What is your prospect's most powerful motivation?

25 replies
When I was a rookie salesman I received occasional visits from my sales manager who would make some calls with me to see how I was doing and lead by example.

One day, we were trying to get in to see the works manager of an engineering works. But, despite all his charm, my sales manager could not get the receptionist to budge in her refusal to even phone our prospect.

Then, as we were leaving my boss spotted someone scratching about among all the swarf, oily rags and general detritus of an engineering works and marched right up to him.

"Good morning, Sir! Are you the Works Manager?" he asked.

I was some distance away but it was still possible to see the guy swell visibly at this instant promotion.

Of course he wasn't the Works Manager - but he was going to make real sure we got in to see the Works Manager right away.

So back into the factory we went, - past the dragon in reception - and right to the Works Manager's office where we were ushered in by our new best friend.

It turned out to be one of the most lucrative accounts I ever opened with multiple large orders for our products virtually every week.

And that powerful lesson of the sheer blasting power of showing respect to people has stayed with me all of my life.

Later as my career morphed into copywriting drawing from my time as a face to face salesman, I developed my concept of the 'Three Rs', which I believe to be the most powerful drivers of human behaviour, and which I feature at my marketing master classes.

So, to the 'R' for Respect I added the 'R' of Reward and the 'R' of Romance.

Reward means making money, which you might think is the main driver of human behaviour. But take a step back and think what we want to amass a fortune for...

It's so we can buy a bigger house and have a smarter car sitting on the driveway. In other words, so we can gain... more respect.

And Romance is pretty obvious and you could say is a sub-branch of Respect, because we all feel we need more love and it permeates every part of our lives with just about every song ever written being about love.

But of that powerful trio of R's the most important by far is Respect.

So - for example - when I'm selling a golf training course I will describe how the prospect will feel when he masters the amazing secrets in this course and uses them to drive the ball dead centre down the fairway, landing within a short putt of the hole, wiping the smirks off the faces of his golfing buddies who will from now on look at him with renewed respect.

Have you ever experienced any similar dramatic lessons which have contributed to your career success?
#motivation #powerful #prospect’s
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Paul Hooper-Kelly View Post

    Have you ever experienced any similar dramatic lessons which have contributed to your career success?

    Gentlemen such as yourself are so fantastic. I don't know
    whether to consider you as a jewel or a treasure but you
    are definitely both of those things.

    I don't have a story as wonderful as the one you told, but
    when I was young, I saw a proverb taped to somebody's
    office door that said:

    "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice."

    I have tried to be nice to people, although at times it has
    been difficult.

    I wish that you would post here more often.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771021].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      Gentlemen such as yourself are so fantastic. I don't know
      whether to consider you as a jewel or a treasure but you
      are definitely both of those things.

      I don't have a story as wonderful as the one you told, but
      when I was young, I saw a proverb taped to somebody's
      office door that said:

      "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice."

      I have tried to be nice to people, although at times it has
      been difficult.

      I wish that you would post here more often.

      Thank you for your kind words, Monetize, and I very much endorse the ethos you quoted about it being more important to be nice than to simply being important.

      If you want to stack the copywriting deck in your favor with tricks and hacks producing winners like: "$20K in three days" "650 sold" "30% conversion", then you might like to know I'm retiring and will spill the beans to two people. More info here.
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  • NAHT DYIN' !!!

    Which is why we gaht so many DELOODED AS FRICKIN' SHIT billyunnnairrrres gaht all kindsa cryogenic panda semen insert hype scripto schwipto spongeschwango swillin' round their actionable POV so crazy they jus' gotta parade out like TOTAL MORONS ... 'steada jus' watchin' TV an' stuffs ...

    I jus' a gal flahpin' out loves immediate chill.

    Or, if'n I gaht my yogah gear on: potentially flammable warmth.

    Immediacy of bein' don't necessarily demand combat, kinda thing.

    Hey, so let's smoochie out all leisurely ... let's experience the glories of the plannit direct from our immediately availabyool sensorium!

    Uh huh, so mebbe I could rise so outta my slumbah an' go play golf.

    Sounds cool, but hey yalost me at that point, Sweetiepoppet.

    Bcs gals can play gahlfunevrythin' too.

    Always & evah.

