How to Sell Online Without Needing a Long Sales Letter

6 replies
Let me just say, that there is NEVER going to be "one size fits all" rule when it comes to marketing and selling online.

Everyone has thoughts and opinions about what works best.

But until you TEST it out with real money, sending real people to a real live offer... you just never know what method will work best for selling stuff online.

Things like written or video sales letters will ALWAYS work and have their place when it comes to selling online.

But as time goes on and people become busier and less likely to have longer attention spans... the need for shorter, more concise copy could grow.

I can also tell you, because I've done it dozens of times, that you can sell stuff online without any sales letter of your own.

I've got several online businesses set up that simply use a paid ad sent to an opt in page.

Then, email does most of the work... sending people to either an order form or an affiliate offer and their sales page, not one that I wrote.

Using an affiliate offer to sell is one of the fastest ways I've seen people earn income online.

You can have your ad, opt in page, and download page set up in an hour. Then, you can upload 3 to 5 emails to your autoresponder, and let those do the pre-selling for you.

In this past year, I've tested an even easier way to sell online without needing ANY sales letter. Yours or an affiliate's sales page.

Now, I'm not saying this will work for you, or anyone else.

It's just MY own testing results. But it's bringing in sales and HAS been for about a year now, so maybe it's something you want to test.

It has allowed me to get many products and services out into the market faster and easier... without needing a sales letter or webinar.

See... I actually sell products and services INSIDE of my emails. In other words, I'm using 5 emails AS the sales letter.

At the end of each email... I don't give people a link to go to a sales page. I send people to my checkout/order page.

Believe me, it works.

So, if you have a sales letter with poor conversions. or no sales letter at all yet... this 5-email series could help you get some sales coming in faster.

See how each of these steps can take the place of a long written or video sales letter.

This example is from one of my online businesses in the fitness niche, where I offer products that can help busy moms get fit and work out.

So, my Facebook ad and opt in page offers one big solution to a problem they're having.

Typically, it's about finding the time to work out, at home, with kids running around, dinner to make, and errands to run.

So, after they see my Facebook ad and opt in to get free information... they receive a series of 5 emails.

Email #1 is sent to them and shows them how working out for TOO long can be counterproductive. I provide proof of this.

I open up a loop that explains that there's a faster, easier way to lose weight from home, in 15 minutes or less. Again, I provide proof of this.

It's more of a tease to read the next email. I hint that I found a solution that has really worked for women who are looking to get in shape faster.

Email #2, on Day 2, shows the busy Mom how doing specific exercises, 10 to
15 minutes from home, can get them BETTER results than spending hours in a gym.

I outline the things they have to do, why it works better than those things they THOUGHT they had to do, and why this is the solution they need.

At the end of the 2nd email, I tell them to be on the lookout for tomorrow's email, which is Email #3.

I mention that I'll go into specifics as to what they need to do. I'm starting to set the stage for my workout program that's specifically geared for them.

In the 3rd email... I go into detail about the workout program. I walk them through what it is, what it does, and why they need it. I'm very specific about what they get and what's included in the entire course.

Towards the end, I give them an order page they can use to get the program. No link to a long sales letter or webinar.

The 4th email talks about the fast-action bonuses for those first people who act.

I also mention the guarantee. And once again, I reinforce the single biggest problem and then explain why this solution, the workout program, is their best choice.

I include a link to the checkout page again.

Then finally, email #5 is sent on day 5.

It's job is to close down the promo and get people to take action.

Right then and there. Again, scarcity in terms of bonuses for the first X number who order, and I reinforce the guarantee.

And then, another link to the order form.

So instead of spending weeks drafting up a sales letter or a month creating a webinar... i

In 5 days, using 5 emails, I've created a "sales letter" format and structure, in the emails.

And then, simply setting up the emails in my autoresponder, I'm able to use them to take the place of a written sales letter, video sales letter, or webinar.

Last month, out of just 2,060 women who saw my ad and clicked, 80 women ended up purchasing a $39 workout.

