The #1 key to success in copywriting is... growing a pair
It's helped me, so maybe it'll help you...
Just get out there and make it happen.
Stop overthinking it.
Learn as you go.
Put your butt on the line.
Learn from your mistakes and swallow your pride.
Be reckless.
Gain confidence by doing what you're not confident in.
Others will have confidence in your confidence.
When you fall off your horse, get back up and brush yourself off... slap on some bandages and keep going.
Put your work before yourself... in fact, just shoot your ego with a sawed off shot gun.
It doesn't matter how many times you failed in the past... it doesn't matter if you've been too gutless to do anything up until this point... Take the internet by the horns and go make it happen...
Just go sell some units.
Having bad copy will make you more money than being a walking encyclopedia of copywriting knowledge and never applying it...
They can go around coining whatever copywriting master they want all day while you're making money...
The bad salesman is already better than the walking encyclopedia of copywriting, but doesn't know it yet.
I guarantee there are so many people who haven't even sold 10 units before who know several times more tactics and methods than I do about copywriting.
But I really don't care...
Because you know what's worth a million times more than knowing about copywriting?
What you get from actually writing it, testing it, and studying actual copy... Experience.
Applying past Experience and testing is what really sells units.
And Experience can only come from getting off your ass, growing a set of big hairy balls, and just doing it.
Grant yourself confidence for ONE DAY... just ONE DAY... (how about today?)... do things you'd be scared to do before like maybe get someone on the phone and try to close them on a deal or your service... no matter how afraid you are, don't pussy-foot around... hold out your hand and say, "That'll be $X."
If you get turned down... so what?
I guarantee you just gained some real experience in the field that you can use to do better next time.
And gaining experience won't sting if you kill your ego.
Grow some big hairy balls...
I'm not saying this philosophy is Law... Nothing is Law in my book...
Just thought it might help a few people out... because what I see more than anything is people who know a lot about the subject from books and courses but they refuse to put their tender little ego aside and just go for it.

Fast & Easy Content Creation
***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
Site being revamped.
If you want help with copy stuff, pm me.