    Golf Clubs. Soccah Balls. Even Moidah. We beyond infinitely skilfuel, tellya.

    Which is why I must stopya, for a kind an' gentle moment.

    Like a massage gaht an upsell on bein' beaten half to death with sum blunt instroumment latah.

    Thing is, exclood gals in yr joyously incloosive an' magnanimous messagin', likely you gonna be dissed excloosively by unsharpah observahs than Moi.

    Meantimes, Russpect, Reward an' Romance are always viably transmissible Wanna Wannas.

    They would seep into our very hearts an' deeds were there naht so many goddamn frickin' obstacyools to their othahwise a priori passage.

    Originally Posted by Paul Hooper-Kelly View Post

    Have you ever experienced any similar dramatic lessons which have contributed to your career success?
    Inclood the gals in any shit you gaht gowin'

    We ain't here to carry the caddy.

    We ain't here to code its glide across the green miraculously.

    We ain't here to serve tea an' cakes when you hit yr 18 an' spazz out all exhausted.

    My most powerful motivation?


    If'n I cain't manifest trooly 'pon no theoretical golf course, the frick chance I gaht?

    Aw, yeah, mebbe I could figure a monstah bankin' profile offa the backa my crochittin' talents ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771022].message }}
  • Originally Posted by Paul Hooper-Kelly View Post

    But of that powerful trio of R's the most important by far is Respect.
    Very good.

    In my experience, the most consistent and strongest internal need we all have is a need for status. Failing that is a need to feel like we have status.

    It's why listening is so important, especially listening to those who think they lack status.

    It's why asking someone's opinion makes them feel so important...so needed...so loved.

    Always show respect. It's never wrong. Even if you don't agree with them.

    If your offer can raise the prospect's status, use that often, from any angle.

    If buying from you, or giving you referrals raises their status (and it always does if positioned correctly), then do that as well.

    And if you make them feel as though you recognize their perceived status.....you are just inches from crossing the finish line.

    This thread (Thank you Mr. Kelly) strikes at the very core of human needs, and selling.

    And... always treat everyone you meet with respect and kindness. It may make sales easier. But it's always the right thing to do.

    I'm getting off my soapbox now.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    One of the interesting observations I've witnessed,
    read about,
    and pondered, is this...

    People know more about what they don't want than what they do want.

    Many modern-day machines, gadgets, software weren't what
    customers wanted because they never imagined they were possible.

    Henry Ford's automobile was a replacement for the
    back breaking work of shoeing the buggy horses.
    A replacement for the breeding and breaking them in.

    Generative text to image ai wasn't imagined.
    Now we can create our own images without
    going hunting for the right one to buy.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771214].message }}
    • Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

      One of the interesting observations I've witnessed,
      read about,
      and pondered, is this...

      People know more about what they don't want than what they do want.

      Many modern-day machines, gadgets, software weren't what
      customers wanted because they never imagined they were possible.

      Henry Ford's automobile was a replacement for the
      back breaking work of shoeing the buggy horses.
      A replacement for the breeding and breaking them in.
      In nearly every sales and marketing book I read, it mentions "finding the need". ...or "Finding the problem you can solve".

      But in my in homes/in offices sales career, I can't think of a single instance where I sold something someone wanted or needed.

      The need had to be sold, then the solution was sold, at the same time.

      I sometimes wonder about things like this;
      Who sold the idea of shoes? Everyone is used to being barefoot. Nobody is complaining. Feet grow calluses and you can walk anywhere in bare feet. Even in jungles.

      And someone had to come up with the idea of covering the feet. And then they had to change the first customer's reality...first selling the idea that bare feet weren't cool...and then that shoes were cool. And that his shoes were the best.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771350].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I sometimes wonder about things like this;
        Who sold the idea of shoes? Everyone is used to being barefoot. Nobody is complaining. Feet grow calluses and you can walk anywhere in bare feet. Even in jungles.

        And someone had to come up with the idea of covering the feet. And then they had to change the first customer's reality...first selling the idea that bare feet weren't cool...and then that shoes were cool. And that his shoes were the best.
        Don't get Moi started on shoes.

        My view?

        Evrythin' always gonna be smartah onya footwear optschwaahnes once them Romans laid thuh're roads out.

