Is this the Worst Sales Page ever written?
I'm a long time fan of the copywriting forum and I have finally got up the courage to ask for a little bit of guidance on one of my first copywriting projects. I promise not to cry too much!
I've worked through Chris Ramsey's awesome Checklist thread and have tried to implement all the advice in there. I'm now hoping for some specific advice about where I'm screwing up.
My sales letter is for a marathon training product and is here:
Briefly about the demographic I'm targetting for this product (based on my research):
- Age of 35 to 45
- 60% men, 40% women
- Income over $100k per year
- Educated at least to College level
Thanks so much in advance.
EDIT - link is in Signature on my post 2 below. Thanks to travlinguy for the tip.
Andrew Gould
Andrew Gould
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