Would You Hire This Web Designer?

10 replies
I'm throwing a bunch of headlines aout there to get the juices flowing.

I'm working on a postcard for a web designer, the customer is a little conservative - though I'd LOVE to be a little (or a lot) outrageous.

So you don't care if your website makes money or not?

Only Business owners who want to Thrive during this recession should bother to read this...

The Hands Down Cheapest Way To Generate New Leads And Customers...

If You Don't Want A Website You're Guaranteed To Be Thrilled With, Before You Fork Over A Penny - Throw This Letter Away NOW!

I Guarantee You A Website You'll Be Thrilled With ...BEFORE You Spend A Penny

You're Either Loaded, Stupid or Ignorant...
(If you haven't responded to my previous letter)

An offer like this doesn't come around every day

This is your last chance to get a website
that could transform your business...

Completely Risk-Free!

The competition on Google is Heating up - can your website handle the competition - will anyone see it?

What Does Your Website Do for Your Business?

I'll Build You A Grade-A
Customer Magnet Website...
Just Say the Word

The competition on the first page of Google is getting tougher every day...
Will Your Website Make The Grade?
...Or Get Lost In The Shuffle With Thousands Of Others

Get Your Website To Stand Out Among
The Thousands Of Others, And...
Grab And Keep Your Customer's Attention!

Lousy Websites Will Be Shot On Sight!

NOW Is Your Chance To Give That
So-So Website A Complete Makeover!

Obama Wil Not Save Your Business...
But A Well Built Website Can Do Nice Things
For Your Bottom Line

If You Website Is More Than Two Years Old,
You May Be Flushing Money Down The Toilet

Did Your Web Designer Ask This Question
Before They Built Your Website?

NOW, Find Out What Most Web Designers
Don't Want You To Know

Feel free to chime in!

#designer #hire #web
  • Profile picture of the author Ross James
    You're Either Loaded, Stupid or Ignorant...
    (If you haven't responded to my previous letter)

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  • Profile picture of the author Ross James
    "A dollar 25 Wont Buy You Much In Boston - But Find Out How It Can Increase Traffic To Your Website Today "
    Assuming you're in Boston.


    "Your Website Sucks!"

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  • Profile picture of the author dorim
    So you don't care if your website makes money or not?

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  • Profile picture of the author wmc19872010
    I laughed at this one -

    Obama Wil Not Save Your Business...
    But A Well Built Website Can Do Nice Things
    For Your Bottom Line.

    I would definitely buy from someone who has the creativity to write this.
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  • Profile picture of the author stealthpromo
    I dont know about these. A good designer doesn't need catchy headlines, they just get spread by word of mouth and showing that theyre available.
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    • Profile picture of the author ericthered

      My client serves offline local businesses, and she does get word of mouth referrals. But that only goes so far. She doesn't build sites to dazzle or entertain, but to get a phone call or a visit to a shop.
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  • Profile picture of the author eyalmad
    Nop. not look much professional...
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  • Profile picture of the author John_S
    Would You Hire This Web Designer?
    Nope. No proof. Just big claims.

    The vast, vast, majority of web designers have little to zero interest in tracking results. Every last one claims to bring in more business, but they'd rather chew off a leg than have to substantiate that claim.

    And truth be told, the vast majority couldn't describe a single element they've changed that boosted results if you held a gun to their head. Web design has devolved into a field of taking credit, while shunning resposibility for results.

    Let's take an example of yours "The competition on the first page of Google is getting tougher"

    Now, you don't say your client's customers have achieved anything through the goat entrails and charms (sorry SEO expertise) the client is selling. Essentially, this whole field is stuck looking at the market like they just got on the web two weeks ago. It's not 1998 anymore.

    I suggest developing a target customer profile. Of a busines owner who got on the web eight years ago, and has redesigned twice. ...Each design from a different designer who promised to bring in more sales ...but didn't.

    If you're going to make a claim, back it up. And why not do so right there in the headline. Better still, point out the pain they already have ...the money they have been losing, and will lose, every single minute they delay. That's the mindset you want to target.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    These are my favorites:

    Originally Posted by ericthered View Post

    Only Business owners who want to Thrive during this recession should bother to read this...

    The Hands Down Cheapest Way To Generate New Leads And Customers...

    I Guarantee You A Website You'll Be Thrilled With ...BEFORE You Spend A Penny

    This is your last chance to get a website
    that could transform your business...

    Completely Risk-Free!

    What Does Your Website Do for Your Business?

    Obama Will Not Save Your Business...
    But A Well Built Website Can Do Nice Things
    For Your Bottom Line
    Those are my favorites.

    They are JUST a bit outrageous, but not too much so that they might come off rude..

    AND I love the one about OBAMA... you KNOW every business owner will identify with that one!!

    Great job writing these!!
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  • Profile picture of the author davemiz
    i'll give you a little gem.... i was one of the first direct response web designers.... this is going back to 2000.

    this was my business card.

    Does your website SUCK?

    here's what to do about it:

    then the url to a landing page and phone number.

    got me a TON of business.

    “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

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