2 replies
As any experienced copywriter knows, using story in copy is a powerful way to persuade.

In this webinar, Daniel Levis gives an excellent explanation of "The Hero's Journey" type of story and how to use it in copy.

I don't think the webinar replay will be up long, so check it out while you can...

(not an affiliate link)


#hero #journey
  • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
    I just want to lend my support and endorsement of this training by Daniel Levis.

    I was given early pre-release access to Effortless Influence and it's an excellent product - absolutely worth the investment, IMO.

    Because I've been so buried for the last few months, I haven't been able to really pitch in on getting the word out about Effortless Influence but, for what it's worth, I think it's really, really solid course from one of the best in the business, bar none.

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  • Profile picture of the author paul wolfe

    Thanks for posting the link. Just finished listening to the webinar - really enjoyed it.

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