Q. Would Gary Bencivenga's seminar materials be useful for this very specific purpose?
I'd be very grateful for your opinions on this IF you attended the seminar/bought the materials.
I am NOT a copywriter (though I seriously considered becoming one 10 years ago, when I read lots of books/articles on the subject by the usual suspects).
I am a self-employed Legal English Coach in Paris.
Since I can't come close to satisfying the demand (that copywriting training has helped me to generate a very large number of prospects, constantly, year after year) for my 1 to 1 classes given by phone, I have decided to create and sell a Legal English e-learning program. I've surveyed my audience on LinkedIn and many people said it was a good idea (which, of course, doesn't mean that they will buy/complete it once it's ready...).
Thanks to my LinkedIn connection list of 26 K people (mostly French lawyers) I have an email list of 26 K people, who already receive my very brief, weekly email on Legal English. Each week, there is a short teaser about my upcoming e-learning program at the end of the email. As a result of all of this, I have become (to use Dan Kennedy's words) an "authority figure + celebrity + specialist" in my subject area/with my audience.
As you probably know, it's not easy to create e-learning programs that people will actually sign up for and, especially, complete. So my question is:
Q: Do you think that Gary's seminar materials could greatly help me to sell my e-learning course to my audience (French lawyers)? And if so, why?
Thank you!

IMWealthMogul -
[ 1 ] Thanks - Reply
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Ken Fa -
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Steve The Copywriter -
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Ken Fa -
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Jack Hudson -
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