Do You Think Sales Copy Has Changed And "Set Up" In General?
I was thinking about my products, most of which are in the gaming niche.
Now my products convert, well most of them and that is because I have quite a lot of knowledge about the gaming guides I am promoting and most of which I write myself.
Yes, I am your typical 80's gaming geek. :p
Anyway, there has been times when I have thought my products could do better so I have hired a top copywriter.
The copy I got back was awesome, at least I thought so but did it convert?
Well, yes but not as well as MY copy!
Now my question is:
"With the Internet moving forward in terms of social media sites, videos, etc... - do you think the model for sales page design is changing?"
I know that a lot of copy courses are about "make money online" products, but MORE than the copy I think it is well worth changing the set up of your entire page to fix your niche.
For instance - we have always been taught a strong red headline with 3 benefits works best.
At least that is what I read.
Although if you were in the "dog training" niche and you didn't have a headline but a video at the top of your site showing the dog obeying commands - sit, heel, fetch etc...
and then after the video it said:
"I'm not showing off! Rex wasn't always this well behaved..."
BAM, into the copy you go having got the attention of 90% of dog owners.
I hope you see what I am getting at?
Let me know your thoughts Warriors?
All the best,
Betty Walker, the "Wise Web Lady"
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