Copywriter's Business Booster # 1

11 replies
Hey Copywriters,

2012 New Year's Resolution to Breathe NEW LIFE into this forum!

Let's create a thread a week to inspire and revitalize ALL of us!

What I am asking you to kindly do... Is to take just a moment of your time and post something that you feel was new, innovative or inspired you this past week. (Or if you don't have something new, then post something you've used that you feel helped you through a rough spot in your copywriting career.

Most anything that is POSITIVE, that you would want to share.

Just think for a moment any advice you received or gave that would help other copywriters to use in their quest for improving their copywritng skills.

Or reviews of copywriting products you have bought.
Or other tidbits for helping copywriters market their business.
Even templates you have used for your copywritng business or links to websites that offer these.

The deal here is NOT self promotion, but a kind sharing of some of those gems we all use every day in our successful business.

Please join me and respond by posting any new conversion tricks, tips and related copywriting links you've tried each week. (If you don't want to name specific names, website links, then don't).

The big idea for all of this is just to share!

I'm sure we all get great stuff in our email, or through our business work that is something new -- that intrigued us or we tried and tested -- that worked or -- didn't work for us.

If you have certain questions or topics for threads you would like to see more of, then just let me know, and I will try to find info on it and post a thread on it each week.

Now I am not doing this to be a big shot or for my own self promotion, if you know me, then you know that's not my way.

What I want to do is give back to this community that helped me so long ago and pushed me to be inspired to build my own copywritng business.

Let's all make a 2012 New Year's Resolution to give back.

It doesn't have to be much, just a tip you use, or a couple of lines of advice or a link or two that would help someone with their copywriting business or the marketing of their business.

Please join all of us on this forum to make it a place where we all want to HANG OUT more.

I thank you in advance for your taking the time to contribute and for your copywriting tips post.

Here is my first tip.

# 1. A "Red Flag" keyword for a SPAM filter.
Sometimes obvious "red flag" keywords get through because spammers are taking the offending workd and joining it with the next word.

So instead of saying:
"Make Money With Copywriting"

They say:

"MakeMoney With Copywriting"

Or, instead of:

"CLick Here Now!" ( A HUGE spam filter red flag)

They might say:

"ClickHere Now!"

Now to be honest I haven't done a whole lot of testing with this other than to run these phrases through spam assassin. And usually it doesn't recognize them. (At least not yet anyway... ) So it may be worth doing some testing on yoru own (legitimate) email campaigns if your email delivery rates are low because of overzealous spam filters.

Please list your tip below. Thanks in advance for your suppport!

#booster #business #copywriter #email #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Hey Jennie! Love your energy!

    I saw you did some work for Bob Proctor... great stuff!

    Anyway, my tip is to treat your body like a sanctuary - because a clear mind and healthy body is always ripe with million dollar ideas.

    Every morning when I wake up, I drop any agenda I have, roll out my yoga mat, feel my breath and try to reach my own little zero point... or go on a walk/run and get jacked for the day!

    I get all kinds of inspiration for writing that makes me money when I take the time to make sure my body FEELS GOOD.

    A successful person is ALWAYS giving back to him or her self.

    And remember, writer's write, but they probably THINK more than just about anyone.

    Writers almost always narrate their lives as if they're the ones drafting reality.

    Everything you read or any advertisements you see, you're always looking at how it could have been done better.


    When you have a clear mind, your natural aptitude for producing ideas increases and you can be more effective in writing down your ingenious copy.

    You know how it is...

    ...You can be sitting at your desk forcing the words to come out...


    ...You can get an idea so inspiring that your fingers can hardly keep up!

    The more you give to yourself, the more you have to pour into your writing.

    You can't keep making withdraws and never make any deposits;-)

    I know this is more on the mindset side of writing, but man, it makes all the difference in the world - if being successful is your intention that is!

    Mark Pescetti

    P.S. Drop the coffee and start drinking Ginko Biloba tea and MASSIVE amounts of water! The more oxygenation you have pushing blood to your brain, the better and clearer your ideas are. Coffee just depletes your body and hyper-exhausts your adrenals.

    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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    • Profile picture of the author Jennie Heckel
      Thanks for your tip! Totally agree with the drinking more water too, I am an herbalist so really to know what you are saying... "Clear the mind -- and your copywriting is effortless!"
      ******* WSO & JV ZOO COPYWRITER -- VLS & SALES LETTERS PROVEN TO CONVERT ******* Get Higher Profits From Launches That SELL! Proven Copywriter with 17 Years of Copywriting Experience. Contact Me Via Skype: seoexpertconsulting Copywriting Website:

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      • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
        Gotta admire your enthusiasm but there's no point creating threads for the sake of creating threads.

        This is all about copy, not content after all.

        People who need help or have things to discuss post. They get good quality information from experienced players.

