An Honest Copywriter?
When writing, as with all my endeavors, I strive to not be dishonest - above perhaps all other considerations. As I begin to add copywriting to my services, I am exploring the moral implications of working in this area of the industry.
I'm curious to know the opinions of copywriters regarding this question: Is it possible to be an honest copywriter?
I believe it is possible, but perhaps limiting in some ways. The most significant of which would likely be not writing for products you don't actually believe are worth buying.
What other limitations, ramifications, implications, can you think of for one who endeavors to be an honest copywriter?
(Also, some people confuse rationalization with honesty. Rationalization in this context being the act of convincing one's self that they are being honest, when in fact they are not. The ability to come up with a logical trick to hoodwink the conscience is not genuine honesty.)

P.S. I don't mean to insinuate that anybody here is dishonest, nor that the work of copywriting itself is dishonest by nature. In fact, I suspect that the most successful copywriters would prove to also be among the most honest copywriters.
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Cheers, Laurence.
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