The Biggest Copywriting Secret Anyone Will Ever Tell You

by max5ty
16 replies
There are times when someone will do a title and then say, "Just Kidding".

This one is for real.

If you can master what I'm gonna tell'll make a fortune.

We're all working towards making some money...

Some think I'm all about money...I'm not.

I have an old jalopy I sometimes drive...I usually just wear jeans and a T-Shirt.

Get to know me and you'll believe me

I could give a crap about money.

To me money is just something that happens when you do what you love.

When you do what you love...and you're passionate about is your last concern.


Here's the secret.

First -- let me say this...

It seems there are those who think "copywriting" is about a long sales letter.

It's not.

Copywriting is about selling.

It can be a picture with a couple words.

It can be a song.

It could be the script for a movie.

Maybe a poem.

Pi**ed off?

Are you wanting to think it's all about long letters or fancy websites?

Every good copywriter is a good marketer...but not every good marketer is a good copywriter.

You may need to read the last sentence again.

Here's my point.

You need to start thinking like a "real" copywriter.

There's been a million times I've seen someone trying to sell a product...and I've thought -- I could sell more with just a picture and a few sentences.

It's all about emotion.

I know most will say...I've heard that a million times.

If you've heard it a million times and you're still broke, than you haven't put it to work yet.


Make me cry, make me upset, make me sad, make me happy, make me fall in love, make me want you, make me want your product, make me upset, make me think about an old girlfriend, make me think about a bad relationship, make me remember about when I was an addict, make me think about when I was homeless, make me think about when I was laughed at, make me think about when I was lonely, make me think about when I was hungry, make me think about when I was the joke of the party, make me think about when I was worried about dying....etc.

Read what you've written.

You say...god I just can't let it all hang's embarrasing...I can't be that personal...what will they think of me...they'll think I'm weird...crazy...wacko...

If you're that type of person...go home.

You won't make it in marketing.

I'm a copywriter...some say...I'm a just a marketer...takes me back to what I said about every copywriter is a good marketer, but not every marker is a good copywriter.

So excuse me if I don't fit into your definition of copywriting...I'm doing OK.

I've made so many people big money...I've helped a few music groups market their stuff...I've sold a ton of clothes for some of the biggest outlets in the world.

The biggest secret ingredient I always used...emotion.

Appreciate everyone that reads my posts.

I know I said I retired (which I did), but I've got some interesting things coming up this year.

Guess I can be talked into things

Happy New Year!

Love You All.
#biggest #copywriting #secret
  • Profile picture of the author Doceye
    Great post, Maxie. And a very Happy New Year to you as well.

    It is emotion, pure and simple. It's all in how you wrap it up for the folks you're trying to convince.

    Oh, scheise! Is that the Copy Nazi I hear circling above us in his Stuka?


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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Doceye View Post

      Great post, Maxie. And a very Happy New Year to you as well.

      Oh, scheise! Is that the Copy Nazi I hear circling above us in his Stuka?


      Who cares?

      The copy Nazi doesn't own the Bentley's I do.


      I have the ability to be at his doorstep in minutes with my Citation.

      He's a good guy...

      But not as good as me...

      I've got the cash to prove him wrong.
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      • Profile picture of the author Doceye
        Hmm. I don't know, Max.

        Given there are so few flyable Ju 87's left in the world, I'm thinking Mal may actually have a plane worth more than your Citation X.

        Plus his can drop real 500 lb. bombs.

        Either way, I'm still running for cover.

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        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Doceye View Post

          Hmm. I don't know, Max.

          Given there are so few flyable Ju 87's left in the world, I'm thinking Mal may actually have a plane worth more than your Citation X.

          Plus his can drop real 500 lb. bombs.

          Either way, I'm still running for cover.


          Mal's good at what he does...but not as good as me

          I don't understand why everyone's so afraid of him...

          He doesn't like me either...he usually flags all my posts.

          He only has an audience from those who's afraid of him.

          If I wasn't a multi-millionaire from my marketing skills...I'd probably give a crap about him.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    While I 100% agree that you have to go for the emotional jugular...

    ...Getting there is the REAL secret.

    You can just blindly try to elicit the emotions of your prospects by telling stories.

    If you want to REACH those DEEP down emotions that compel people to step outside of their comfort zones and TAKE ACTION...

    ...You have to trigger their BELIEFS & JUDGMENTS!