        Thankfully the contemporary nowscape of shoes you might wanna buy is less restricted to senshly slavo stuffs an' more Amazon-orientatopotatahd till'n you shoot yusself in the tits bcs missed a sittah.

        Plus also, if'n you a Princess, there ain't no shortage of all kindsa VAGABONDS seekin' to wrap you up sweet in all kindsa LEATHAH.

        Anyways ...



        Kickin' ahf muh heels here as I dopesy on out, I would wanna wondah always what ima pick up an' run with tamara aftah I sleeps today's glories into my ultimately discriminatory YANNO.

        Anyways, you gaht me started on shoes.

        tbh I coulda picked up on anythin' as a metaphor for my intrinsic motesystuffs, but such is my abominably persistent TRIGGAH-cum-rear-zone-deterreah I cain't help musself.

        Anyways: shoes.

        We may slip 'em sweet 'pon our feet or flick 'em out as eithah lethil weapons or jus' yeah plz switch TV channel or kill Google if'n I cain't lay muh hands on the hammah too easy.

        Aw, FFS, gaaahsh --

        ain't we always such inevitablool snortahs of WHATEVAH?

        Depends onya motivation, I guess -- less'n more powahful circumstance compelsya to switch out hamstahs as dream pets for lizzuds bcs scales been around longah than fur.

        I endeavor always to be sweet an' lovin' in my myootyool discourse, but I will nevah tolerate schwango outta default -- hence potentially incendiary bitchcraft with a view to prompt smiles from the bowels of relentless misery.

        Plus also, if'n I evah get all 4 wisdom teeth poppin' through, I can bite on sum heels till'n I look like no bloodied walrus.

        Less'n shoes in question are green or blue or black or nuthin'.

        In which case Moi prolly lookin' like an idjit.

        Thing is, how zackly does momentum of form unite with momentum of desiah, need, wish, or wanna wanna?

        Best dream shoes I gaht propel Benedict Cumberbatch toward my lavishly delish boodoire is all I know.

        Walk out in' em', toss 'em off on a whim ... likely it is immaterial *sniff* if'n he ain't toe to toe with my ass.



        *yurp: still plays OK"

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


        The need had to be sold, then the solution was sold, at the same time.
        The times I can think of where my clients/customers I had in previous businesses,
        lawncare and EFTPOS paper, they were already using the service or product,
        so, no need to sell the benefits of the service and product.

        Just why I was different.

        For lawncare I was in the classifieds in the local paper.

        So, they came calling.

        Anyway, those callers knew what they didn't want...
        more of their lawnmowing guy.

        They just needed assurance I wasn't going to end up being like their guy.

        The other advertisers didn't get that.

        So, in a way I had to sell them hard up front in the ad.
        by spelling out my $1,000 penalty for not doing the
        3 things they cared about most.

        So, there are new products and services.
        the market doesn't know about and there's those they do know about.

        Each present their own set of challenges and different approaches are needed.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Everything a copywriter sells should solve a problem. If you're not solving a problem you need to rethink your approach.

    However, where a lot of copywriters go wrong is they always consider the problem as a need. Very rarely is the customer's problem a need.

    We only NEED a few things to survive.

    We NEED food...we don't NEED a steak dinner.

    In reality, the overwhelming majority of products sold help fulfill the problem of realizing a desire.

    We NEED food...we DESIRE a steak dinner.


    Desires are almost purely emotional.

    We need shelter. Someone may DESIRE a million-dollar shelter. That desire is based on emotional reasons...it would help my status...it would be a reward for all the hard work I've done - and as a copywriter, we are going to solve the problem of how they can fulfill their desire because we know the customers wants help fulfilling their desire and we have the answer.

    Desires are generally self-made problems.

    Someone may say those desires aren't a problem because the customer doesn't need to fulfill them...

    but, emotional desires create a problem in the customer's mind. If there wasn't a problem associated with desires, people would automatically have everything they desired. Million-dollar home? Boom, you have it. Fancy new car? Boom, you have it. Millionaire? Boom, you're a millionaire. Popular? Boom, you're popular.

    There is usually always a problem that prevents a person from having their desires.

    A good copywriter will solve the problem of the customer not being able to attain their desires.

    Anyway, the subject is something that goes much deeper on many different levels...but that's my revised short version for today.