$3120 made and I didn't use a sales letter, webinar, or any lengthy selling process.

The cool thing?

As long as I continually provide helpful and valuable advice, they'll be open to buying from me in the future.

$3120 isn't exactly "get rich" money, but it only took me an hour to write the emails... versus weeks that it usually takes me to write a long form sales letter.

Bottom line, this method works if you're in a pinch and don't have time or cash to get a sales letter, webinar, or VSL.

And it works in just about any niche you'd typically use a sales letter or webinar for.

I hope this helps with ideas you can use, to test your own sales process. Again, I'm not saying this will work for everyone, it's simply my experience and results, you could do better or worse.

I'm just showing folks that you can still sell online, without needing a long sales letter or webinar.
#letter #long #needing #online #sales #sell
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Thanks Shawn, some good stuff.

    Became a fan of yours a few years ago when I got a swipe file that contained only sales letters that had made over a million dollars...yours was one of them.

    I came across something a few weeks ago you might find interesting to add to your plan.

    Drift offers a chrome extension where you can send an email and then the recipient can chat live with you right from their email they get.

    Thought it was pretty cool. Never seen this capability through emails.

    Thanks for sharing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11424350].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sreeprashanth
      This is something good when you are sending emails.

      Now Facebook is promoting that an 30 sec video can grab the attention of user of the time line. And with the right tools we can get emails from Facebook users to our auto respondent directly.

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Thanks Shawn, some good stuff.

      I came across something a few weeks ago you might find interesting to add to your plan.

      Drift offers a chrome extension where you can send an email and then the recipient can chat live with you right from their email they get.

      Thought it was pretty cool. Never seen this capability through emails.

      Thanks for sharing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11424454].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Thanks Shawn, some good stuff.

      Became a fan of yours a few years ago when I got a swipe file that contained only sales letters that had made over a million dollars...yours was one of them.

      I came across something a few weeks ago you might find interesting to add to your plan.

      Drift offers a chrome extension where you can send an email and then the recipient can chat live with you right from their email they get.

      Thought it was pretty cool. Never seen this capability through emails.

      Thanks for sharing.
      Hey max5ty!

      Thanks for the kind words!

      Yeah, imagine my surprise when I was going through that swipe
      file and seeing one of my sales letters in there!

      I had no idea, until seeing it myself. Vincent James 12 month millionaire
      swipe file, I think I bought it on Ebay!

      And thank you for the Chrome extension tip, I've literally never heard about

      I have used Facebook messenger before, to close large ticket items through
      chat, never having to use the phone.

      I'm off to check Drift now :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11427165].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonyna
    Thanks Shawn,

    I am going to try this and give a feedback...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11425107].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    Last month, out of just 2,060 women who saw my ad and clicked, 80 women ended up purchasing a $39 workout.

    $3120 made and I didn't use a sales letter, webinar, or any lengthy selling process.
    Hey Shawn, good to see you on here again.

    Which platform did you advertise on and how much did the 2060 clicks cost?

    Seems like most of the actual profit will be made on subsequent sales.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11425418].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      Hey Shawn, good to see you on here again.

      Which platform did you advertise on and how much did the 2060 clicks cost?

      Seems like most of the actual profit will be made on subsequent sales.

      Hey Alex!

      Always good to hear from you!

      It was Facebook ads, we ran an ad that had a woman wearing
      pink yoga pants, the ad jumped out and was noticeable.

      We spent $900 and change on the clicks, and the $3100 and change
      was the revenue.

      You're 100% spot on, the end goal was to upsell them into a paid mastermind
      for $3k a year, and I sold 3 of those as well.

      I knew the market so well, I didn't feel it required a long VSL
      to sell something... because often times, women in this market
      TELL me they don't have the time to sit through a long sales presentation.

      So, that alone sparked the idea for me to try selling through email only,
      and I was pleasantly surprised at the results.

      I did another one for the prepper niche, not nearly as successful.

      I broke even, but I can also say I don't know that market quite as well,
      so I think the moral is and always will be "know your market"... :-)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11427169].message }}
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