Kevin & Bond Halbert looking for *5* available copywriters...

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Personally I'm up to my eyeballs, but maybe someone else needs a gig right now.

Best of luck, opportunity and success,

- Rick Duris

PS: Even if you're booked up too, it might still be opportunistically prudent to take a moment and reach out and make contact. They're good people.


Dear Subscriber,

If you are a copywriter for hire, this really may be the most important message you will ever read.

You see, Kevin and I get asked if we know good copywriters all the time, but recently we were asked by several people all at once and decided to send out the bat signal (email everyone).

As it stands, right now there are...

4 Companies Looking For
5 Copywriters. One Is Writing For A Product Launch

Normally Kevin and I just make a quick recommendation but most of our regulars suggestions are booked.

We then go to the Million Dollar Rolodex List which is not nearly as big as the main list.

For those of you who don' know, Kevin and I keep a separate list or file of people open to networking and marketing job opportunities. We call it the Million Dollar Rolodex. This way we can alert those who are interested and not annoy all the subscribers with a bunch of job offers.

Of course we sent out an announcement for the first and most lucrative position to our Million Dollar Rolodex list already but this is quite a few jobs and we could use a few more copywriters on the list.

All the jobs are working with people Kevin or I know and recommend.
The most lucrative is for Brian Johnson who is now working with Precious Moments the billion dollar company that makes all those teardrop eye characters.

They are having every applicant write a sample based on one of their products to see whose writing best mimics the voice of their average customer.

The other jobs are in the following fields:
  • Biz Op
  • Corporate Consulting (Sort of a corporate life-coaching program)
  • Copywriter Marketing Biz Op
  • Technical New Age Relaxation Product (with a slightly medical explanation)
We also have a...

Marketing Giant Looking For A product Launch Copywriter!

The job involves selling to internet marketers.

To apply for any of these positions, please send your copy samples and references to

Mention the Precious Moments position and Kevin will send you the details on how to apply.

Although we don't require them, real life numbers and results go a long way in proving your worth so include them if you can.

Also if you have anything to do with the business of direct response marketing and want to be on our networking list, please sign up for the Million Dollar Rolodex here:

PS If you do sign up for the Million Dollar Rolodex we send out announcements as we get them, so please bear with us if we send a lot all of a sudden.


Bond Halbert

PS Kevin and I are doing this as a favor and get nothing out of it.

7510 Sunset Blvd. #1020
Los Angeles,
CA 90046
#bond #copywriters #halbert #kevin

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