AWESOME Article on Being Unique so You Stand Out and Get Noticed

3 replies
LOVED this article on Kevin's site...

Not only because I'm into the UFC and I've loved watching the
skyrocket to fame that Conor took... this article has nuggets of
gold on how to craft a USP...

Copy Chief - 14 Life Lessons Learned From A Top Performing, Professional Brute

I've gone through this twice, it took me an hour to go through it
the first time, and I still find stuff that's applicable to copy and
#article #awesome #noticed #stand #unique
  • Great Article.

    I don't know Conner personally but he's from the same part of Dublin as me.

    I find him a real inspiration. and always thought it amazing how he hits so many marketing goals. The best marketing adviser/strategy person in the world could not do it better.

    Most fighters these days are boring as hell, talk the same old lines, and even fight the same someone like him is real diamond in the rough.

    here's hoping he kills chad on Saturday night.
    "Peter Brennan is the real deal, In the first 12 hours we did $80k...and over $125k in the first week...if you want to be successful online, outsource your copywriting to Peter"
    Adam Linkenauger

    For 12 ways to sell more stuff to more people today...go
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    That's AWESOME Peter... he's pretty confident he will.

    He bet Dana White $3 million that he would... not sure it that bet
    was taken!

    I loved the part in the article about being able to "back up your claims"

    Well, Conor has done that again and again... which is why he's so polarizing.

    I'm willing to bet he comes through Sat night...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChadHaynes
    I've been a Conor fan since his fight against Brimage. Those bolos! Those angles! That flair!

    It's ludicrous how famous he is. I get home from boxing, have a shower, log onto the Warrior forum to read about copywriting and boom – Conor's in the first thread I open.

    Laughing out loud over here.
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