    Your mindset will set the tone for what you do. Always have the mindset you're solving a problem...and usually it solves the problem of fulfilling a desire.

    So back to the question of a customer's most powerful motivation...I think it's being able to have their problems solved. Look good. Feel good. Be highly thought of...and on and on
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11771420].message }}
    • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      So back to the question of a customer's most powerful motivation...I think it's being able to have their problems solved. Look good. Feel good. Be highly thought of...and on and on
      Define gravity & reward chosen momentum.

      Thats's how I choose evry single payurre of muh yoga pants.

      Srsly tho, most evrywan gaht a vision of the plannit beyond the circumstantial.

      So you gotta speak sweet an' pull on what is in their hearts.

      Them steps they might wanna steada them steps they believe they gotta.

      In your clumsy, wordsy way, you are kinda pokin'.

      So you gotta hope evrythin' reads like you evokin'.

      How does the dream within evah sound anyways when you read it in actschwl print?

      tbh I prolly waitin' on bein' regarded as a goddess.

      But I will settle for bein' a Princess for now bcs the jewelry is neat, the frocks are dinky, an' you don't gotta do battle with Satan 'gainst impossible odds ...

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Luckily, there is no need for any complications.

        Put simply...

        All you need are these 3 human motivators.




        Also known as -




        Every Ad you'll ever see to a greater or lesser extent uses one or more.

        Usually (but not always necessarily) with springlings of tact and diplomacy - to reach the false denying "No, no, no, no, certainly not, doesn't apply to us" type prospects, the more they are used - the more barnstormingly successful the Ad will be.


        P.S. To avoid an outcry.

        Power - doesn't have to be corrupt or bad - you go to an optician to have more "powerful" sight.

        Greed - could be toned down to just wanting a really good "bargain."

        Sex - everyone wants it to be very pleasurable. The Ad shows how it will.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11772224].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

          Luckily, there is no need for any complications.

          Put simply...

          All you need are these 3 human motivators.




          Also known as -




          Motivayschwaahn for Moi now is sleeeeeeeps.

          I am honorably regulah in this mortal capacity.

          Butchya REIGN hits muh stoopid one las' thing before I commit to the slumbah heaven of Benedict Cumberbatch lickin' me at most bloodsports braino, an' I would wanna reconfigure your heartsy trio for max 'vailabyools.

          gotta be sweetah than powah, yanno? Bcs even the powahless can play.

          So, bout' what, zackly?

          Fyootyoore ain't happened yet, so why naht head out there all sweetsysum?

          On the sex deal, yurps, I hang muh flaps in shame -- but would we naht always wish for sum procreative juicy in our lives, arisin' as a direct result of CHOICE 'bout our FYOOTYOORE?

          plays for evrywan in this respect, babe to dildo-brandishin' granma from beyond Satanville.

          Choice - Fyootyoore - Touch

          Go script yr universal deilsh NOW.

          Thing is, whatevah you sayin', sing this attainable miracle into view.

          Define how [insert yr schwango here] tamara gonna sparkle bettah than today an' walk you brightah toward

          gonna quit here at this point bcs I jus' leapt offa my sofa an' blitzed muh stoopid fayuss 'gainst the lamp I mebbe shoulda switched off jus' now.




          I guess.

          Motivayschwaahn is a wish. Momentum is an evidenced direction. Mwahmluhhmlohmllluhmllah is muh braino rn.


          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11772316].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

          All you need are these 3 human motivators.




          Also known as -



          Of course, that's right. But one word I would use to tie them all together is Status.

          An increase in status is the steam that powers all base instincts.

          All these things are just angles of attack in showing someone how buying from us...increases their status. Of course, you can't say "This increases your status" because most people would disconnect with that word.

          But it's a universal need. Higher status comes in many forms... Celebrity, control over other (your Position), being more attractive (without the effort of actually improving yourself)..

          In fact, raising someone's status is a way to make all their dreams come true,..,,without them having to improve themselves in any way or accomplish any goals.

          Status is the one true external validation that you are worth more than another person....without having to do anything except exist.

          The perfect motivation for the people we are trying to convert to our way of thinking.

          Even followers...they borrow the status of their Guru, sports team, leader, rank, position, tribe.

          I should say that this is coming from a lifetime salesman, not a copywriter. Your experience may differ.
          One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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          • Yes, Status is a major motivator.

