I am not confident enough in my copy writing skills

19 replies
Hey guys,

I've been in and out of the internet marketing game for about two years now. Spent tons of money on info products and subscription services learning the ins and outs. I've mostly been interested in affiliate and CPA marketing. I understand the concept... Find a converting product.. Drive targeted traffic to high converting email capture page... with the offer at the back end. The problem I keep having is marketing to my list. My copy writing skills are sub-par and I have zero confidence in building a a relationship with my list. I was wondering if you guys have any tips? I am very interested in having someone write an entire or multiple autoresponder email series for me but I dont know who to trust and I don't waste anymore money.... Thanks in advance
#confident #copy #skills #writing
  • Profile picture of the author TheGMa
    Okay, this is not an easy post to answer.

    Before hiring anyone, just sit down and write to your subscribers like you would to your friends over a beer at the kitchen table. Chill. Relax. You're trying to please everybody.

    It's a lot easier to do this if you are marketing to the same audience you'd have that beer with. In other words, if you are a Cable Guy, you don't want to begin by schmoozing with college professors at a salon gathering.

    On the flip side, if you are a college professor who specializes in archeology, you sure as all get out don't want to be sitting around with a motorcycle gang unless you are also into motorcycles and nasty big ones at that . Nasty as in macho drooling Harleys, but that's another story.

    So that may be part of your problem right there, and why your confidence is buried under a ton of Eeyore excuses. Absolutely normal for beginners, but you have to get over yourself.

    And that's pretty much what it all boils down to - worrying too much about what peeps will think of you instead of focusing on what your audience is looking for.

    Apart from that,
    • Use Grammarly for free on Chrome and Firefox;
    • Read your email again as if you've never seen it before.
    • Learn to farm out what you cannot do. Textbroker is a good source for experienced IM marketers, and so is Warriors for Hire right here in the forum.

    You can learn about how much to spend, how, when, and why to hire copy writers, content writers, email writers, and media writers (they are all different) by Googling how to hire a [___].

    A copy writer writes ad copy. A content writer writes blogs and articles. There are also writers who specialize in Advertorials if you're going for big, big ticket items.

    - Annie
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by TheGMa View Post

      Okay, this is not an easy post to answer.

      Before hiring anyone, just sit down and write to your subscribers like you would to your friends over a beer at the kitchen table. Chill. Relax. You're trying to please everybody.

      It's a lot easier to do this if you are marketing to the same audience you'd have that beer with.
      Yep, always thought and have said myself this is a good approach. Maybe not so much for Conventional Copy Writing but definitely Email Copy, Blog Posts, and Articles

      I pretend like my best friend is in the room and start talking out loud and type as I go

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author MValmont
    Have you tried though?

    Just try it and you might be surprised....I wrote my sales letter for my WSO and i've made quite a lot of sales with it (and I am NOT a good copywriter). The price of my pogram is ridiculously low though so that might be why ( I'm selling a 70+ videos lessons for less than $20...)

    But anyways, hire someone or if you want to become really good at it, read books like Influence by Dr Cialdini and join the Faceebook group : The cult of Copy.
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    • Profile picture of the author TrickyDick
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      Have you tried though?

      Just try it and you might be surprised....I wrote my sales letter for my WSO and i've made quite a lot of sales with it (and I am NOT a good copywriter). The price of my pogram is ridiculously low though so that might be why ( I'm selling a 70+ videos lessons for less than $20...)

      But anyways, hire someone or if you want to become really good at it, read books like Influence by Dr Cialdini and join the Faceebook group : The cult of Copy.
      That is 99% of the battle..... putting yourself out there.

      If you look at one of the "Copywriting greats," Bob Serling, guess what his #1 item is to create your copy?

      I'll give you a hint....

      It is NOT a great Copywriter!

      It is a great product!

      If your product is solid and your copy is good, you should have good sales....

      If your product is crappy and your copy is stellar, you'll have great sales.... and tons and tons of refunds.

