Professional copywriters: Is copywriting right for me?
Just for a bit of context I'm 22, live in Australia and currently work as a cook.
English was always my favorite and highest achieving subject throughout school.
I'm having massive issues with deciding what my next move will be. After having worked full time for 3 years, I want to start building a career.
I've heard and read an equal amount of uplifting stories and horror stories from people who work in the industry.
My main questions are:
-Is there any job security as a copywriter?
-Do you get to work autonomously?
-Do you feel satisified in your work?
-How did you get started?
I'm leaning towards copywriting because of my love of ads but more over, I'm the kind of person who proof reads texts (I refuse to accidentally send a love heart emoji to my boss). I'm the first person my family goes to with resumes/essays when they want their words to "sound" better.
I just need more insight into what the job is actually like from those who do it.
Thank you.
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