The Amazing Marketing Secret Of A Sexy Underwear Model

3 replies

Nanning, China
Thursday, 10:37 A.M.
December 1st 2011

Dear Warrior,

Do you see the picture of beautiful woman at the top of this webpage?

Whats going on here? Why am I sending you to a webpage with a beautiful woman at the top? Do I have a few screws loose?

Could be. Actually, I dont know if anybodys ever called me sane. Yet, there is a reason for it, im not completely crazy for doing this. Im trying to get your attention. What I want you to do is think of things that people pay attention to. I want you to know what it feels like to have someone grab your attention intentionally in print.

Dont brush it off. Ive just done it havent I.

Now, im going to show you how to do it as too. Isn't that great? Lets begin!

To begin with, you should already know one sure-fire way to get a mans attention that can dramatically increase the response rate of any ad campaign. Did you catch it? Im sure you did. Of course im referring to using pictures of beautiful women in your ad campaigns to improve your response.

Do you know what most people do in their advertising to get attention? Normally, the modus operandi is something like this: Hype up a bunch of benefits, put it in big red letters, and cross their fingers that it gets the prospects attention.


This is what they should do instead: They should come up with the most powerful, shocking, surprising ideas about what their prospects will pay attention to. Then find a way to hook these into their products benefits. Without adding hype to make it unbelievable. Without screaming that im about to try to sell you something. Without appearing scammy or low quality about anything.

It should be done the way I got your attention when you read this webpage. See? Take what will grab your readers attention and then find a way to tie it into your advertisement. Its not enough to just get attention. You must also make it relevant to what you're talking about. See how I connected the picture of the woman to this post? Did you notice how smoothly my copy went from the attention grabber to the copy?

You picked up on that right? Excellent. I had faith that you'd get all of it. I mean your reading MY post which shows you really are one of the brightest people in the online world.
#amazing #marketing #model #secret #sexy #underwear
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Actually I'm not too bright.

    I read through the entire post trying to figure out why this blonde bombshell was from Nanning, China. Talk about deceptive marketing.....
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    You have to be careful with that type of advertising especially if it's your own list.

    Many people would that deceptive.

    Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, bud...lolol
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  • Profile picture of the author maximus242
    Yes this is why the case is made to make it relevant. And were not just talking about women in underwear. Its about a shift in mindset towards thinking about, what types of things are going to get my prospects attention immediately - and how can I apply this in a way thats relevant to my advertising?

    Its about moving away from doing the same old damned thing as every other dog out there and putting a big old hype filled headline hoping itll work. Instead, get their attention with something that will really get their attention. Then get them interested by saying something interesting. Build desire for what you have to sell. Then ask them to take action.

    xResponsive Advertising Agency | Direct Marketing | Online Advertising | Create Breakthrough Campaigns for Your Business

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