Golf copy example | Swipe file | 20-year control

by Drez
4 replies
This golf ad (actually for golf balls) ran for close to 20 years in multiple publications with only minor changes.

The power, I believe, is in the news/article style it's written in.

Take a look for yourself (free download to your personal copy example swipe file)

Here's the link:

Golf copy example 20 year control | Great addtion your copywriting swipe file
#20year #control #copy #copy swipe #copywriting example #file #golf #sports #swipe #swipe file
  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Mark that ad illustrates the big idea, the hook.

    Drive the golf clubs out of business, hence they won't stock them
    and the reason why it's been advertised in the publication.

    Also a news story format to match the publication it's in.

    Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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    • Profile picture of the author Drez
      The ad combines a lot of great triggers: "In the know", "Us against the man", etc.

      Of course the editorial/news style gives it credibility (even at a subconscious level) even though it's label as an advertisement.

      Ran for about 20 years ... must have had a good ROI

      Mark "Drez" Dresner
      Swipe My Massive Copywriting Swipe Files Collection for FREE

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      • Profile picture of the author amo992
        Originally Posted by Drez View Post

        The ad combines a lot of great triggers: "In the know", "Us against the man", etc.

        Of course the editorial/news style gives it credibility (even at a subconscious level) even though it's label as an advertisement.

        Ran for about 20 years ... must have had a good ROI
        Instead of saying it was a specific trigger ("us against the man"), I think the underlying principle would be better interpreted as reactance.

        If you notice in the third paragraph, the copywriter uses a supposed quote in which 'you' is the primary pronoun. Of course, you can interpret it as a reference to a general audience (see what I did there?). But, if you keep reading it very much turns into a dialogue with the reader.

        At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the reader interprets that part of message as if it were HIS golf balls that would be hard to sell (I know I felt this way).

        Anyway, the third and fourth paragraphs are amazing, no matter the interpretation.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by Drez View Post

    This golf ad (actually for golf balls) ran for close to 20 years in multiple publications with only minor changes.

    The power, I believe, is in the news/article style it's written in.

    Take a look for yourself (free download to your personal copy example swipe file)

    Here's the link:

    Golf copy example 20 year control | Great addtion your copywriting swipe file
    Hey Drez, great site - lots of interesting info.

    Thanks for all your hard work at sharing
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4120708].message }}

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