Does anyone Have the "One Legged Golfer" Ad by John Carlton ??

3 replies
HI Warriors

Does anyone Have the "One Legged Golfer" Ad by John Carlton ??

I have been hunting all over the internet with no luck

I am currently doing a Gary Halbert Course and he keeps referring back to it. Would be so helpful to be able to reference it !

Thanks in advance

#carlton #john #one legged golfer
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    Originally Posted by alexsue2018 View Post

    HI Warriors

    Does anyone Have the "One Legged Golfer" Ad by John Carlton ??

    I have been hunting all over the internet with no luck

    I am currently doing a Gary Halbert Course and he keeps referring back to it. Would be so helpful to be able to reference it !

    Thanks in advance

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11439373].message }}
  • Reads kinda Cheese Catapult in retrospect -- but anywan can summarise an' revamp got plenty material to work with here.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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