Critique My Startups Landing Page

14 replies

You'll have to play the short video.

Also, if you're interested browse through the site and give me your thoughts on the user experience.
#critique #landing #page #startups
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by Matt MacPherson View Post

    You'll have to play the short video.

    Also, if you're interested browse through the site and give me your thoughts on the user experience.
    I was a software developer for 30 years before switching careers. Been away from it for ten years now, but I like what you've come up with.

    I can see the superiority of your method.

    That said, I don't believe your sub-head ("learn by doing") adequately describes the benefit.

    Traditional courses teach some stuff and then offer an exercise. Rinse, repeat. That's also "learn by doing".

    You need to differentiate your method. Get the prospective student excited about it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      I was a software developer for 30 years before switching careers. Been away from it for ten years now, but I like what you've come up with.

      I can see the superiority of your method.

      That said, I don't believe your sub-head ("learn by doing") adequately describes the benefit.

      Traditional courses teach some stuff and then offer an exercise. Rinse, repeat. That's also "learn by doing".

      You need to differentiate your method. Get the prospective student excited about it.

      Thank you for the kind words Alex. I will put some more thought into the subhead. The main benefit I can see is that my approach doesn't just teach syntax, it teaches the user to think and approach coding like a programmer. Hmmm. I will dwell on this tonight.

      Edit: Come to think of it, the real benefit would be the speed at which the user could become fluent in a given language. I could use something like "Become fluent in 30 days" or set some sort of arbitrary time. The only issue I see with that is the target audience (people likely to program) are savvy and really don't like being sold on anything.
      Signature :: Learn to code with interactive challenges.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
        Happy to help Matt.

        Everybody... from the smartest to the dumbest... have buying emotions. It's just a matter of finding a prospect's sweet spot.

        In your niche, just present your solution without hype.

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by Matt MacPherson View Post

        the target audience (people likely to program) are savvy and really don't like being sold on anything.
        Now you are getting somewhere... the level of awareness and sophistication.

        If they have seen a marketing message like yours before,
        say a time frame, then you are bunched into others they have dismissed.

        If there was a newish method that is gaining widespread interest,
        [check Google trends] you can bring in a new mechanism to enhance what
        is already gaining acceptance and give it an intriguing name.

        You are piggybacking off a rising trend and adding 2 things that have never
        been combined before which makes it work easier, faster, longer.

        That's a framework to go hunting for your market breakthrough.

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Hi Matt,

    Have you looked at what coderdojo are doing?

    Perhaps you might get a few other ideas and even consider how you fill the gap for the parent who has enrolled a kid in a dojo but then wants to progress at a level to help maintain their relationship with their child.

    There are coderdojos everywhere but here is the link to the main site--->

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author pauloadaoag
    First of all, congratulations for launching! How long did it take you to work on this, and did you work on it by yourself?

    My first pet peeve is that you have a white video playing on a white background. The video is bleeding onto the background. but it seems like a drop shadow or an outline will help make it easier on the eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
      Originally Posted by pauloadaoag View Post

      First of all, congratulations for launching! How long did it take you to work on this, and did you work on it by yourself?
      About five months working on it by myself. I've enjoyed creating it tremendously.
      Signature :: Learn to code with interactive challenges.
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  • Guy's larynx drips with too much wantonly unexplicit sugar.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author havplenty
    The video is very good, actually. Your headline is buried in the video around the 1.10 mark. I don't code, but if I were a struggling beginner, the bit at that point in the video would get me excited.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
    Actually, if you guys could check the getting started guide and let me know if anything strikes you as being confusing, that would be awesome.

    Signature :: Learn to code with interactive challenges.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessegilbert
    I like the tagline but the headline doesn't have the benefit and I think could be worked on a bit maybe added to like:
    Learn To Code With Interactive Challenges That X

    (Shows The Benefit)

    Most coding programs have interactive challenges maybe you want to differentiate a bit more with USP
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