        Why make it something people clearly don't want it to be?

        Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
          Originally Posted by Hugh Thyer View Post

          Gotta admire your enthusiasm but there's no point creating threads for the sake of creating threads.

          This is all about copy, not content after all.

          People who need help or have things to discuss post. They get good quality information from experienced players.

          Why make it something people clearly don't want it to be?
          What are you talking about?

          It takes people asking questions and contributing their unique creative & intellectual assets to make this forum standout.

          And really, what's the point of posting your comment if you don't have anything to positively contribute?

          Yes, this is copywriting.

          What's with the content comment?

          And just like TravlinGuy said in the mindset sub-forum, "The problem is, most people don't understand that success comes from the inside. So they spend their time and money working various business models without having the proper mindset."

          Even though Jennie didn't start this thread for the possibility of me posting about the mind/body connection, her desire to reach out created the space for it to exist... and so much more!

          You may as well have posted something of value, rather than being a Debbie Downer... wah weh.

          Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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          • Profile picture of the author Hugh Thyer
            Perhaps I was being harsh. There have been a couple of comments about how slow this sub-forum is. But that allows more detailed discussion on the topics raised rather than have things scroll off the screen in 30 minutes.

            My point is simply not creating posts for the sake of creating more activity. I'd rather not see 30 new threads every morning simply so there is more going on. The conversation here is very targeted.

            So sorry Deb if I've taken it the wrong way.

            Ever wondered how copywriters work with their clients? I've answered that very question in detail->
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
            Originally Posted by Reflection Marketing View Post

            What are you talking about?
            To be fair to Hugh, Mark - I thought he raised a fair point.

            There's been more than a few posters here who have been contributing high quality threads and posts here month in and month out, you two included, for ages.

            When an absent poster pops up, saying in effect, you guys need to be more positive, let's share more good stuff (as though it's been non-existent) seems just a tiny bit 'cheeky'.

            Fact is, the truth is... every day there has been a gem or two posted up if others are just willing to look for the information. It is these stalwarts of the CW forum who have kept this place going through both busy times and quiet times.

            As with any other large forum, things go around in cycles. Ups and downs.

            Of course everyone would welcome more quality and more professionalism but it's the nature of the beast for the place to go through various stages of growth and development. It's just the way it is. It's not like this forum has been one giant bitch-fest all this time. Things have simply changed.

            Go back 3-4 years and it was almost purely the professional copywriters posting in this section and thankfully, a huge amount of very, very high quality information was being posted up.

            Over time and especially so in the past 12 months, more and more newbies are posting now in this section. And with it by their sheer numbers, a lot of not very high quality advice has been given out.

            Now the old hands, they don't want to keep posting up the same information over and over again. They've already moved on to new found knowledge.

            Whereas the newbies, guys who believe they're the next hot shot (without putting any of the hard work in) just keep on churning out the same old lines. And so it appears that the forum has gone downhill. As I said, you just need to dig a bit more now to find and locate the real gems of advice in this section but they're still there.

            And kudos to all of the regular copywriters who have continued to post in this section without taking a break. It's their efforts here which have often gone under appreciated.


            Mark Andrews
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            • Profile picture of the author Jennie Heckel
              In reference to the comments... I do appreciate them as I am sure they come from the heart.

              And to all the great copywriters that struggle to post a thread and keep this forum alive (and have a thicker skin than me) --I give my sincere thanks!

              Your contributions to continue to GIVE AND GIVE to keep this forum alive are what gave me the courage to even post this thread.

              I thank you for this extra effort as I know it can't be easy....

              I have been on this forum for a long while (way before 2005) and I have been a member since 2009. I DO know what you are talking about as far as the senior copywriters giving of themselves.

              Sadly, much of that is gone...

              My mission in this thread was to get "NEW COPYWRITING GOLD" discussions back into this forum.

              Yes, I do see what you mean I was not calling out to those of YOU WHO ARE contributing, I am calling out to those who take and use the info freely given here and do not give back...

              I am sorry if any of you took offense -- it was not meant to be that at all...

              As far as the comments about popping up and writing I have visited this forum many times over the years since I joined in 2009. The problem was many of the threads were just ego stroking and bashing... That was a huge turn off for me as I am sure it is with many here. (I wonder what a new member thinks when they join?)

              I have posted and been thanked for my copy critiques many times in the past. I have freely given many hours of my time here. Just check my stats. So I have done my share in the past to help people in their search for help and been glad to do it.

              I have over 14 years experience writing copy and being paid well for it. I have plenty to share as I am sure you do. All I ask is you start sharing it, (please understand for those of you who DO, my sincere thanks!)

              You mentioned that there are a couple people who consistently share, I do agree a couple do, but there should be dozens more. And these copywriters WOULD share if they were not bashed everytime they stared a thread. Enough said.

