Feel like am at ground zero
Using an old infocus WP theme - wanting to get a new theme but I'm just totally clueless as to what should actually even BE on my front page - because, what I has on there, was just not worth a damn.
What sort of copy should be on a home page? - surely it should be addressing the problem/ wants of the visitors and not me peacocking etc...
All I know is that what's currently there does not seem to be working well enough!
What is it you guys think I should have on my front page? - it's beyond me
Currently have a scrolling slider [bleurgh] and below four columns that say the following...
1 You need to progress in some area of your life. Something to move on from, or holding you back. You'll get new ways of thinking & build powerful supporting beliefs to get you where you want to be.
2 Your Business needs you to perform consistently at high levels. This calls for calmness under pressure, appropriate work/life balance, accountability, and solid experienced counsel backing you and motivating you over a longer term.
3 Get over a problem in your life. Now is the time to stop suffering from Anxiety, Fears or Trauma. Get your life back and a new sense of freedom. NLP, IEMT, Hypnosis and Behavioural Therapy will get you there.
4You need to be at your best for a specific event. A Public Speaking opportunity, a big competition or your first sporting event. I'll use the same techniques I use to build world champions and Business leaders
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.