Tear My Sales Copy To Shreds!

35 replies
I don't think it sucks but I don't think it's that good either. The link is in my signature. Let me know how you think I can improve it.
#copy #sales #shreds #tear
  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    Read these and learn from them:

    You also lack of proof in your copy, and it's way too much 'hyped' only fools would buy it.

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at seohustlers.com

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Warriors
    I think your basic idea is good, but you spend a bit too much time on the background info and bonuses, and not enough on the main product. I mean, it seems like about 2/5 of it is about your adventures in affiliate marketing, while another 2/5 is about the bonus package, leaving 1/5 of the sales letter dealing with the main product you're selling. I would modify it to give it a better balance.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    Best line -
    And if you're THRILLED with the information that's contained in my ebook, you're more than welcome to send me a tip!
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  • Profile picture of the author Elion Makkink
    I'm not sure if I'm the only one but I don't like to see this many bonuses to be honest. I get the impression that they are worthless because there are so many...

    Elion Makkink

    Become an SEO Hustler too at seohustlers.com

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  • Profile picture of the author RazvanRogoz
    Promise without proof is called hype.

    Hype does not sell.

    Plus, we are in 2011. The market is sophisticated. You could have sold something a few years ago this way.

    When people actually bought lies. But now, unless you have a ton of proof in the business opportunity market (and weight loss), you're going to have a hard time.

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    • Profile picture of the author Azarna
      A huge pile of bonuses - clearly you don't believe in your product as you feel you need to shore it up.

      Handy hint, btw - when ever I see piles of bonuses I immediately search the pictures on TinEye (Firefox handily added this as a right click option). I then can see how many zillion of other people are also selling/giving them away. When it is loads (like in this case) I know full well that they are common freebies or being given away en masse on PLR sites.

      If your product is poor and you really feel you have to add bonuses to get rid of it, at least use something a bit more original, or change the pictures so it is not so blatant that you are bunging the same cr*p in as everyone else

      And as for this "While I would LOVE to make every single person out there a wealthy affiliate, it's only fair to LIMIT how many copies are sold. There's a quota in the back of my mind and once that quota is reached, this site is going to go down FOREVER." Oh come on! Insult your audience much, heh.

      I am sorry, but Lazy Affiliates? To me it seems that you have got a PLR report and have quickly thrown up a website. Like a lazy affilliate...

      OMG, lol, and now it has just thrown a pop-up at me to tell me I can have it for $17 instead of the usual $97.

      And in that move you just drove away anyone who was seriously considering this, as you have just clearly said you don't believe it is worth $97 at all, or why on earth would you so desperately do this with your 'valuable information'?

      Sorry to sound so negative and harsh, but you asked us to tear it to shreds - and sadly I found it very easy to do so
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      • Originally Posted by Azarna View Post

        I am sorry, but Lazy Affiliates? To me it seems that you have got a PLR report and have quickly thrown up a website. (
        It's not a PLR report. I wrote all 97 pages on my own.
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        • Profile picture of the author Azarna
          Originally Posted by affiliatecopywriter View Post

          It's not a PLR report. I wrote all 97 pages on my own.
          My apologies.

          But if it is original and good quality why do you need a huge pile of PLR bonuses to sell it then?

          I was a member of a PLR site, so I have seen all those titles before. When you have so many of them on there, I naturally assumed your product was one too. You are rather shooting yourself in the foot by association there, see?
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          • Originally Posted by Azarna View Post

            My apologies.

            But if it is original and good quality why do you need a huge pile of PLR bonuses to sell it then?

            I was a member of a PLR site, so I have seen all those titles before. When you have so many of them on there, I naturally assured your product was one do. You are rather shooting yourself in the foot by association there, see?
            I added a message before the package where I value each product at about $1.50 each. That's how much they're selling for on Tradebit.com. And that would be a realistic value if purchased individually. Some people give these away for free but it's best to purchase them from a legitimate source so you don't end up downloading a virus.

            I used to make quite a bit of money selling ebook packages on Ebay. It's a pity I didn't know about list building back then because I made over 1,000 sales.
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    • Originally Posted by RazvanRogoz View Post

      Promise without proof is called hype.