            I just include it in "Power."

            Because to a large extent this is what most people want "Status" to bring them.

            Again, it doesn't have to be in a bad, vain or an inane way.

            Status can be used for great good (I'll clarify this when I get some!).

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11772447].message }}
            • Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

              Yes, Status is a major motivator.

              I just include it in "Power."

              Because to a large extent this is what most people want "Status" to bring them.

              Again, it doesn't have to be in a bad, vain or an inane way.

              Status can be used for great good (I'll clarify this when I get some!).

              Thing is, imagined status may be a more powahful motivatah than actschswl status.

              As in the way you (most genrlsly) diminish the actschwl an' proffer the imagined c/o the script you figure they wanna write out if'n only they warn't so lame.

              Manifistibyool evocations of heartsy desiahs, in all you write, always.

              Invisibyool wordin'. Max Passion.

              (Or fear or whatevah: persnly I a smoochie gal.)

              Likely evrywan pulses out on a life BEYOND THE THRESHOLD/RUBICON/LIMIT kinda stuffs.

              So you gotta reward 'em for burnin' up so much energy they coulda wasted on shavin' products or doobious leisurewear, or whatevah distaction grabbed their bucks to date.

              STATUS as a manifestibyool loft point -- for dollahs or looks or PLZ CANYA FIX MY DACHSHUND'S SLOPPY ASS -- menasya gottta step evrywan forward like they always imagined they could. Or may, or might, or must -- or mebbe nevah did beefhour.

              You gaht no achtschwl powah ovah 'em othah than clarifyin' an' amplifyin' miraculous possibilities they been dreamin', an' kinda agreein' with 'em 'bout what they are.

              Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11772848].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

          Luckily, there is no need for any complications.

          Put simply...

          All you need are these 3 human motivators.



          I think this can be true to a degree...

          if you're talking 'power' to take control of your life or circumstances.

          Greed can mean many things. People want to be greedy with their money so they look for the cheapest thing that will work. Or...they want and want and want so everyone will think they're the king of the hill.

          Sex. Pretty self-explanatory. That can be broken down between men and women since the 2 seem to differ a lot on things having to do with sex...also young and old.

          So yes, they all can work...but can be defined in different ways.

          It's important to consider a customer's current social status, monetary status, age, sex, and whether they're a member of the warrior forum...ok, maybe not the last one.

          Young people want to fit in and be fashionable.

          Middle-aged people are interested in things that are affordable and convenient for the family.

          Older people may be looking for ways to prolong their life. Easy to use products like shoes that you don't need to tie.

          Interesting comment Steve
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  • Watch a few TV ads and you'll soon notice the inferred status boost is exaggerated to the nth degree.

    Whilst the target audience would relish such a transformation - it's unlikely they believe all of it.

    But they want it so badly, many will buy, just to get a dose of the supposed Utopia.

    The ladies buy the perfume - so they can "be" to a degree like the celebrity promoting it.

    And the chaps buy the cologne - in the hope they'll be ravished by beautiful women.

    Or maybe just by sultry Sue at the local diner.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773074].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Watch a few TV ads and you'll soon notice the inferred status boost is exaggerated to the nth degree.

      Whilst the target audience would relish such a transformation - it's unlikely they believe all of it.

      But they want it so badly, many will buy, just to get a dose of the supposed Utopia.

      The ladies buy the perfume - so they can "be" to a degree like the celebrity promoting it.

      And the chaps buy the cologne - in the hope they'll be ravished by beautiful women.

      Or maybe just by sultry Sue at the local diner.

      STATUS vs STAKES is an incendiary POV qualifiah.

      From Netflix to Shakespeah.

      Narrative turnpoints happen here.

      When status switches bcs stakes, an' when stakes switch bcs status ... here's where attention natchrlly follows all pertinent prompts.

      Evry book you read, evry movie you watch, evry mujjishn show you see ...

      always there is the SETUP ...

      to delivah SWITCH

      to match

      yr STAKES.

      Why expect nuthin' less?

      As yr natchrl princess, ima steppin' out into inevitabyool glories till'n my 137yo teeth fall out an' get trapped in my impossibly withered fanjoflaps ...

      but local dinah Sue gaht way more potenshl.