              My goal was to create a thread that would be for NEW IDEAS not all the old stuff those of us that have been here a long time have seen over and over again. Something to inspire us, and help the newbies who need the help only we can give.

              Busy copywriters don't have the TIME to take from our businesses to go through thousands of old threads to find those gems you are talking about and most newbies are too impatient to do that either.

              It is hard to even FIND those GEMS you are referring to...

              I know because before I started this thread I thought long and hard on it. I almost didn't because I knew in my heart what responses I would receive. Just what I got -- which saddens me...

              I spent 3 HOURS looking for gems before I created this thread and the few I found were very limited... they were gems all right but I was appauled at how few I found...

              I felt the copywriters that are contributing each month have hearts of gold... and were giving back because that is the kind, warm and giving people they are.

              Those are the people I want to connect with.

              That was again the driving force on this thread -- for like Vin Montello says "Just Tell Me About all the New Stuff that Works!" Vin is a great guy and I love his Clambake webinars. Don't know about them? Well if the responses I had gotten were warm and kind then I would have felt motivated to have filled everyone here in on those too and much more!

              And if I wouldn't have felt reprimanded for starting this thread. Instead I would decided that contributing on this forum has changed... and that it was worth my taking my valuable time to give of my experience and contacts... alas the responses tell me otherwise...

              Copywriting is changing -- new and innovative methods of persuasion are popping up all over, especially on the Web. I wanted to discuss new ideas copywriters that are sucessful here. Not old ideas we all know and have heard before...

              Let's try to get together to offer new ideas, new things to try and just discuss these new ideas in a thread that is more targeted - with a recurring thread name so people can find it!

              So people don't have to open tons of threads to get "new gem of knowledge" here and there and have to wade through all the other stuff that just pulls a person down.

              None of us need that.

              I do appreciate your comments. Please be postive in any replys...


              ******* WSO & JV ZOO COPYWRITER -- VLS & SALES LETTERS PROVEN TO CONVERT ******* Get Higher Profits From Launches That SELL! Proven Copywriter with 17 Years of Copywriting Experience. Contact Me Via Skype: seoexpertconsulting Copywriting Website:

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              • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
                Easiest thing to do is to simply use the Advanced Search Function.

                Click on Search, select Advanced Search and select Copywriting Forum from the drop down list on the right.

                Search by Username, select Find Threads Started by User and pop in there any one of the below names and you'll see plenty of superb advice appear instantly...

                Scott Murdaugh

                Dean Dhuli

                Mr Subtle

                Vin Montello

                Brian Cassingena

                Mark Andrews

                Mark McClure

                Dorothy Pecson

                John S

                Rick Duris

                Brian McLeod

                Mark Pocock

                Ken Strong


                Bruce Wedding

                Loren Woirhaye

                Daniel Scott

                Kevin Rogers

                Alan Carr

                The Copy Nazi

                Kyle Tully

                Matt O'Connor

                Brian Keith Voiles

                Ross Bowring

                Stephen Dean

                Kevin Lam

                Mike Humphreys

                Cherilyn Woodhouse

                Jack Bastide

                Paul Hancox

                Alex Cohen

                Ken Caudill

                Bill Jeffels


                Ray Edwards

                David Raybould

                Mark Pescetti

                Andrew Cavanagh

                Paul Myers

                Hugh Thyer

                Chris Ramsey

                Lance K

                Danielle Lynn


                Matt Jutras

                Omar Khafagy

                Robert Boduch

                Tim Castleman

                David Babineau



                Mark Andrews
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                • Profile picture of the author Jennie Heckel

                  Excellent reply.

                  I doubt many of the new members are aware of all these fine contributors.

                  Thanks again for this list.
                  ******* WSO & JV ZOO COPYWRITER -- VLS & SALES LETTERS PROVEN TO CONVERT ******* Get Higher Profits From Launches That SELL! Proven Copywriter with 17 Years of Copywriting Experience. Contact Me Via Skype: seoexpertconsulting Copywriting Website:

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                  • Profile picture of the author Jennie Heckel
                    Does anyone have any other noteworthy copywriters who were not on this list?

                    If so please feel free to add them so that we can complie a complete list for all to use and benefit from.

                    I certainly will take Mark's advice and do some Advanced searches of my own to unearth more of the "gems"!
                    ******* WSO & JV ZOO COPYWRITER -- VLS & SALES LETTERS PROVEN TO CONVERT ******* Get Higher Profits From Launches That SELL! Proven Copywriter with 17 Years of Copywriting Experience. Contact Me Via Skype: seoexpertconsulting Copywriting Website:

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  • Profile picture of the author AlanCarr
    Hey, what's wrong with taking a break?

    Some of us have work to do


    This man is living his dream. Are you...?

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