      Hype does not sell.
      Creating fake earnings statements using javascript coding in your browser is considered lying. I'm probably going to give away a few copies for testimonials. But I'm not going to lie and say I made $10,000 in one day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dainis
    keep at it. your popup does not work properly. $10?

    my suggestion is for you to concentrate on what is working financially in your life. is it affiliate marketing or something else?

    look at exactly what it is that is working for you and expand from there.

    concentrate on yourself and not on selling this product.

    if "nothing" is working for you financially right now, then look at what has worked for you in the past and go do that. make 3 offers per day to do that.

    then, you may have a story to tell with this eBook.

    your copy is not convincing, likely because your story is not convincing.

    i mean, if you offered your eBook to the people on this thread for free, would any of us learn anything, make any money, or be willing to put out a testimonial on YouTube for you?

    if yes, then give it to us. if we can make even a few hundred extra bucks a month based on following what you say, fine. then you have a good product and bad copy and let the testimonials do the work for you.

    but you have a life to live, a story to generate, and cash to make. that cash may be hidden somewhere else in your past, present and future.

    i'm certain you have provided good service before. i'm certain you've done good work and been paid for it in the past.

    my question is: will you connect with that and expand on it or will you chase after things that aren't working?

    again, i could be completely wrong, you might be generating $1,000 per day on this or other products.

    or, you may be doing ok as an affiliate.

    hey, if that's the case, call your website and eBook.

    www.doingokasanaffiliate.com and i'd buy into that.

    what would i call "doing ok?" eh, round $5K per month.

    r u at $5K or above?

    if so, write that story and put up a picture of you, your regular car, your kids, spouse(s), etc.

    i mean, how awesome would it be to see an affiliate sales page with someone driving a 2003 Oldsmobile Silhouette Van?

    "hey everyone, i make $5K per month as an affiliate marketer. i know it ain't much, but i don't work much either. this is my car:


    i have 2 kids and my ex wife is a satan-spawned narcissist from the depths of hell, but i get to see my kids 50% of the time and we love every minute of our time together.

    when i'm not with my kids i spend my time refining my affiliate marketing campaigns, learning to draw, getting back into shape, and sailing.

    i put together this eBook for you, because well, i actually make a pretty decent middle-class income online without doing a lot of work, and i figured you might benefit from my techniques. even a seasoned online veteran might be able to learn a thing or two from my eBook, who knows?

    so, if you're looking for ...."

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    • Originally Posted by Dainis View Post

      keep at it. your popup does not work properly. $10?

      my suggestion is for you to concentrate on what is working financially in your life. is it affiliate marketing or something else?

      look at exactly what it is that is working for you and expand from there.

      concentrate on yourself and not on selling this product.

      if "nothing" is working for you financially right now, then look at what has worked for you in the past and go do that. make 3 offers per day to do that.

      then, you may have a story to tell with this eBook.

      your copy is not convincing, likely because your story is not convincing.

      i mean, if you offered your eBook to the people on this thread for free, would any of us learn anything, make any money, or be willing to put out a testimonial on YouTube for you?

      if yes, then give it to us. if we can make even a few hundred extra bucks a month based on following what you say, fine. then you have a good product and bad copy and let the testimonials do the work for you.

      but you have a life to live, a story to generate, and cash to make. that cash may be hidden somewhere else in your past, present and future.

      i'm certain you have provided good service before. i'm certain you've done good work and been paid for it in the past.

      my question is: will you connect with that and expand on it or will you chase after things that aren't working?

      again, i could be completely wrong, you might be generating $1,000 per day on this or other products.

      or, you may be doing ok as an affiliate.

      hey, if that's the case, call your website and eBook.

      what would i call "doing ok?" eh, round $5K per month.

      r u at $5K or above?

      if so, write that story and put up a picture of you, your regular car, your kids, spouse(s), etc.

      i mean, how awesome would it be to see an affiliate sales page with someone driving a 2003 Oldsmobile Silhouette Van?

      "hey everyone, i make $5K per month as an affiliate marketer. i know it ain't much, but i don't work much either. this is my car:

      i have 2 kids and my ex wife is a satan-spawned narcissist from the depths of hell, but i get to see my kids 50% of the time and we love every minute of our time together.

      when i'm not with my kids i spend my time refining my affiliate marketing campaigns, learning to draw, getting back into shape, and sailing.

      i put together this eBook for you, because well, i actually make a pretty decent middle-class income online without doing a lot of work, and i figured you might benefit from my techniques. even a seasoned online veteran might be able to learn a thing or two from my eBook, who knows?

      so, if you're looking for ...."