      I agree with Max.... Influence is a classic book... It is a must read for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author uce
    Hi, if you really do not feel comfortable in writing copy yourself I would either hire a professional to write copy for you (unfortunately that can be quite expensive) or research and buy some white label products which come with ready-made sales letters for you. Christina
    "Giving Away Products For FREE Made Me A Millionaire" Today I'm Revealing How I Do It...www.theperfectoffer.today
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  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Hey OP, you should post your question here instead:


    Writing good enough copy isn't that hard, and a great place to start is by searching that forum, and following other successful copywriters (and I mean those outside of the forum as well).

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Bely
    There are only three types of things - useful, entertaining and useless. You don't want to deal with the third type of things.

    Everything else is your practice and determination that is based on your assurance.

    Show that your are either or both useful and/or entertaining to your audience. And it will work.

    And one more thing - you are likely not get big success from the first time. The secret is in practice. Throughout the practice you will feel your audience and will be able to convert it. No one can deal with your audience better that you can.

    It just takes time to feel your audience to serve it right.

    When you feel it you will not have major hesitations what works or what does not work.

    So, don't hesitate - do, analyze results, do again, improve, test it, etc.

    No info product or newsletter copywriter can go your way instead of you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    Be useful, direct and engage like you would face to face.

    Get a writer in to start and learn from how they do it?
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Keep it simple at first. Just study headlines and call to actions, as these are the two essential copy elements for the majority of IM. Headlines to attract attention and calls to actions to get people to act.

    Often, attention and action can be used at the same time.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      Keep it simple at first. Just study headlines and call to actions, as these are the two essential copy elements for the majority of IM. Headlines to attract attention and calls to actions to get people to act.

      Often, attention and action can be used at the same time.
      Let me explain a bit more...You don't need long copy for many IM situations, but you will be able to use the principals of headlines and call to actions frequently, and again, often they can be combined. A headline can also contain a CTA.

      For example, you post a video to Youtube. Yes, you want to use keywords in the title and description to help with relevancy. However, you also need people to click on that link to the video, ranking isn't enough. Therefore, IMO a good video title and description will also use headline and CTA principles.

      Same thing with email. Using headline concepts in your subject line will help draw attention to your email message and make it stand out from all the other clutter in the inbox. A CTA can help get more people to click on your email. And after they open your email, a good CTA will help get more clicks.

      Same with Twitter...You don't need (actually can't use) long copy. But headline and CTA concepts will get better attention and more clicks.

      Have an email subscription form? Again, you don't need long copy. But you do need a good headline and CTA.

      How about a classified ad where you pay by the word? You just need a good headline and CTA. Same with Google, Bing, and Facebook PPC. You can't use long copy, but again you need a good headline and CTA.

      Designing a banner? Again, you'll use a headline to grab attention and a CTA to get more clicks.

      Not only are headlines and CTAs used most often in marketing and advertising, as compared to other elements of copywriting, they are also probably the easiest to learn and master. They are definitely the easiest to write because they are so short.

      They are also the most important parts of copywriting. Headlines get attention. CTAs get action. This is the most important part IMO.

      So the most important copywriting elements are also the most used and the easiest to learn. It's the old 80/20 principle popping up again. Spend 20% of the time and effort learning headlines and CTAs and get 80% of the benefits of copywriting as a whole.

      Just google things like:
      headline swipefiles
      headline writing tips
      call to action examples
      call to action tips

      Bookmark/favorite the best resources you find. Then refer to them as needed, modifying them to fit your needs at the time.

      ...and you'll get the most benefits of copywriting with the shortest investment of time and effort.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author ydsimple
    Ye just give it a try yourself and you will be amazed with results. As been said already :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Jackman
    thank for your all advices
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  • Profile picture of the author TLScopy
    I'd also suggest reading through the huge body of work from these two guys...


    The Gary Halbert Letter

    Both old school, both GREAT storytellers...

    Both talk a lot about the universal truths that make up great copy...

    With a little thought you can adapt their ideas to your own style, to different forms of media etc...

    "Lumpy Mail" for instance becomes a free plus shipping offer for a physical thing in our modern world...

    "The Boron Letters" from Halbert are a must read...

    But the only real way you will gain any confidence in your own skills is to start writing...

    If you have no money to test ads...

    Start writing posts and see which ones gain attention and create conversation...

