22 replies
It's rare to see as many as 108 bullet points in a sales piece.

I for one just love it how well written one's mess with your mind and leave you thinking,
"man I could resist those others...just, but man he's got me on that one."

So I go back and see what was it that got me to surrender all willpower.

I want it.

The Copywriting Grab Bag

If you are a curious cat who wants to see 108 examples of bullet points
and love the decoding process, then enjoy what's behind the link.

All the best,
#108 #bullets #saviour
  • Profile picture of the author Dean Jackson
    Oh man... that page just sucked $137 outta my wallet!

    It looks like a great product. Thanks for the share.

    - Dean
    NEW: CRAZIEST Copywriting offer ever offered on WF
    My top student WILL make your sales go BANANAS!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2739837].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Damned..I should of put a warning up, DO NOT BUY!

      What's wrong with you man, have you lost all your senses.
      You were suppose to go in there and decode the bullets... not buy.

      Well, I'm pleased you have come out a better man for the experience.

      Looks like we are going to see a new member of the Bullet Brigade.

      All the best,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2739892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
    Here's another quality piece of copy from Mr. Settle that's worth studying:

    Secret Copywriting Tricks Of The Trade

    Andrew Gould

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    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Dean
      I often read Ben's bullets to get pumped up for writing my own. They've got a lot of energy and carry the whole letter. Great copywriter.

      Free Coaching WSO: How to finish all your 2013 "Goals" in JANUARY with my proven productivity secrets - taken from 9 years working as a freelance copywriter. Click Here

      Occupation: Best Copywriter Ever.
      Matt Bacak, Jim Edwards, Ryan Deiss and more.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2740877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Murdaugh
    Yeah, Ben is scary good.

    I get a kick out of just about everything he puts out. Emails, products, copy. It's consistently great stuff.


    Over $30 Million In Marketing Data And A Decade Of Consistently Generating Breakthrough Results - Ask How My Unique Approach To Copy Typically Outsells Traditional Ads By Up To 29x Or More...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2741082].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dean Jackson
    Don't worry Ewen, I just listened to part way through one of the audios and its got some excellent info in it.

    Maybe if you've already established yourself you can pass up but it's definitely worth the investment.

    I probably shouldn't be swayed so easily though, guess I'm an info junkie.

    - Dean
    NEW: CRAZIEST Copywriting offer ever offered on WF
    My top student WILL make your sales go BANANAS!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2741617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Zero
    Fantastic sales copy, love the bullets. I'm gonna print them off, and copy them out by hand, because writing bullets is something i want to get really good at, along with over all sales copy.

    here's another 100+ bullets from another Ben settle's copy which i got today:
    Crypto Marketing Newsletter

    and 1 more from his email copywriting course:
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  • Profile picture of the author monkeynuts84
    Very compelling. I resisted the urge to buy but those lists you've supplied do give me some good ideas for articles for my sites. Kudos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Sorry, I have to disagree. I cannot read 108 bullet points.

    I read a novel, and I expect it to grab me in the first two paragraphs... maybe (if I'm feeling generous) in the first chapter.

    IM is no different. Am I wrong? ... Just thinking about the customers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742099].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Murdaugh
    Sorry, I have to disagree. I cannot read 108 bullet points.

    I read a novel, and I expect it to grab me in the first two paragraphs... maybe (if I'm feeling generous) in the first chapter.

    IM is no different. Am I wrong? ... Just thinking about the customers.
    A couple of things...

    1. Most people who are exposed to this ad are already on Ben's email list. They read him daily. So he doesn't have to set everything up with a back story or convince people why they should trust him. Hence the jumping into the bullets.

    2. Most people who read this are interested in writing more effective advertisements. His entire lead (well, the whole ad) appeals to this group of people...

    Why "bad writing" and lots of typos can make your ads even more profitable

    When using glowing customer testimonials in your ads can actually hurt your sales

    * A secret way to use your competition's product or service to sell yours (and without him even knowing about it--Page 108)

    * Wipe out "writer's block" when writing sales letters... with video games. (Page 11)

    * How to "skeptic-proof" even your most outrageous claims and promises. (Page 32)

    * What to do if you need to write a successful ad quickly--but have no idea where to begin (Page 124)
    If that doesn't suck you in or make you curious you're probably not in the market. If you're in the market and already exposed to Ben Settle you're going to pay attention.

    Another cool trick Ben uses if you pay attention...

    * Why "boring" headlines often out-pull "exciting" headlines. Page 252

    This is one of "A-List" copywriter Doug D'Anna's most profitable secrets.

    Not one in 1,000 copywriters knows about it. And yet, it can dramatically increase the response of almost any ad you write.

    And by the way...

    Doug D'Anna's copy has generated over $125 million dollars in sales for direct marketing powerhouses like Phillips Investment Resources, Forbes, Prevention Health Books, Lombardi Publishing, KCI Communications and many others.
    That entire bullet leads into a transition, and then an entire section of copy based on what he's talking about. Very cool stuff to deconstruct, well, if you're into writing copy anyway.

    Another thing, people don't have to read all 108 bullets to read one that hooks them.

    Final thought, there isn't a single bullet on that page that doesn't peak my curiosity as a copywriter.

    If you're not in the market it won't interest you.

    If you're in the market, you'll be hooked from bullet #1.

    And it's already sold at least one copy from this thread alone.

    I'd say Ben has a pretty good idea of what he's doing.


    Over $30 Million In Marketing Data And A Decade Of Consistently Generating Breakthrough Results - Ask How My Unique Approach To Copy Typically Outsells Traditional Ads By Up To 29x Or More...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742151].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Scott Murdaugh View Post

      Another cool trick Ben uses if you pay attention...