    That means, you absolutely MUST research or already know what predominant beliefs your target audience harbors.

    You can't and you WON'T successfully communicate the value and benefits of your product or service UNLESS you can create a sense of immense CONSEQUENCE to drive the conversion.

    People's beliefs MUST be challenged to elicit the kind of emotion worthy of ANY converting authority website or sales letter.

    And of course...

    ...You're also using your awareness of their beliefs and judgments to get your prospects nodding YES when you want them to.

    But the bottom line is:


    Not understanding this basic fundamental truth makes Max's post (or secret) inert.

    By the way...

    ...When I say CONSEQUENCE, I mean you have to demonstrate and animate how life WITHOUT your product or service is worse.

    You can allow your prospects to BELIEVE they can just walk away from your offer!


    P.S. Stop wanking Mal. It's getting a little perverse!

    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Reflection Marketing View Post

      While I 100% agree that you have to go for the emotional jugular...

      ...Getting there is the REAL secret.

      You can just blindly try to elicit the emotions of your prospects by telling stories.

      If you want to REACH those DEEP down emotions that compel people to step outside of their comfort zones and TAKE ACTION...

      ...You have to trigger their BELIEFS & JUDGMENTS!

      That means, you absolutely MUST research or already know what predominant beliefs your target audience harbors.

      You can't and you WON'T successfully communicate the value and benefits of your product or service UNLESS you can create a sense of immense CONSEQUENCE to drive the conversion.

      People's beliefs MUST be challenged to elicit the kind of emotion worthy of ANY converting authority website or sales letter.

      And of course...

      ...You're also using your awareness of their beliefs and judgments to get your prospects nodding YES when you want them to.

      But the bottom line is:


      Not understanding this basic fundamental truth makes Max's post (or secret) inert.

      By the way...

      ...When I say CONSEQUENCE, I mean you have to demonstrate and animate how life WITHOUT your product or service is worse.

      You can allow your prospects to BELIEVE they can just walk away from your offer!


      P.S. Stop wanking Mal. It's getting a little perverse!
      Most don't get what I'm saying.

      Reflection Marketing does.

      Read his post.
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  • Profile picture of the author zaccks
    Nice post. That's a good inspiration to copywriters. am not a copywriter but almost everyday i hired a copywriter.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      People don't like being sold to?


      Everyone loves being sold to.

      They want to be sold to.

      They want people to stroke their ego.

      Their ego is made up of, guess what?





      You name it. It's all emotion.

      Even a point of view. We're still trying to sell, an opinion.

      Persuasion. It's all about persuasive sharing of knowledge gained.

      Adding value to other people's lives, those who might undiscovered may / could just agree with us in the future.

      Like attracting like.

      Sold! Hook, line and sinker.

      People group together with other individuals and communities who bring value to the table.

      They want reinforcement of their core beliefs. Their emotions.

      If you believe something in your heart of hearts...

      If you have an alternative point of view which might agree with my core emotions, I want you to persuade me to agree with you. For in doing so, you bring higher value to my life. You add meaning to my life.

      You help me to reinforce my own core emotions and understanding when you sell emotion to me.

      I want you to sell me your opinion.

      I want my emotions switched on.

      You do it.

      I do it.

      Everybody does it.

      And for those we ultimately end up agreeing with... value is created. The marketplace is enriched. And I, you, move on with a greater sense of clarity and a sense of purpose in life.

      Life is an exchange. Experiences. Ups. Downs. This, that and the other.

      Insincerity is dry.

      Insincerity, lack of belief results in boring copy. Copy which doesn't persuade.

      Get right into the product on offer. What is the one single core emotion you're trying to stir up?

      Focus in on this like a laser.

      Agitate it.

      Bring it forward.

      Play with it.

      Bounce it around.

      Make it do something... anything inside me.

      Excite me.

      Make me sad...




      Just do whatever you have to, to make your words come alive.

      And I'm more likely to believe the sincerity behind...

      ...whatever YOU have to say.


      Mark Andrews
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      • Profile picture of the author perryny
        Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

        Everyone loves being sold to.

        They want to be sold to.
        "People don't like to be sold. They like to buy." - Frank Bettger (and Jeffrey Gitomer)
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      • Profile picture of the author EricMN
        Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

        People don't like being sold to?


        Everyone loves being sold to.

        They want to be sold to.

        [. . .]

