Copywriter Wanted...Step Up And Read All About It!
Big Honcho Internet Marketer has put a bounty on a copywriter.
The amount remains a secret at this point in time,
but sources close to him say it is considerable.
Here's his bounty notice seen around town...
Aspiring superstar writer to help Rich rock the online business world!
Here's what you need...
Must be able to think! To grasp high-level concepts, stimulate and contribute ideas, pinpoint key details, and create compelling deliverables with "Ah-Ha" moment power.
Must be able to write! Persuasively and influentially and be willing to re-write until a project meets Rich's high standards. Proficiency in "direct response" skills a must.
Must be flexible! The ability to adapt to different kinds of projects is a must. There's no telling what you'll be delivering to the online world.
Must be a self-starter able to manage your schedule! Able to take initiative - but also to take direction. (If you need someone to feed and burp you, this position isn't for you.)
Must be results and goal oriented! Working fast, hitting deadlines, and getting results is the name of the game.
Must be a team player! No hot-heads, big mouths, primadonnas or mammoth egos.
If you think you're up to the challenge, here's what you need to do: send an email with your resume, cover letter and ONE writing sample to Janine at jshea@strategicprofits.com.
Put "Strategic Profits: Writers Call-Out" in the subject line.
We'll review all your submissions. If we like what we see, we'll be in touch with a special writing challenge for the next step.
There you go, a Rocking Ad!
Direct Response Copywriting
Direct Response Copywriting
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