How does my hair look?

by max5ty
9 replies
One of the biggest problems I see in copywriting and marketing is people want to get everything perfect before they announce their idea to the world.

It will never be perfect. It will never appeal to everyone.

Put it together and put it out there. That's where you start getting data and information on what you need to change...if you need to change anything.

It's not always about what you say or how you portray's your product or service. I'll say it's your product or service that sells itself.

Over the years I've learned to chop about 90% of what I write and leave the 10% in my ad.

Keep it simple. Don't overthink things. Learn as you go.

The nagging fear is "what if I don't capture all the sales I could if I don't write this piece to be a killer compelling piece?"

"What if I could make this website better by changing the font color or the logo?"

"What if I'm using the wrong picture?"

If you have a great product and you're showing it to the people that could use'll do good.

Too many times we're thinking about making it look the best for those that don't even care about what we have.

You have got to start with your product and make sure you have a great one. Everything else will fall into place.

Experience will help you put the product out quicker because you'll have learned from your past endeavors...but it takes experience to get there. You can't get experience until you start with where you're at.

The whole "let's get rich quick" from this idea seldom works. Look at the statistics. Keep it real with your goals.

Was reading a post in another section and it prompted me to write this.

Thanks for reading
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The whole "let's get rich quick" from this idea seldom works. Look at the statistics. Keep it real with your goals.

    Put it together and put it out there.

    ..and then test it and tweak it and keep going until.....

    Had to laugh at the I had just read the meme below and it fits.

    I admire those with hairstyles.
    I don't have a hairstyle.
    I have hair.
    Some days it doesn't have hay in it.
    That's as good as it gets.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      ..and then test it and tweak it and keep going until.....

      Had to laugh at the I had just read the meme below and it fits.
      Sounds like a meme for someone that has horses haha.

      I actually got a PM saying my post would be approved once the payment was received. I figure that was sent by mistake. I think that's probably sent when someone submits a WSO, or whatever it's called...

      just thought it was funny to get it
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    One of the biggest problems I see in copywriting and marketing is people want to get everything perfect before they announce their idea to the world.
    A related problem I see, just by rank beginners...

    Is that they work on their first ad (or sales piece) forever. And once they actually test it, they are crushed because it didn't make them rich.

    Something I have heard often from beginners is along the lines of "If only half the people seeing this ad respond, I'll get rich".

    Or "If only 1% of the market buys from this ad, I'll get rich".

    Part of the reason they say these things is they have no idea how many people will see the offer, and they now think that their offer is so incredibly amazing...that nobody will be able to resist.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Is that they work on their first ad (or sales piece) forever. And once they actually test it, the are crushed because it did.t make them rich.
      The biggest issue I see parallels to the general focus of the OP... just get it up and go from there.

      In the scenario above all the work is done and the ad is NOT tested... it is simply run - and it doesnt meet expectations. In MY world that is absolute NORMAL.

      My theory on a whole lot of things is to get ME - MY staff - and MY client out of the equation as fast as possible and allow DATA to rule the day - ME personally... Im an idiot.. I am biased, I have likes an dislikes different than my target audience.

      The FLIP side of this... when writing sales copy. you just have to ask... would I be inclined to buy after reading the text? I would suggest ALMOST always once something is tweaked and tested and the wording matches the target and the ad actually works... reading the text I would buy.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    @ Claude Whitacre and Savidge4 (because my answer deals with both of your comments)

    Great points.

    I have found time and time and time again and yes time again it is hard to know what your audience will like. All the scientific studies and all the other stuff are great to start out with...but things and moments and situations and blah blah blah change with every campaign.

    There are so many tiny tipping points that you often can't predict. I could do a whole post on tipping points, but they're important and usually hidden until you get out there.

    I have put stuff out that I thought was killer stuff, and it bombed...

    on the other hand, I've done stuff and had no idea it would take off as it did.

    I just got to the point where I would do what I thought would work and throw it out there...then be ready to change at a moment's notice and change again if I needed to. Experience helps you get close, and the more experience the closer you get...but real testing is what hits the bullseye.

    We have it so easy today.

    If you read about how the old-timers would do ads, it was crazy expensive. They would have to pay big bucks to put the ad in the NYT or somewhere like that...or direct mail. If the campaign bombed they were out some cash. Of course, they tested in small samples first to get a better idea, but there were a ton of bombs still.

    These days we can literally test ads in minutes and hours and change them on the fly. It really couldn't be any easier. Why if you can change an ad or sales letter or headline etc. immediately would you sit around and try to get everything perfect first? Only testing will get it closer to perfect.

    I have found that some will procrastinate because they think once they put something out there they will always be remembered by that piece. It's not true. Your customers remember you by what you are currently doing.

    People think they only have one shot. Not true.

    So anyways, myself, I've found I do just as good getting my piece out there than if I sit around and mill it over forever...the results still always come back to testing and tweaking things
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I just got to the point where I would do what I thought would work
      and throw it out there...
      then be ready to change at a moment's notice and change again if I needed to.

