by Traci
15 replies
Can ya'll give me a few examples of the general price of a landing page? I know it will vary on a number of factors, but Im looking for at least a ballpark figure. It's nothing too complicated, but a landing page for a client who doesn't know "online" business, but has a product to sell.

#landing #page #price
  • Profile picture of the author John_S
    Copywriting -- $850 to $1250

    Doing the marketing the client didn't but should have -- $1,000 to $2,000 That includes competitive analysis, targeting and positioning, developing a USP, figuring out the benefits of the copy from a feature list, and including redesigning the product or service

    Explaining why online marketing is done that way and explaining in detail the background for every little decision when the client without online experience wants it changed - this includes an education on usability, web design, user interface design, user testing and A/B split run testing, copywriting and marketing strategy - $500 to $1,500

    Going back and stripping out the pointless graphics and other response killing things after all the above is ignored - $2500

    Luckily it's for a simple product you just want to throw up and nothing too complicated.
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  • Profile picture of the author Topgunb
    I normally evaluate each clients needs to determine the amount of work needed. But as a ballpark I quote as follows :

    small business : $250

    med business : $500

    large business : $1500

    Anything else you have to do quote for. I have build complete websites for beginners for $300

    Hope this helps

    Signature For the best real deal in town!
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  • Profile picture of the author yeo1999
    generally, a landing page cost less then $100..

    Don't Miss It!!!! Click here => To See This -> Low cost, high quality 100% unique articles writing service.

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    • I like your thinking. A landing page for under $100 - that's a fantastic idea.

      Hey, while we're at it, cars take a lot of effort to build and provide a lot of value - lets start selling those for $500. You're sure to get a reliable vehicle for that price!

      Another day as a copywriter, and yet another unrealistic pricing expectation from a potential client...

      - Cherilyn
      Take your product from idea to profit in less than 90 days! Work with me to develop and implement a step-by-step plan for success!
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      • Profile picture of the author Rob Canyon
        Are you talking a sales letter or a squeeze page...

        And whether he found you or you found him will certainly make a difference.


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    • Profile picture of the author zapseo
      Originally Posted by yeo1999 View Post

      generally, a landing page cost less then $100..
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  • Profile picture of the author John_S
    generally, a landing page cost less then $100..
    The missing part of that sentence "...and earns about that much per month."

    And that's because the clueless know the price of everything and the value of nothing. So they think low price equals a good bet the way a lotto player with a flimsy grasp of odds does. You have about the same chances of winning either way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Traci
    A squeeze page. I've done work for him in the past, articles, website copy and some other sales copy.

    And it never crossed my mind that it should cost less than $100. I could throw something together for under $100, but I would bet that same amount that it wouldn't convert.
    Need Web Sales Copy...Click This Link NOW!
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    • Profile picture of the author plainwords
      I'd have to agree with John_S. If your client is serious about a landing page that converts and makes money, you'd be looking at $3000 to $4000 all up. There's a huge amount of time involved in creating a successful landing page.

      Of course, if you are working with a client who understands internet marketing, the cost can be a lot less, because they will already have done the market research and will know how to market the site themselves. But if your client is expecting you to do pretty much everything, it doesn't come cheap.

      As for an efective landing page for $100, I don't see how that's possible.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
      Originally Posted by Traci View Post

      A squeeze page. I've done work for him in the past, articles, website copy and some other sales copy.

      And it never crossed my mind that it should cost less than $100. I could throw something together for under $100, but I would bet that same amount that it wouldn't convert.
      I guess I don't understand the question.

      If you've done work for him before, why don't you know what to charge? You should have an established value for your time, say $100 per hour, and because you're an expert, you should know how much time is required to create the squeeze page. Just multiply.
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  • Profile picture of the author John_S
    You really want to be buying your copywriting from someone who can sell their services at more than rock bottom.

    People don't pay good copywriters $5,000 to $25,000 because they enjoy spending that money. They pay because they want someone who can sell without using low price as a crutch.

    Want $100 copy. Just write it yourself and offer to pay people to take whatever it is off your hands.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I can only recall one time I ever did a standalone landing page for a client,
    but as part of the package (LP, Main Copy and Autoresponder Series)
    I normally quote $1,500+ for the landing page. If I were only doing the
    landing page alone (about the same research time involved) it will be
    about twice that.

    -Ray L.,
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author kimilue
    cost less than 100$ maybe enough, not so clear, totally agree with John_S's idea
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    • Profile picture of the author BestSell13
      You able to get higher quality landing page writer at cost range from $100 - $200.
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