Any Advice on Copywriting For Selling Hardware?

7 replies
Hey folks.

I'll be writing a copy for a client that's selling a specialized USB Device.

I had success in writing copy for information products and this will be my first to write to sell physical device.

Any advice? Is there even a difference in writing and selling physical products?

Thank you in advance.
#advice #copywriting #hardware #selling
  • Profile picture of the author AdwordsMogul
    The advice is the same as for any other product.

    Find out what the market thinks they want - and then show they get it through your product.

    I've written some computer related work and it's really not that much different from info products.

    The most important part is research. If there are people who already use the product, find out why they made it their choice.

    How is it better than competing products or other solutions?

    An exercise I have found helpful for my own products is to sell them in person - you'll be surprised how much you will learn. You may find great selling points within 15 minutes of conversation - and then you write them down.

    If you wish I can spend a couple of hours helping you out - completely free of charge. Send me a PM, I'll see what I can do for you.
    "Those who can - DO IT. Those who can't, say it's impossible."
    Jean Paul a.k.a AdwordsMogul - Top of the range PHP developers

    Easy Link Saver - Are you tired of the pain of constantly searching for your affiliate links? ( Chrome extension - FREE )
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper-Kelly
      Hi JJ,

      There is no difference between selling hardware or info products. Nor is there any difference selling off line (by direct mail) or on line.

      Here's why ...

      Folks are the same, whether they buy on line or mail order. So the same elements must be in your sales letter for hardware as there is for your info product.

      In each case, you must first attract the readers attention and convince them it's worth taking some time to read your message. And then you need to address the unspoken 'objections' in the mind of the reader.

      Chief amongst those is answering the unspoken question, "Why should I believe you?"

      Once you've build that trust, you to need understand that virtually everything we buy is bought to make us feel good. For example: make us feel we are improving our lives by making our work easier ... or increasing our status or wealth.

      So you need to show how your product will make them ... more effective ... smarter ... save time ... save hassle or whatever it is that your product will DO for them.

      That's the real key to selling anything.

      Warmest regards,

      If you want to stack the copywriting deck in your favor with tricks and hacks producing winners like: "$20K in three days" "650 sold" "30% conversion", then you might like to know I'm retiring and will spill the beans to two people. More info here.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebRank1
    One thing I noticed while working at a security wholesaler is that specialist often know exactly what they want and need.
    In contrast to the 'normal' people, specialist or experts will often use logical reasoning when reading a sales letter.
    They are often problem solving in analytical way and using a completely different part of the brain as opposed to 'regular' folks, this is not my opinion, it is biology.
    For more info on problem solving and the differences in expertise levels: Problem solving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    You might also find Fluid Intelligence interesting to study, I know I do.

    So in a nutshell, personally when I have to market a specialist item I will asses the prospects level of expertise and try to find a happy balance between addressing emotions and logic reasoning in my letter.

    Hope that made any sense, I am a little tired haha

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    • Profile picture of the author Tashi Mortier
      I'm just starting out my "Copywriting journey", mainly writing normal articles and texts at the moment (which can't be compared with Copywriting, which is my end goal). But I'd like to contribute from the "expert view" on hardware in this case.

      If you'd hand me over anything like the usual sales copy that information products have for some specialized USB device that I'm searching, well, then I'd just click site away.

      When I buy hardware I don't look at any text, I search for lists, I need to check the hardware against the specs that I need.

      That's just my honest, blatant opinion in that case.

      Want to read my personal blog? Tashi Mortier

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      • Profile picture of the author WebRank1
        Originally Posted by Tashi Mortier View Post

        I'm just starting out my "Copywriting journey", mainly writing normal articles and texts at the moment (which can't be compared with Copywriting, which is my end goal). But I'd like to contribute from the "expert view" on hardware in this case.

        If you'd hand me over anything like the usual sales copy that information products have for some specialized USB device that I'm searching, well, then I'd just click site away.

        When I buy hardware I don't look at any text, I search for lists, I need to check the hardware against the specs that I need.

        That's just my honest, blatant opinion in that case.
        I completely agree! You are on an expertise level that does not require much persuasion other than clear facts that shows you the product does what you need because you most likely exactly know what you need.
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        • Profile picture of the author JJOrana
          Those are my thoughts as well.

          I did quick research on people selling gadgets and their site or landing pages are not your typical IM sales letter. Long and wordy.

          That's why I'm asking questions because I do see they're different.

          So any advice will be helpful.

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          • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
            Joe Sugarman wrote a number of excellent ads on gadgets. You can get an excellent sense of how to write copy for hardware etc. by studying his ads. They are in the back of his advertising and direct marketing books. Check amazon.
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