        Just do whatever you have to make your words come alive.

        And I'm more likely to believe the sincerity behind...

        ...whatever YOU have to say.


        Mark Andrews

        Agreed, and very well put, Mark.

        I find that the only reason why people don't want to be sold is because of the stigma of a salesperson that nearly everyone cringes to -- that stereotype of the flashy smile, awful intonation, and an uncanny ability to pop up when you want them the least.

        Which, by the way, is doing it WRONG.

        Selling someone on anything, whether it be a product, an opinion, a ballot, a subscription . . .

        I think once the sale is made -- that is, the person has decided to buy -- it's like Christmas (or opening any anymous/surprise gift).

        It's a discovery!

        People love realizing new things that interest them, finding about what can solve their problems, discovering the answer to their plagues and burdens. It's a discovery . . . something the salesman has unveiled.

        Then the prospect does a

        "Holy S***, you're right!"

        Getting there is about uncovering the emotions and beliefs and all the finer points. But the moment when the switch flicks is the gift, and it's a pretty solid feeling . . . for both parties.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Warriors
    So true.

    Some entrepreneurs are able to develop a loyal, cultlike following around their business just because they describe their products with such passion that it becomes infections. If you, as a copywriter, can create that for your clients, you'll end up very successful in your own right.
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  • Profile picture of the author egrovesys
    All your post explaining how a copywriter should be in his profession and how can he carry out his life goal in a selected path. nice to hear all of those words. thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    I could give a crap about money.

    To me money is just something that happens when you do what you love.

    When you do what you love...and you're passionate about is your last concern.
    Followed by -
    The copy Nazi doesn't own the Bentley's I do.


    I have the ability to be at his doorstep in minutes with my Citation.

    He's a good guy...

    But not as good as me...

    I've got the cash to prove him wrong.
    I might point out, that in the last year or so that Mister Anonymous has been posting has seen even an inkling of his so-called copy...or his world-beating marketing campaigns...his 200 employees...his imaginary Citation Jet...his supposed stable of Bentleys (there is no apostrophe after "y"), Maseratis, Lambos, mansions and the rest of the pie-in-the-sky this guy continually serves up.

    There is no evidence, campers - not even a doctored screenshot or photo-shopped piccie. Nothing.

    And yet - there you are...the gullible...lapping it up. Wanting to believe the "American Dream". Without one iota of an essential ingredient - P-R-O-O-F.

    Wake up you lemmings! It's the blind leading the blind. Can you not see that?

    As for "The Biggest Copywriting Secret"'s more than "emotions" - that's straight out of Copywriting 101.

    If you want it served up as a "secret" - here it is -

    make them love you

    Seduce your audience. If you were a guy wanting to date a girl would you start BSing about your fancy car...your high-powered job...your mansion...and the size of your you-know-what.

    Well you might. If you were a jerk.

    But I'm thinking you might have more success if you were to amuse the girl...make interesting interested in her life and what she has to in your deeds what a good guy you her with something - give of yourself.

    Its the same with your prospects - whether you're writing words or speaking on a video.

    Seduce your audience. Make them rabid admirers and followers. Whether its a business...a service or just a personality you're flogging - seduce them - make them love you (or your business) to the point where they'll say "I don't care what he's selling - I'm buying". And not just once - but over and over.

    If you can do that for your clients - you've got it made.
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  • Profile picture of the author RickDuris
    What I find pretty amusing is Max5ty repeatedly trying to commandeer Curly's strategy. Remember in City Slickers?...

    Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?
    [holds up one finger]
    Curly: This.
    Mitch: Your finger?
    Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don't mean ****.
    Mitch: But, what is the "one thing?"
    Curly: [smiles] That's what *you* have to find out.

    Max5ty, on several different occassions now, has shared with us what the "one thing" is.

    My opinion?

    When it comes to writing copy, there is no one single thing. Believe that, and you're gullible.

    I think the ideas others have contributed on this thread are just as essential as max5ty's. Perhaps more so. And there's a ton more.

    - Rick Duris

    PS: I don't disagree with Max5ty about the element of emotion. I disagree with his positioning of the strategy as "the one thing."

    Funny thing is, Max5ty has made several posts and "the one thing" is different each time. Which pretty much proves my point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin G
    Great posts here - a lot of truth. I think it is a combination of emotion, value and many other factors. That is why great copywriters are so prized.
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