Best Testimonials Page I've Seen
*I am in no way associated with this site and I don't suggest that you purchase or use the betting system they sell. Billion dollar casinos are built on the backs of people who think they can beat the system. However, his testimonials almost had me in a death grip to purchase.
All of his testimonials are:
1. Handwritten with each individuals personalized envelope shown
2. All of the individuals have some sort of credible position, job title, or accomplishment (Also they are not just other internet marketers patting each other on the back as we often see.)
3. Each of these individuals is putting their credibility on the line by endorsing this product. There is no Joe Smith, Ohio. You could look up and find each of these people.
3. They all include personal pictures of the individuals
Do you know of a site that does a better job than this with testimonials?
Atlanta Copywriter, serving clients worldwide.
Write your life.
David Tendrich
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