Audio / Video Scripts in Internet Marketing

3 replies
It's definitely a good thing that we aren't forgetting the importance of quality and relevant content for our Internet marketing efforts and goals. However, it seems that we are neglecting a little bit the significance of "talking words" both audio and video scripts. Without engaging scripts your campaign will inevitably end with a shiny animation or impressive video content with no impact or meaning. That's why, you need to find a copywriter with a special set of skills, if you want to make sure that your video or animation reaches the target audience in the right way.

So, how to make sure that your script establishes the productive synergy with animation or video material components?

Which come first, chicken or egg, script or video?

When you watch the state-of-the-art video or animation, you get an impression that you can't tell a difference between text and pictures. Sometimes, the creative harmony of promotional or advertising videos can be quite an impressive sight to witness. Yet, you should be fully aware that the synchronization process video and text can be quite a difficult challenge. So, which one should come first? More importantly, should you make a video based on the text, or write a script by watching a video over and over again? Of course, the most ideal situation would be for an animator or video production manager to work shoulder-to-shoulder with a script writer. Yet, in the brave new world of remote technologies, this isn't a very likely scenario.

So, I have had quite a few situations where following an existing video or animation was a living nightmare. On the other side, I'm pretty much convinced that my script caused pain and trouble to animators on the other side of the world. Yet, this wasn't my choice or decision. A client pays, a client chooses which one comes first. Still, I have to admit that very few clients provided me with an acceptable choice of being able to work on a storyboard, which was open to suggestions and changes. Needless to say, that in previous cases you end up with something that looks and sounds like those ridiculously synchronized Chinese Kung-Fu movies.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but...

A moving picture with a few perfectly suited spoken words is literally priceless. There are so many things you can say about your products or services, with a half minute long video or animation. At the same time, this doesn't mean that you need to have fancy animation or Hollywood production to impress your target audience. I have seen numerous videos created by our respectable Internet marketers, where a guy is talking to a computer camera. No animation or special effects. Just a good old friendly face, a smile and flawless effective text. Does it work? Believe me, every single time.

Can we witness the Renaissance of audio and video marketing scripts? Well, they have always been her with and around us. Yet, recently we tend to neglect and even underestimate them. It is about time to stop and change this unproductive practice, which can hit us back like a boomerang. Embrace scripts again and prepares yourself to embrace the true power of the effective Internet marketing side.
#audio #internet #marketing #scripts #video
  • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
    Completely the opposite of useful.

    Nothing actionable. Filled with cliches and questions that have no answers.

    No practical examples based on real-world experience. Generalities that lead the reader to make leaps and assumptions, rather than teaching them something or giving them something to think about.

    Are you practicing article writing? You don't have a sig link so I'm not sure what you're getting from this.

    I'm not trying to be mean about this. I have zero clue what you're trying to achieve, what you're trying to teach, and what you want the reader to get out of this. Those are big problems if you want to be a successful writer.

    Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10733336].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      C'mon, Angie, calling for the Reniassance of things that ain't gone not useful?

      "Embrace scripts again and prepares yourself to embrace the true power of the effective Internet marketing side" not useful?

      C'mon, Angie, I ain't had such a good laugh about copywriting in ages! Can't you let the little, fun-loving child inside you out and imagine little Neshaword flying towards great word conquests, SuperHero cape flapping in the wind, while James Earl Jones' voice says: "Embrace the true power of the effective Internet marketing side?"

      And Nesha's cape grows smaller and smaller and Earl's saying: Effective Internet marketing side. Internet marketing side. Marketing side. Side. Side. Side.

      No, you can't? Then, you're right, it was the opposite of useful.

      Originally Posted by angiecolee View Post

      Completely the opposite of useful.

      Nothing actionable. Filled with cliches and questions that have no answers.

      No practical examples based on real-world experience. Generalities that lead the reader to make leaps and assumptions, rather than teaching them something or giving them something to think about.

      Are you practicing article writing? You don't have a sig link so I'm not sure what you're getting from this.

      I'm not trying to be mean about this. I have zero clue what you're trying to achieve, what you're trying to teach, and what you want the reader to get out of this. Those are big problems if you want to be a successful writer.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10734394].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Robscom
    I put my first person on my Ignore list.

    Congrats, OP.
    "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try.'" -- Yoda
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