The Components of a Sales Letter
This is one of the most important aspect of the Sales Letter and is capable of drawing the attention of the prospective buyer to the product or service you intend to promote. There are some phrases that are very vital if you want toget people's attention. Such phrases are "even if" and "guaranteed". This first phrase can present a worst scenario and capture a large market, for instance, "Discover how to earn money on the internet, even if you don't know how to handle a mouse" Discover how you can make $700 in 7 days right from your bedroom... guaranteed". Another important phrase in headlines is "how to".
This is the part where you give your prospective buyer the reason to read further. It serves as a hook after capturing his/her attention so as to make him/her continue reading.
This part is very important as people want to know how credible you are especially if you are not well known on the Internet. The Internet is a place where you deal with people that you may never meet in your entire life and so you need to build trust and let people know well. You could do that by posting in popular forums regularly, writing articles on ezinearticles or even encouraging to type your name or website or blog on google and check the results.
The next you need to do is to introduce your product. It can be in a highlighted formatted usually in a different format and colour. This draws the attention of the prospective buyer.
Tell the prospective buyer the benefits of getting your product or service. List the benefits one after the other. Don't just say you will benefit from this product or service. Let him/her know through your listing of the benefits.
When you offer bonuses, the prospective buyer becomes more excited about geeting your product or service because he/she could have been looking for such or they could enhance his/her business. You can even list the value of the bonuses.
This is where you can add the value of the bonuses and the value of the product or service and make him/her understand that you will not charge that amount, but a lower amount. Make him/her want to bring out his/her wallet or rush to the bank to get the money to buy immediately.
When you do this, you are taking the risk from the prospective buyer and laying it upon yourself and he/she will be more comfortable. You can even tell him/her to keep the product and bonuses if he/she is not satisfied and you will still refund his/her money back after the product or service has been used for a particular period of time.
This is the closing part of the offer where you encourage him/her to buy and that the offer may not last long and give a deadline to encourage him/her to buy immediately or as soon as possible.
This is the last part of the Sales Letter where you could remind him/her about something very important about your offer.
So people, I hope this will help. I have been able to put a little bit of input here and there.
ryda -
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Alex Malave -
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