    Those skills are the same that will grab a cold traffic click like velcro and keep them reading or listening so that you can get through your copy.

    You will quickly learn "heuristically" (Love that word!) what really brings your readers value and what is just a bunch of letters in the way on a screen...

    Tell stories, be engaging and don't worry about writing prose...

    Talk to people like you just met them at a networking event and they asked what you do....

    The readers will tell you what they like as they vote based on their ATTENTION, the most valuable thing in the world!
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    • Profile picture of the author TheGMa
      Originally Posted by MValmont View Post

      Have you tried though?

      ...But anyways, hire someone or if you want to become really good at it, read books like Influence by Dr Cialdini and join the Faceebook group : The cult of Copy.
      Originally Posted by TLScopy View Post

      I'd also suggest reading through the huge body of work from these two guys...


      The Gary Halbert Letter...
      Hey MVlamont, TLScopy! Looks like we hang out in the same neck of the woods. I've been bonzo over Cialdini for years, and the Gary Halbert Letter/Boron is the last word in copywriting. Love it! I learned about Halbert through Neville Medhora.

      - Annie
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  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy
    Whether you will find a copy writer or you try to write the email series by your hand, you should include the following elements in your autoresponder campaigns:
    1- The Goal of your autoresponder series: What will your subscribers find in your emails in general.
    2- Your Story: It’s always a nice idea to tell your story and why you created the business that you’re in today.
    3- The content you are sharing – this is the content that you’ll be giving with your valuable subscribers, it could be tips, stories, tutorials!
    4- A Call To Action: Adding a call to action to persuade your subscribers to join your business or buy your products.
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  • Profile picture of the author shopifyproton
    this post was inspiring bro
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    My copy writing skills are sub-par
    Either work on that or outsource. A well written follow-up is crucial and can return your investment many times over.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Originally Posted by dextmck View Post

    Hey guys,

    I've been in and out of the internet marketing game for about two years now. Spent tons of money on info products and subscription services learning the ins and outs. I've mostly been interested in affiliate and CPA marketing. I understand the concept... Find a converting product.. Drive targeted traffic to high converting email capture page... with the offer at the back end. The problem I keep having is marketing to my list. My copy writing skills are sub-par and I have zero confidence in building a a relationship with my list. I was wondering if you guys have any tips? I am very interested in having someone write an entire or multiple autoresponder email series for me but I dont know who to trust and I don't waste anymore money.... Thanks in advance
    First, even having a list shows you may know enough already.
    Why are they on your list? How did they get there? Have you asked them what they want, via a survey or by directly asking them?

    I don't think you need too much copywriting but need to revisit THEIR reason for being on your list in the first place. In some ways, you have already built a relationship with your list, you've just neglected to follow up.

    It is sort of like going to a party, meeting someone, exchanging information and then not reconnecting. Just pick up the conversation from the party.

    With a list, it is something like:

    Hi Janet, it's been 2 weeks since you signed up for ______ and I want to check with you to see if the information/product met your needs?

    If you have other questions please ask, and in fact, next week, I'll be sending you a FAQ sheet which other people like you have asked regarding ______.

    My opinion, you should have your auto responder sequence set up BEFORE you even get them on the list, do you?

    Go back to the reasons they are on your list or the reasons a newb would sign up, and via feedback and TWO WAY COMMUNICATION find out what more you can do for them, how you

    can HELP them...

    rather than thinking about how to convert your PEOPLE into dollars.

    Then, copywriting might be of some help.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by dextmck View Post

    Hey guys,

    I've been in and out of the internet marketing game for about two years now. Spent tons of money on info products and subscription services learning the ins and outs. I've mostly been interested in affiliate and CPA marketing. I understand the concept... Find a converting product.. Drive targeted traffic to high converting email capture page... with the offer at the back end. The problem I keep having is marketing to my list. My copy writing skills are sub-par and I have zero confidence in building a a relationship with my list. I was wondering if you guys have any tips? I am very interested in having someone write an entire or multiple autoresponder email series for me but I dont know who to trust and I don't waste anymore money.... Thanks in advance
    Have you considered an exciting career in hotel management?

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