Any suggestions on a good lead magnet for a home improvement company?

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Any suggestions on a good lead magnet for a home improvement company?
#lead #magnet
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    This works...

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by SalesGod View Post

    Any suggestions on a good lead magnet for a home improvement company?
    Ikea uses their catalogue to good effect.

    Opt-in receive catalogue with prices.

    Usually the lead magnet will have a perceived value attached to it.

    What kind of home improvement company are we talking about?

    What is their core product?

    Take their core product and find out what their best prospects and clients want to now about that product.

    Package up whatever the client's and prospects are looking for and you have your lead magnet.

    Buyer's guides are always a good bet.

    For example.

    "Seven window locks to consider when buying double glazing"

    The best lead magnets do the following
    • solve a specific problem
    • have a high perceived value
    • gives a desired end result
    • are easy to consume
    • provide an immediate solution
    • cement the thought to do business with the company

    Best regards,

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