      This product is not intended to be the next top Clickbank product. I don't have the earnings statements to do that. And when you think about it, the only reason why the top Clickbank products sell so well is because of their earnings statements. And in most cases, they're either fake or they're making their money through list building. Nobody would sell their secret to making $500 a day for less than $1,000! Anyone with common sense can figure that out. But they certainly do make people curious. I rewrote my exit pop-up so hopefully that improved. But I'm not willing to lie to anyone.
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  • Originally Posted by Matt Jutras View Post

    Since you can't afford a copywriter, I'd at least spend 20 or 30 dollars on a couple of copywriting books (there's a sticky at the top of the forum) and do a compete rewrite.
    I have plenty of copywriting books. Give me an example of sales copy that will sell you. Maybe I can "somewhat" copy their formula.
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  • Originally Posted by Matt Jutras View Post

    You don't need a formula. You need a good offer and then a hook to sell that offer. So far you have neither.

    Dainis had the best answer for you. Reread it and apply it if you're at all serious.
    What do you mean by a "good offer". I don't understand. I'm offering 15 legitimate affiliate marketing methods for $10. If that's not a good offer I don't know what is.
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  • Originally Posted by Matt Jutras View Post

    You don't need a formula. You need a good offer and then a hook to sell that offer. So far you have neither.

    Dainis had the best answer for you. Reread it and apply it if you're at all serious.
    I changed my headline and added an extra section to the copy. Do you think that's a significant improvement?
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  • Profile picture of the author abrahamgpg
    My 2 cents worth.

    I'm not going to give you a lot of negative criticism. Instead I'm going to try to give you some pointers to make your sales-page a bit better.

    It seems to me that this is your first time doing an offer like this.

    Recommendation 1:

    Take some content from your e-book and make a shorter report to give away free while building your list. Ask for some reviews to put on the sales-page. This will increase credibility.

    Create a separate offer-page for the giveaway, stating the benefits of your report. NOT what it is not.

    Recommendation 2:

    Regarding the present sales-page.

    Change your "Attention headline", No one wants to be sold something, instead state a fear or pain that you will alleviate through your product.

    State some true benefits "at least 3" of your product, lose the "Doesn't require" bit.

    Recommendation 3:

    Lower the price dramatically. People will be less inclined to ask for a refund if the price was in the range of ($15-$35).

    Recommendation 4 :

    scale down a bit on the initial bonuses.

    Those bonuses are mostly plr or mrr (I have all of them already). Rewrite them,combine some of them, give them a unique twist. Change the graphics or create new graphics for the bonuses. And make sure that the bonuses add to the value of your product.

    Recommendation 5:

    If you want to create scarcity, state how many copies you are willing to sell, after that number of sales, take down the site. Maybe add a sales counter, so that people can see that there are not many copies left.

    BE A TRUTHFUL MARKETER, our industry need more of those.

    Recommendation 6:

    In your pop-up Don't sound as if you are standing on your knees and begging for a sale, don't drop your price, rather add another bonus or two that you know will add to the value of the first offer. This will show people YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR PRODUCT and you are prepared to give them even more value for their money.

    Recommendation 7:

    Rewrite your sales-page psychologically. Press on the fears and pains of your target audience. Then show them how you aspire to alleviate those fears and pains.

    Now go and make a good sales-page GREAT.
    Live each day as if it are your last day.

    Online Marketing Tips at Abraham's Tips.com.
    Marketers need to be trustworthy.
    Get your TRUST verified SEAL here.
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  • Profile picture of the author jukeboxhero
    if you've got 15 secrets that "no one else knows" why not share one of them... Then if it really is a secret people haven't heard of, people will naturally want to see the rest.

    Next lose all the bonuses and build the value of the main product. Otherwise, leaving them creates a natural disbelief in readers because of incongruency... What I mean by that is, it leaves them thinking "If this dudes secrets are really so awesome than why does he feel the need to give me all this other $hit too".

    If you do insist on keeping them at least come up with a really, really amazing reason why you're giving away the farm.
    If Copywriting Legends Like John Carlton, Gary Halbert and Even Franky Kern Recommend

    >>>> This <<<<

    Shouldn't You Pay Attention
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  • Profile picture of the author jukeboxhero
    also have you tested losing all the cheesy headers and background... It looks very PLRish (tm), it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at what the big players are doing and it's clearly not that. Just sayin.
    If Copywriting Legends Like John Carlton, Gary Halbert and Even Franky Kern Recommend

    >>>> This <<<<

    Shouldn't You Pay Attention
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Two things:

    1. I'd be willing to bet this kind of copy would've worked multiple times better five years ago then it's going to work today.