      That entire bullet leads into a transition, and then an entire section of copy based on what he's talking about. Very cool stuff to deconstruct, well, if you're into writing copy anyway.

      Thanks Scott for showing us the transition used.

      That's why it's so cool uncovering the engineering behind the words.

      All the best,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    My attention is on winning. Sorry.

    I'm sure you're sincere... and maybe even right. But Ryan (or Bryan... or Ben; was it Ben?) has not TAUGHT me what Napoleon Hill taught me.

    Maybe he will. But not today. Thanks for the lead. I won't ignore it... just waiting for the insight. So far, I simple haven't seen one.

    I will certainly keep watching and listening. Thanks for the heads-up.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742354].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Dean
      Originally Posted by sparkie2260 View Post

      I'm sure you're sincere... and maybe even right. But Ryan (or Bryan... or Ben; was it Ben?) has not TAUGHT me what Napoleon Hill taught me.

      Maybe he will. But not today. Thanks for the lead. I won't ignore it... just waiting for the insight. So far, I simple haven't seen one.
      Slow down and take a breath, that might help you spot it

      If Ben's sales letter caught everyones attention, he'd be doing something wrong.

      Stephen Dean
      Free Coaching WSO: How to finish all your 2013 "Goals" in JANUARY with my proven productivity secrets - taken from 9 years working as a freelance copywriter. Click Here

      Occupation: Best Copywriter Ever.
      Matt Bacak, Jim Edwards, Ryan Deiss and more.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742420].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
        Ewen, I appreciate you taking the time to count all these bullets. Don't think that extra mile went unnoticed.

        --- Ross
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    • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
      Originally Posted by sparkie2260 View Post

      I'm sure you're sincere... and maybe even right. But Ryan (or Bryan... or Ben; was it Ben?) has not TAUGHT me what Napoleon Hill taught me.

      Maybe he will. But not today.
      Some days we're the pigeon....
      Other days we're the statue.

      Either way, I'm pretty sure you have a copy
      of Elements of Style.

      There's always that.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742599].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
    Perfect! Thanks Ewen,

    This definitely went into the "Copywriting" Bookmark folder...
    and looks like Ben's getting another $137 payment


    and for once it's not so painful for us "aussies" (& kiwis living in aus) to purchase
    U.S. products as the aussie dollar's nearly the same

    Sorry, I have to disagree. I cannot read 108 bullet points.

    I read a novel, and I expect it to grab me in the first two paragraphs... maybe (if I'm feeling generous) in the first chapter.

    IM is no different. Am I wrong? ... Just thinking about the customers.
    You're not wrong if that how you feel!?

    The thing is...

    If even 2 bullet points out of the 108 hook the prospect
    into making a purchase, (like they hooked me) they've done their job...

    I'll be honest in saying I didnt read every bullet first time round
    but know their true power so would love to truly master them.

    Probably one the copywriting elements most
    people forget about when writing copy.

    Yet, they're so useful for limited space applications
    (and super deadly when writing everyday sales letter)

    Short, Sharp and Straight to the point.

    Love em

    - aj


    opps, I just read Scotts post
    (about only needing one bullet point that hooks) lol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2742981].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Here's an element that Ben uses in this piece and another, it's qualifying the reader.

      Words like "it ain't cheap" "not for the casual".

      This gets the reader saying "hey I'm no el' cheapo"
      and "heh man I'm serious about this stuff".

      Great stuff for nudging the reader off the fence early on.

      Plus you get a reader hooked in to what's following.

      Plus the writer gets to be believed more.

      Anybody notice that?

      All the best,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2743104].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zero
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        Here's an element that Ben uses in this piece and another, it's qualifying the reader.

        Words like "it ain't cheap" "not for the casual".

        This gets the reader saying "hey I'm no el' cheapo"
        and "heh man I'm serious about this stuff".

        Great stuff for nudging the reader off the fence early on.

        Plus you get a reader hooked in to what's following.

        Plus the writer gets to be believed more.

        Anybody notice that?

        All the best,
        I've seen 1 that was done in a more hard hitting way on a sales copy i read for a home study course by Dan Lok i believe a few years back. He didn't pull any punches with what he said.

        I really liked the way he did it. He made it pretty clear he couldn't care less if that person bought it or not, he was charging a high price because he only wanted those that were serious. Something to that effect.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2744891].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson

    The other thing I love about Bens sales letter is this;

    The Copywriting Grab Bag is $137 and nothing else for shipping & handling (I pay for your shipping).

    But really, the price doesn't matter.

    Because it comes with a 12-month, money-back guarantee:

    If at any time in the next year you don't honestly think it is worth 10 times your investment, just send it back and I'll refund your money.
    A lot of copywriters pussy foot around with the price
    and spend a paragraph (or 4) trying to justify the price...

    Ben does it in 2 sentences...

    But really, the price doesn't matter.

    Because it comes with a 12-month, money-back guarantee:
    Brilliant "risk" reversal and price "justification"... even though it sounds like there is no risk and he's not justifying anything...

    simply because "(price) doesnt matter", you get your money back anyway

    I'll be using this for sure,

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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Cool dude. Nice find. It's like reading the back cover of a giant book.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by JasonParker View Post

      Cool dude. Nice find. It's like reading the back cover of a giant book.
      Now c'mon Jason, tell the truth, it's like inside the covers of a Playboy...in your case.

      All the best,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2743267].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    No Playboys for me good sir. I prefer Better Homes and Garden.
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