How do you prove your product is viable?

10 replies
You create a new product. You have no list.

How do you validate your product has a market and can sell?

Sorry for the marketing 101 question, but apparently after many years hanging around this joint, I'm still at square one with this.
#product #prove #viable
  • Profile picture of the author Carter M
    I'd say the first step is evaluating the potential market size. How many people are searching for your product every month? Using Google's Keyword Planner tool (or paid tools if you have them), check to see how many people are searching for your product's keywords. There isn't really a minimum amount of searches to be looking for, but you can easily see what products are in demand and what products aren't. I also like to use to see how many people are mentioning the keywords through social media. If hundreds of people are tweeting about your product on a daily basis, this is a good sign that the product is in demand.

    Next, you should assess the competition. There are many tools you can use to assess a keyword's competition, but you can also just perform a Google search for the product in question. Chances are, if there's a lot of demand there will be a lot of competition. Amazon and other huge companies will probably be dominating the SERPS, but this doesn't mean you don't have a shot! Analyze each company on the first page (as 95% of people don't even move on to the second page). What do their backlink profiles look like? How many words are on the page that's ranking? How old is the domain? If you see some results on the first page that you believe you can compete against based on these metrics, this is a good sign.

    Once you believe you found the winning product, use Google Trends to see how the keyword has trended over the years. Is the trend moving in a positive direction or is it starting to decline? It'd be terrible to invest time and money into an SEO strategy just to find out your demand is fizzling out.

    There's much more you should take into consideration such as product costs, pricing strategies, seasonality, etc.. but these are the basic steps I take when determining if a product is viable or not.

    Hope this helps,
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    • Profile picture of the author adammillerr
      By saying "Check to see how many people are searching for your product's keywords"
      I think You are right.
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  • Profile picture of the author volcan
    Try to write most important topics about your product also check in interenet which rules you need for this . Sell sites can help you! Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author makemoneyz
    Try building a list using paid traffic and a landing page that announces the products and allows to subscribe to get updates. Small budget should allow you to get an idea if there's any interest
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Before you create the new product, ask your readers what they need. Or scan top blogs in your niche, and see what top bloggers give their readers. Observe pain points. Scan complaints. Create the product *after* you see what people in your niche need. 100% viable, because you found and addressed the need before creating the product.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Build measured and learn. I will test the product in phases and get feed back if was you.

    You would have to research the market .Some markets you can make sales but that does not necessarily mean that the market is large enough to recoup a profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Novalmauge
    I agree with the checking them keywords. Also, checking for similar products. Usually if it sells well, a lot of people are selling it.
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  • Profile picture of the author SakthishaTharsi
    1.Ring the cash register
    2.Conduct competitive analysis
    3. Research the existing demand
    4. Start a crowdfunding campaign
    5.Meet customers in person
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  • Profile picture of the author webcontent
    There's a proverb, there's no shortcut to success. If you wish to prove viability of your product, then you need to plan a good strategy. It starts with a good website containing really informative content. Take care to make it search engine friendly. While planning strategy, give roads to reputation management.

    Today reviews play a very important role and so you must try to get reviews of your product. Video testimonials here play a very important role. Other than that, you should try to make small video tutorials , telling functioning of your product.Write useful blogs and market them on social media. Last but not the least join forums and you will be able to draw attention of the user.

    Remember, you have to play emphasis to content, videos and traffic. This is sure to make your product popular.
    Thoughtful Minds - Offering Content writing, Copywriting that Search Engines and user both love.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ted M Jones
    Simple - Buy traffic and discover your metrics.

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