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Oh, because if you had a razor, you would mebbe wanna cut sumthin' with it.

Into shape.

Sum undeniably immodest form gonna spin eyes agape.

Prolly gemstones or glistenin' ore would submit beautifully to such transformin' precision, jewels an' bling ever radiant in wakea slash.

But jewels an' bling are such idle tools.

So why make 'em?

I would wanna cut out sumthin' imparts a twist -- shapes itself around material idleness, grinds structure into place or unbolts secrets.

Keen sharps gotta getta handle on sum calibratable mechanismo gonna storm outta the foundry on a mission -- or what is the pointa precision?

Occam's Spanner, ideally practical, is mebbe onea copywritin''s blisstasticer suppositions...

#occam #spanner

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