Where else do you hang out?

10 replies
This forum is an incredible place to hang. I would easily say it's the best mastermind group for marketing and business building I've ever been a part of.

Are there other similar venues you participate in - on-line or off? Ones dedicated specifically towards advertising and copywriting?

Someone once recommended to me that I check out my local chapter of Glazer-Kennedy Insider Circle. I will.

I've also joined some LinkedIn groups, but I don't see any familiar names there. At least no one participating in the active discussions.

A few of the threads here recently really got me thinking about the positive impact being a part of this community has had on my life. It'd be cool to expand on that.

  • Profile picture of the author trustedWFhelper
    Hi rob, what are the posts that got you thinking?

    And I agree there are many places to hang out but lacking the focus especially on areas you mentioned. Particularly copywriting.
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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    Hey Rob,

    You mention you are in some LinkedIn groups. Have you joined "Claude C. Hopkins Copywriter" group?

    It's comprised of the best of the best in the business and run by Ryan McGrath.

    At last count we had over 1000+ members and I believe the group has switched over to open now.

    The insightful discussions can lead to valuable networking opportunities and the water's fine.

    => Stay tuned...

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    • Profile picture of the author perryny
      Originally Posted by DougBarger View Post

      Hey Rob,

      You mention you are in some linkedin groups. Have you joined "Claude C. Hopkins Copywriter" group?
      Just applied. Membership is pending approval, so it doesn't seem to be open yet. I think that's probably a good thing.

      Thanks, Doug.

      Edit: Just found this a few posts in...

      "When I joined this group, I was very excited, especially when copywriters I look up to started joining in.

      But then on the same token, we had the TROLLS enter the conversation as well...

      When I joined this group, I was really looking forward to people helping people out and engaging in intriguing discussions, but now it’s devolved into a sectarian free-for-all...

      This is quite sad….what we’re starting to have now is a cliquey circle jerk."

      Such is life on the web.
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      • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
        Originally Posted by perryny View Post

        Just applied. Membership is pending approval, so it doesn't seem to be open yet. I think that's probably a good thing.

        Thanks, Doug.

        Edit: Just found this a few posts in...

        "When I joined this group, I was very excited, especially when copywriters I look up to started joining in.

        But then on the same token, we had the TROLLS enter the conversation as well...

        When I joined this group, I was really looking forward to people helping people out and engaging in intriguing discussions, but now it's devolved into a sectarian free-for-all...

        This is quite sad....what we're starting to have now is a cliquey circle jerk."

        Such is life on the web.
        Certainly Rob.(I hadn't noticed the cliquey stuff or the post about it.)

        => Stay tuned...

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
    I find most of my masterminding is done one-on-one or in small groups with good friends (who are in the biz, obviously).

    We usually talk over Skype, but sometimes via email or even FaceBook!

    It really helps cut out all the posers and time-wasters and just gets you talking to like-minded (though not TOO like-minded) people.


    Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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  • Profile picture of the author Omar Khafagy
    Well I may as well toot my own horn a little here... The Copywriting Board is a forum dedicated specifically to advertising.

    Though the board has in the past been primarily guided by direct response discussions, I'm working to broaden its horizons.

    I'd love to see more of you there.

    Omar Khafagy
    Administrator of www.CopywritingBoard.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Brendanm
    Google "top 10 x" that always works lol.
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    • Profile picture of the author Centurian
      Originally Posted by DougBarger View Post

      Hey Rob,

      You mention you are in some LinkedIn groups. Have you joined "Claude C. Hopkins Copywriter" group?

      It's comprised of the best of the best in the business and run by Ryan McGrath.

      At last count we had over 1000+ members and I believe the group has switched over to open now.

      The insightful discussions can lead to valuable networking opportunities and the water's fine.
      Thanks Doug. Will do too. BTW, love your logo and tagline in your sig.

      Originally Posted by Omar Khafagy View Post

      Well I may as well toot my own horn a little here... The Copywriting Board is a forum dedicated specifically to advertising.

      Though the board has in the past been primarily guided by direct response discussions, I'm working to broaden its horizons.

      I'd love to see more of you there.
      Omar. Have pen will travel. To your board no less. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    Omar's a great one. Heck of a nice guy and I think recently upgraded the software
    over at his CopywritingBoard.
    I've enjoyed the discussions there.

    Thanks Centurian. I asked and they love you too.

    => Stay tuned...

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