Could you give me your opinion on this?
Can you give me your thoughts on this? I'm hoping to get some folks into a small afternoon class/seminar geared towards small business owners that spend money on advertising in local papers and such.
The "mini-seminar" would focus on direct-response ad principles and educate them on how to turn around "cute and clever" ads to ads that either attract qualified leads to enter into their marketing funnel or sell to existing customers in their marketplace.
I plan on taking existing ads that I find and clipping them to sheets that either are handwritten with the following message or typed out. (That's also one of the things I'd like your thoughts about--which to do.)
The following would then be sent to the prospects (for what it's worth, I've been thinking about this for some time and already have a measly, but interested three people that have expressed desire to pay and learn more from me in a setting like this):
Hello (name if I can get it)-
You paid good money for this ad...are you happy with the results?
Would you like to discover how to quickly and easily double (or even triple) your ad response on your very next ad? Do you want an immediate and measurable surge in business you know comes from your advertising? ( Note: that last bugs me, but I want something along those lines, I just can't word it right)
There are only a few spots left ( Note:should I feel guilty for saying this? I would love to get around 15-20, but I truly have no idea...is this wrong to imply it this way?) for my next ad-profits clinic in March and your special price is only good for the next seven days...
Go to "..." or call me at "..." to learn more right now... You have absolutely nothing to lose. Heck, it's less than most ads and my afternoon course comes with a 100% no-hassle love-it-or-pay-absolutely-nothing guarantee...can your ad rep do that?)
(Note: I don't like the first part of that last sentence either. Can I say that another way? And by instinct and learning, I want to say "or your next ad is on me" as that's a better sounding guarantee that has more of a "hook" and isn't so bland but...fear of my wife thinking I'm crazy to gamble so.)
So what I'm looking to do obviously is send them to a longer letter on a page where it sells them on coming. Am I taking too many steps? Should I add more steps to sell them? I'm thinking $97 for the afternoon with the discount being that I want to record it and make a product for future use (giveaway maybe?) because they'll be "part of my making it a product" kind of thing.
Thoughts on the initial letter? Am I saying too little? Too much? Should I make it a one-step with the letter to sell it sent right up front with their ad instead? I suppose response might be less but conversion higher this way?
Am I hitting the right buttons in the note? It's obviously not blind as I'm telling them straight out I've got something to sell them. If I do so should I add some social proof? A headline? I originally wanted to go with just a scribbled note in red on a blank printer sheet...what do you think?
Thanks guys.
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Len Bailey
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