates market the product -- this guy now tells his list straight out if upsells are not needed:

    "Upsells and OTO’s in the world of Internet Marketing products have gone bat sh*t crazy. These days it’s like walking into an electrical store to pick up a new HDMI cable and being upsold a 60″ Plasma TV to go with it."

    "In any email that promotes a product or service I now disclose the sales funnel up-front. In many cases I’ve flat out told people ,“don’t pick up the oto’s, you don’t need them". It’s got me a stroppy email or two from vendors but where should my loyalty lie?"

    Are Internet Marketers are doing upsells all wrong? |
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
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