    The market is saturated.

    2. There's nothing that makes your offer standout or different.

    What you need is a way to make the piece more specific and memorable.

    I hope you're able to turn a decent profit.

    - Rick Duris
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    • Originally Posted by RickDuris View Post

      Two things:

      1. I'd be willing to bet this kind of copy would've worked multiple times better five years ago then it's going to work today.

      - Rick Duris
      Yeah. I think you're right. I wrote an ebook about 4 years ago using a similar formula and it sold quite well. There seems to be a great deal of skepticisim in today's market. It's because so many scam artists have ruined the market with fake earnings claims and information that doesn't work.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
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        • Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

          Thank you everyone else for your help. :rolleyes:
          Thanks a lot everyone! To be honest, I wasn't expecting everyone to burn my copy. A little shredding wouldn't have been so bad. LOL. I just updated my copy with a description of 7 of the 15 affiliate marketing methods. Do you think that will help? I also rewrote the exit pop-up and got rid of the price decrease technique.
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Originally Posted by affiliatecopywriter View Post

    I don't think it sucks
    And there lies the problem...you ask for your copy to be torn to shreds...yet, you've argued or discounted almost every post.

    You're convinced this copy doesn't suck...so, why not take it to the market and see what they think? The only real way to know is to quit asking for advice and critique and instead ASK for sales via this copy...

    then you will know it sucks.

    Or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    Originally Posted by affiliatecopywriter View Post

    I don't think it sucks but I don't think it's that good either. The link is in my signature. Let me know how you think I can improve it.
    I counted 27 instances of you using the I.

    I, I, I, I, I, I ad infinitum...

    ...27 instances before you switched the emphasis away from yourself until you used the first instance of 'you'. (Involvement of your readers / potential target audience.)

    What does this tell you about your sales copy and... (in view of your sub-main headline)

    ...what message do you think this sends out to YOUR intended target market Greg?


    Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author apolwar
    First thing I see, the orange background. It threw me off. And then the word 'Lazy'. It just says 'instant money' when we know its not that easy to IM.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      Originally Posted by apolwar View Post

      First thing I see, the orange background. It threw me off. And then the word 'Lazy'. It just says 'instant money' when we know its not that easy to IM.
      It's definitely a headache color and certainly put me off subconsciously from comfortably reading the page.

      On your second point, you are indeed quite correct too.


      Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRealFade
    seems a bit hypey to me. like if it was that great would you talk about it like that?
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  • Profile picture of the author StarN9
    I feel the words which U have used in ur sigature needs to be more real.

    "15 LAZY AFFILIATE MARKETING METHODS" One just cannot make money if he/she is lazy..

    Make it look more real..
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  • Profile picture of the author abrahamgpg
    That's better.

    Still, try to use the recommendations 1, 2, 4, 7 from my previous post.

    Use Recommendation 1 in your popup to build your list.

    Good job so far.
    Live each day as if it are your last day.

    Online Marketing Tips at Abraham's Tips.com.
    Marketers need to be trustworthy.
    Get your TRUST verified SEAL here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4964752].message }}
    • Originally Posted by abrahamgpg View Post

      That's better.

      Still, try to use the recommendations 1, 2, 4, 7 from my previous post.

      Use Recommendation 1 in your popup to build your list.

      Good job so far.
      I just added a simple video. I couldn't keep the popup because the video is overlapping it for some odd reason. What do you think?
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    • Originally Posted by abrahamgpg View Post

      That's better.

      Still, try to use the recommendations 1, 2, 4, 7 from my previous post.

      Use Recommendation 1 in your popup to build your list.

      Good job so far.
      By the way, thank you for your suggestions. When I get the chance tomorrow, I'm going to add a different kind of exit popup to give away a chapter in the ebook. This should increase sales and allow me to collect email addresses.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rick88
        Always good to get suggestions. And as in all cases you should be testing to improve your results. Using A/B testing on a singular improvement at a time will help you discover what's working and what's not working.

        Basic marketing has never changed since the beginning in that it needs to be all about the prospect. The What's In It For Me motivation is what counts. Claude Hopkins once said that all boardroom discussions can be settled in the marketplace. I agree because more often than not what we think will work doesn't. That is why we must understand the prospects profile which includes their language and their emotional buttons aligned with credibility.
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