      Experience helps you get close, and the more experience the closer you get...
      but real testing is what hits the bullseye.

      We have it so easy today.

      Why if you can change an ad or sales letter or headline etc. immediately would you sit around and try to get everything perfect first? Only testing will get it closer to perfect.

      People think they only have one shot. Not true.

      So anyways, myself, I've found I do just as good getting my piece out there than if I sit around and mill it over forever...the results still always come back to testing and tweaking things
      Your hair is magnificent. Is that Brylcreem or Pomade?

      Even ROP ads were expensive compared to online today.

      In 1995 we had a dream. To sell electrons online. Today, any newbie with minimum tools and know how can live the dream, anywhere in the world they want.

      Today, I'm going out to buy some rocks. Could buy online, but I want to touch and feel them, but once I have purused the rock store, subsequent buys will be online.

      A store that sells rocks. NOT pet ones either. What a world, eh?

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  • How does my hair look?

    That is a real simple question.

    Plus also, it's how so many offahs work best.

    Most rookie offahs try to do EVRYTHIN'.

    How does my hair look, smell, sound, taste, an' feel as I swooshy it in your face for 76 uninterrupted minutes?

    Stoopid thing 'bout the zeal for presentin' evrythin' is how your audience may come away with nuthin'.

    Where do I look? What's important? What do I do?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    @Princess Balestra - great points. You obviously have some experience in advertising. I haven't even washed my hair in years. I practice the rinse with water technique and I can tell you it's great. Even after a hard run, I simply rinse my hair with water in the shower. My hair is short so that probably matters too. I forget what the method is called, but there's a name for it and it's actually getting popular. Not sure how it would work for long hair, but I've heard it is a popular technique. Anyways, enough about me...

    @GordonJ - This does remind me of the Pet Rock started in 1975 by an advertiser named Gary Dahl. He became a millionaire...but later said he wished he would have never done the pet rock thing because it caused him so many problems with lawsuits, etc.
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    • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      @Princess Balestra - great points.
      Thanks, Poppet.

      I will get to those shortly, prom.

      Meantimes, I would wish to speak sum more 'bout hair.

      See bcs hair can take so much effort to get right.

      Speshly when you start out with scrappy genes.

      Mebbe that's why so many no exotic soundin' hair products work even 5% good on your particulah curse from beyond frickin' Hades.

      So here's a secret for you.

      You don't gotta throw yusself offa no cliff anytime soon if'n this kinda hair woes ishoo is your prahblem.

      Because now you can save your hair from oblivion with

      Princess Balestra's

      Miracle Dahl Stylesavah KissJuice
      Bcs A Precision Hairdo Shitshow
      Always Tops No Precision Hairdo At All

      Sounds kinda swanky, I know.

      Course'n it jus' like pourin' a tinna no soop onya head ...

      but I would wanna draw your attention to the follicle-friendly efficacy of its youniquer than actschwl evah younique hand-scienced lentil mooshie formyoola before we get started on the $100 singature accessory bucketette for cleanin' up aftah you glooped said miracle formyoola onya darned scalp anyways.

      (Or even your carpet bcs you nevah read the instructions bcs you sum kinda moron.)

      So, How Does This Work, O Princess?
      Yanno, this Precision Hairdo Shitshow or Othahwise Stuffs?

      Hey, yeah, bcs we gaht all the pure nachrl firepowah of organically grown lentils in there ... bustin' outta the planet to revitalize your hayer like nuthin' else out there.

      That is all in the mix, plus max withoutness of undesirable chemicals gonna blind no babies, potentially inevitable or othahwise.

      *eco squee*

      Feel that pulse-to-emergence kiss of unadulterated purity!

      Swish out, wherevah!

      Shine an' shimmer sweet with the glow of wondrous yummy!

      tbh I so excited by this project, I linkin' up with a hypnotherapy guy to delivah' spoon-on-boobie succor also.

      As in ... spoon-on-boobie succor as a health an' fitness enhancah aftah you fixed up your hayer all delish c/o muh Kissjuice.

      3 flavahs so far ...

      Keep 'em Perky.

      Home Boobiture.

      The Mom Version.

      (I am currently in discussion with Mom 'bout what this should entail without soundin' too excloosive.)

      Deal is, you get a dedicated herbal an' tonal mixture perfect for how you projectin' forward between your girdlenavel an' whatevah is gowin' down with your face, plus also a spoon for easy an' comfortable happerlificayshchwaan to said schlop points.

      Tagline so far is Slap It On, Sweetie Out, Go Boobie.

      I would wanna combine sensyool flavahs, self massage, healthcare, wellbein' an' a washable spoon you can also use for muesli an' stuff aftah you washed it out.

      *Uh, jus' seen a typo back there.*

      My partnah is an aromatherapy guy, naht a hypnotist.


      Jus' to be clear here, less'n you mistake Moi for sumone clearly gowin' crazy or nuthin'!

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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