      It is in her gift to be kind to herself, an' step out sweet to where she wanna.

      You jus' gotta 'ncourage next desirabyool-2-viabyool steps-2-dance horizons always.

      Or why anywan' jumpin' outta enthoosiasm steada dread or fear?

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773179].message }}
  • Yes, the 4 motivators I mentioned...

    Are the foundations...

    Used in the most appropriate sub categories.

    Which is almost "mathematically formulated" from the precise details of your target audience.

    It took me a millenium to appreciate it - but the results of an advertising campaign are always based on the correct maths equation.

    As is the success of everything else.

    Steve (to the power of 1)

    P.S. As copywriters a vital part of the Ad Success Theorem, is Iw - (Impact of Words).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Yes, the 4 motivators I mentioned...

      Are the foundations...

      Used in the most appropriate sub categories.

      Which is almost "mathematically formulated" from the precise details of your target audience.

      It took me a millenium to appreciate it - but the results of an advertising campaign are always based on the correct maths equation.

      As is the success of everything else.

      Steve (to the power of 1)

      P.S. As copywriters a vital part of the Ad Success Theorem, is Iw - (Impact of Words).
      Math is usually way over my head when it gets to the advanced stage...

      so I asked Bard for the proper mathematical equation that would be used in copywriting and got this :

      Copywriting = (Attention)(Interest)(Desire)(Action)
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  • Well, I did have a "status and stakes exaggerated cologne ad" go badly wrong with Sultry Sue.

    As she seductively placed my all day breakfast on the table she inhaled deeply and sighed...

    "Mmmm, what brand of cologne is that!"

    I smiled and told her.

    Her reply was a bit shattering.

    "I must write that down, and get a bottle for my grandad, it'll really suit him, I bet his new wife will love it"

    She's just had her 79th birthday.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773282].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Well, I did have a "status and stakes exaggerated cologne ad" go badly wrong with Sultry Sue.

      As she seductively placed my all day breakfast on the table she inhaled deeply and sighed...

      "Mmmm, what brand of cologne is that!"

      I smiled and told her.

      Her reply was a bit shattering.

      "I must write that down, and get a bottle for my grandad, it'll really suit him, I bet his new wife will love it"

      She's just had her 79th birthday.


      that sounds like a referral
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  • Jus' to say, your prospect's most powahful motivayshwaahn may be zilchow connected to your sublimely world changin' ass.

    Considah Moi ... as a potentially hapless victim ... jus' like this week ...

    Hey, Business Owner!

    * I lookin' all ovah at this point. *

    How would you like to take advantage of our FREE SOFTWARE OFFER?

    * the ****? I gaht no idea who you are, why yr shit is any use (even if'n free), plus I gaht a name ain't BUSINESS OWNER *

    Signing up is easy

    * yeah, plus bein' burned alive packed all kindsa immediacy for Joana Arc. Nowan tellya quick ain't always beneficial? *

    ... an' so it goes with surefire & pinpoint lines way offa the mark.

    But ain't it weird how evrywan from stablished corporations to noo startups can meandah into the trap called OUR CLEAR & PRESENT BRILLIANCE?

    The would-be inflooenschwaahl an' the tangibly confluenshwaahl are separated only by the thigh gap of inconsequence.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Jus' to say, your prospect's most powahful motivayshwaahn may be zilchow connected to your sublimely world changin' ass.

      Considah Moi ... as a potentially hapless victim ... jus' like this week ...

      Hey, Business Owner!
      The one that always got me as sounding ridiculous was 'from the desk of'

      I did a post on here once upon a time and mentioned someone should just say 'from a bar stool at Joe's Bar And Grill' can't remember my exact words.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11773559].message }}
      • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        The one that always got me as sounding ridiculous was 'from the desk of'
        K, so can we fly "from the pants of"?

        Bcs that is my actschwl areah.

        If'n we assoom ' flyin' by the seata yr pants' factahs in a gusset areah to soak up the least exotically JOOSY of all kindsa stuffs.

        Anywan got a PREPOSTEROUSLY GOBSHITOLA DESK gowin' on, I will squat 'pon the fkr with/without panties to ordah, dependin' on I actschwlly cayurre.


        Uhm, yeah -- can this like wait till next'nest Toosday bcs I jus' wanna flahp out in the buff?

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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