What's wrong with Paypal?

23 replies
I saw on Susana Hutcheson's page that she doesn't accept Paypal or credit cards, just EFT, company check, money order or certified bank check.

Do any of you guys also do this?

From her website:

"You may pay by Company check, EFT, Money Order or certified bank check. We don't accept credit cards or PayPal. And, as I'm sure you can understand, we don't give refunds and don't make guarantees."
#paypal #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    I think you answered your own question with the snippet from her site. lol
    And, as I'm sure you can understand, we don't give refunds and don't make guarantees."
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  • Profile picture of the author sanjaypande
    With PayPal it's disputes and with credit cards it's chargebacks and with both it's fairly high fees.

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  • Profile picture of the author KillerJR96
    I personally find PayPal to be the easiest payment method but they will do many things to get more money from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviaHoang
    Do you guys use Paypal or no? Just EFTs, money orders, and checks for you guys? I'm trying to see which payment method I should use in my own business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
      The more the merrier.

      If people want to give you money, why make it hard for them?

      Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail-> www.salescomefirst.com
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
        Originally Posted by Hugh Thyer View Post

        The more the merrier.

        If people want to give you money, why make it hard for them?
        My thoughts exactly.

        If my bank let me accept livestock as a form of payment, I would.

        As for the PayPal fees, you could always have your client pay you by doing a mass pay. Personally, I just write off the processing fees as a business expense each year.

        In terms of PayPal, you definitely want a Business account instead of a personal one. There's a difference in how quickly PayPal responds if you have a dispute as I've always gotten faster response times with my Business account over my personal one.

        Years ago, I started with a personal PayPal account and got a phone call about my account receiving a $400 payment from a client. They wanted to know if it was a legit purchase. Apparently personal accounts get policed closely on the size of payments received.

        In contrast, I've run thousands of dollars through my business PayPal account every month for years and have never had a problem handling any transaction size or volume.

        Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author WiFi
    A lot of us vendors are having problems with PayPal and their constant limitations asking for constant verification. Maybe that has something to do with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      It could be due to not wanting the potential of chargebacks/disputes and the cost of fees.

      Could be she lost her paypal account or can't get one and doesn't want to pay for a credit card processor.

      Could be she's old school.

      What one writer does doesn't reflect on paypal or credit cards that I can see. I get 3-4 figure checks from writing clients through paypal with no problems.

      Do NOT use a personal Paypal account - upgrade to Business account. Read enough on the site to understand how paypal works and if there is a problem, work with them to solve it.

      Most buyers I've found would rather pay through paypal (fast and easy) than write a check or buy a money order to mail.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author OliviaHoang
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        It could be due to not wanting the potential of chargebacks/disputes and the cost of fees.

        Could be she lost her paypal account or can't get one and doesn't want to pay for a credit card processor.

        Could be she's old school.

        What one writer does doesn't reflect on paypal or credit cards that I can see. I get 3-4 figure checks from writing clients through paypal with no problems.

        Do NOT use a personal Paypal account - upgrade to Business account. Read enough on the site to understand how paypal works and if there is a problem, work with them to solve it.

        Most buyers I've found would rather pay through paypal (fast and easy) than write a check or buy a money order to mail.

        What's better about the Business Paypal account vs. the personal one? I've heard Google Checkout had really good service, and Susanna also uses Amazon Payments for her marketing consulting service.

        She IS old school though, so that may be why she's against paypal/c.c..
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  • Profile picture of the author anand85
    Personally, I'm always a little mystified when I hear of folks who don't like Paypal, or who are afraid of it. You just have to treat it for what it is: another on-line banking service. Personally I find it fast, convenient and reliable.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowring
      Paypal is friction-free. You give potential client your Paypal address at the end of your initial consultation. They send funds often within minutes. Now they are locked into your schedule, their copywriter problem solved; and you just got paid upfront.

      --- Ross
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  • Profile picture of the author abugah
    It depends on the business model one goes for.

    However, if you decline to accept cards or PayPal when you have the ability to do so, I have no doubt you would be leaving money on the table.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Guess it's just the outrageous fees, just got a $1k payment in PayPal, had to pay ~$39 in fees, damn..
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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
      Originally Posted by Eduard Stinga View Post

      Guess it's just the outrageous fees, just got a $1k payment in PayPal, had to pay ~$39 in fees, damn..
      Outrageous? 3.9% for being able to quickly and easily accept money from almost anyone, anywhere in the world?

      For me, that's an excellent service and a great deal.

      Andrew Gould

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    ^^ My thoughts exactly.

    Who the hell complains about spending 39 dollars to receive 1,000 dollars?

    Obviously this guy has never dealt with a Western Union. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Yes, I use Paypal and have never had a problem with it. Sometimes it asks to confirm that I want to receive a payment, which is tedious. But hey, who knows what kind of person might try to dump money into my account in exchange for effective writing that boosts their sales. I might want to say No.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hils
      Another good thing about Paypal is you don't have to worry about maintaining the financial information since they take the order and collect the payment and store the information. Plus it's so easy to create an order button, personally I think the convenience alone is worth the small transaction fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    Given her phrasing, it implies someone hit her up for a refund in the past and she refused. And then someone disputed and either were successful and she's proactively disallow credit in the future.

    Or she lost her PayPal and/or merchant account in the process and is not able to process transactions.

    Generally speaking, the reason people do this is to have more control over the refund process. Generally speaking, the processors side with the customer when there is a dispute.

    - Rick Duris
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  • Profile picture of the author Hostpany
    Paypal sucks if you don't have a business license.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackMetal
    Paypal is all too often a pain in the ass, especially for sellers. More trouble than its worth, even when you are 100% in the right, Paypal very often takes your money and holds it/keeps it permanently, making it very difficult to get back, which is why many people call it a scam.
    I swore I would never use it on my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
    PayPal have a reputation for "freezing" accounts and keeping the money.

    I know two close friends of mine who hate it (though both still use it).

    I've never had any problems, but I also only leave a couple of hundred bucks in there in case someone freezes my account for no reason... so if they did try to screw me it wouldn't be a major hassle.

    It's your call, Olivia - don't sweat a detail like this too much. But for what it's worth, I don't know anyone (personally) who doesn't take PayPal.


    Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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  • Profile picture of the author paul_1
    Paypal does have fees that you need to deal with. If your market is worldwide, your customer has to deal with lower than the actual and prevailing currency exchange rate.
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